The Great CEO's Wife is a Gangster

Chapter 15 : I'll do it my way!

Chapter 15 : I'll do it my way!


Aisha packed some stuffs for their overnight stay at the ancestral mansion. She also helped Ethan chose an appropriate outfit. She was afraid that Ethan might bring his tailored business suits instead.


"Don't bring your work stuffs along. This should be a family mini-vacation!" Aisha demanded while Ethan shrugged. Also, Aisha checked her son's backpack. At least Eli knew the things he needed for the overnight stay.

"Hmmm … did we forget anything?" She asked.

"I guess we have everything." Ethan answered.

Eli rushed into the car while Ethan followed. To Ethan's surprise, Aisha rushed to his side and placed her hands into his. Ethan looked at her in awe.

"Is there's something wrong?" He asked her.

"I just want to hold my husband …" She smiled sheepishly. So then Ethan held her tight as they head towards the car.

They were able to reach the ancestral mansion at around 6pm. Master Omni was more than delightful to see their arrival. Butler Mo told him to wait inside but he insisted to stay outside in wait for them. He was excited to see his grandkids. Surprisingly, he was also looking forward to seeing the brand new Stacy.

"Grand paps!" Eli rushed to greet his grandpa.

"Eli, my favorite great grandson!" They embraced each other. Master Omni saw Ethan and Stacy holding hands together as they approached him.

"Grandpa," It was Ethan.

"Nice to see you're healthy, old man!" She greeted. Master Omni smiled.

"Of course I have to be healthy to be able to see my future great grandkids!" He yelped. Aisha laughed with him. Also, Aisha brought another herbal green tea for the old man which made him even happier.

"Common, let's go inside. Dinner is ready." Master Omni led the way.

The dinner was a bit noisy. They've been laughing at Master Omni's silly stories when he was a teenager. Also, Eli kept telling stories about his school achievements and how his mom read him stories every night. He also boasted how his mother cooked delicious stuffs. Then Eli spoke of how sad he was when his mom started working and coming home late every night, but his dad was there to read him stories whenever his mother wasn't around. He was his superhero. Everyone was getting their fair share on Eli's life.

"I never knew Stacy can cook well …" Master Omni jokingly said.

"Don't worry grand pa, I'll let you try my skills in cooking tomorrow." Aisha answered.

"Are you sure it's edible? I'm not going to die early, I hope." He teased Aisha. Ethan suddenly laughed when he remembered something. The 3 stared at him.

"Grandpa, don't tease her like that. Coz the last time I teased her, I was not able to eat dinner because she ate the whole roasted chicken!" The 3 guys laughed while Aisha pouted in a corner.

"Whose fault was that?" She mumbled.

"But I am so happy to hear that you've been taking care Eli for the past months. You never had time for your family before as far as I remember." Master Omni smiled.

"Well I guess people change …" She hesitantly answered.

"I don't believe in a sudden change. People don't change overnight. I believe in innate character. One can never fake one's character." Master Omni stated.

"But it could also be a lie. What if everything is fake?" Aisha frowned unconsciously. Ethan and Master Omni looked at each other as if they understood.

"In my own opinion, one can never fake personality, however, the person can be …" Master Omni continued after drinking his wine.

Aisha was stunned for a while and stared at the old man. She didn't know how to react. She could sense something in his statement, but it couldn't be that he discovered her lies and pretentions because no one knew about her twin sister. Maybe she was just overreacting. She shrugged it off as she smiled nervously.

After the dinner, Aisha was cleaning the table when her phone suddenly rang. She saw it was Kian so she answered it.

"Hello, Kian? Why did you call?" Ethan heard her but he averted his eyes on the magazine that he was holding.

"What? They fired you? For no reason? That's not fair! Have you asked the manager? Oh I see. Let me see what I can do then, okay? Bye, Kian." Aisha was upset so she tried to dial Larry's number. But the only answer she got was that it was an order and it was impossible to be revoked. She averted her eyes to Ethan who was busy reading a magazine while sitting on the couch. She approached him with a frustrated face.

"Ethan, was it you? Were you the one who fired Kian?" She tried to hold back her anger.

"What if I did? What is it to you?" He indifferently answered.

"Ethan that's not fair! What did he do to deserve your judgment?!" She yelled.

"Do I need to have a reason to do what I want to do? It's my company anyway."

Aisha snatched the magazine and threw it onto the floor.

"Firing your employees because you just want to without any reason is not reasonable at all! You can't fire him. Whether you like it or not, he will not leave the company!" She yelled.

"I can do anything I want and you cannot do anything about that." He yelled back.

"You owned the company but I am the chief Manager! Even if that's just a title, still, it is under my name! So I will decide whether to let go of my employees or not!"

"Employees? Are you sure he is just an employee to you? Am I right to assume that you have returned to your old ways? Huh!"

"We are not what you think Ethan! We are just merely co workers!"

"Co-worker? A co-worker who always send you home? A co-worker who always asks you out? Or did you lower your standards and you're hitting on a salesman now?!" He was shocked when Stacy slapped him. She was quivering with anger but she tried to calm herself.

"You told me I have to work as a saleslady to know the basic things that I needed to be a successful chief manager. I think you should also be in my current situation so you will understand how I am feeling towards my workmates. I am so disappointed in you!" With that she climbed the stairs and head to their bedroom but she halted for a minute then she faced him.

"I won't allow you to impose your ways any longer. From now on, I will do it my way!"

Ethan roared in frustration so he kicked the sofa angrily. After a while, Master Omni approached Ethan since he heard them quarreling earlier.

"Ethan, she has a point, if you will consider our work ethics regulation. But you should be honest and tell her the main reason why."

"It's as if she will understand."

"If she was really the person you told me she is right now, I believe she will understand. Don't keep her from the blind spot." Master Omni tapped his shoulder and headed to his room.

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