Reborn as a Mom

The call

The call

0The next day in the afternoon, Ira and Reeya were in the theatre hall watching a movie when Reeya's pager went off.     


The tone was loud enough to turn the entire hall into a frenzy.     

'It's time!'     

For a moment, Ira felt a weight crushing her. A weight of responsibility. She patted her chest to calm her anxiety.     

'You can do it!' She encouraged herself.     

'I will pull you out even if you stand at the death door.' She glanced at Reeya with determination.     

Since she knew her fate, it became her obligation. If she fails today, blame and condemnation would belong to her. If you couldn't save a person you could, imagine the helplessness and remorse. How would you survive the guilt?     

If only Reeya knew, she would understand Ira's state of mind better than anyone. When someone's life and death are in your hands, it's more of a burden.     

Firefighters go through this emotion all the time. Through life, loss, and tragedy. They have to deal with the guilt — wondering if only I were a bit faster, a little better, a bit more poised, a little more heroic.     

'Beep-Beep...County fire dispatch to station one. Priority One A building collapsed. 34 Street, 2197. Time out: 3:30 pm.'     

"I got a call. I have to go." Reeya stood up from the seat in a flash.     

As she turned and prepared to leave, Ira clutched her sleeve. "I'll drop you."     

Reeya nodded, and they exited the theater together.     

'Why didn't I bring my car?' Reeya cursed herself.     

When they met, Ira insisted on watching for a movie. She agreed with the condition they would go to the movie hall near her fire station. Still, it wasn't that near. It would take over five minutes to reach the station.     

Till she makes it there her coworkers would have already reached the spot. She couldn't make it to on time before they leave. When every second matters, they won't wait for her.     

"Let's drive to the scene directly and catch up with other firemen," Ira advised when she saw the obvious concern on Reeya's face.     

"Hmm. ,"     


'County fire dispatch to station one. Priority One A building collapses 34 Street, 2197. Time out: 3:30.'     

She stopped in her tracks. Reeya stretched out her hand and said, "Give me the keys."     

With the beep, her mind clicked. She shouldn't drag Ira with her. Reeya shuddered at the thought of letting a pregnant woman on the location of deaths and chaos.     

When the surrounding screams and panic get to you, no one is expected to be in the right mind. The stress would negatively impact the mother and the baby.     

"I am not that timid." Ira eyes full of determination, as she refused to let go of her.     

"The keys," Reeya demanded once again in a fierce tone, stretching out her palm. Even in this kind of situation, she could keep her mind clear and emotions stable.     

Now if she urged, the girl would prefer a taxi. So, Ira gave her the car key right away.     

She had planned to drive and take Reeya away from the site. Now it looked like an impossibility. Is there no other way? She glanced at Reeya, released a quiet sigh and followed her. I have to save her anyhow.     

Reeya didn't even look back after taking the keys, rushed to the parking lot. As soon as Reeya entered the parking lot, she pressed the key, unlocked the car and dashed into it, as fast as greased lightning. When she was about to start the engine, she saw Ira.     

There was no way Ira would let her leave. Ira opened the door and sat in the car, in a swift motion.     

" Ira" Reeya had a glimmer of reluctance in her eyes     

"I'll come with you." Ira was already breathless, almost gasping for air. Still stubborn as hell she followed. Before she could force Ira out, another call came in.     


County fire dispatch to station one. Respond priority one. A building collapses 34 Street, 2197. Time out: 3:30     

It was the third call in a mere few minutes. Usually, between the calls, there is a ten-minute delay. But this was serious, and she cannot put off any further. So, she could only take Ira along with her as they raced against the clock.     

"Five minutes." She could only reach the site in five minutes at the least. She stepped on the gas and drove at full pelt. The car disappeared from the parking area within seconds.     

Ira herself was in great turmoil.'If only I remembered the site and time, she wouldn't have been in this predicament,' she cursed under her breath for the hundredth time.     

From last few days, the thought of saving Reeya swamped her mind.     

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