Reborn as a Mom



0A car stopped opposite to the gates of a shopping mall. It was a huge mall, with all the best shopping places, including shops with branded clothes.     

Vivan had initially planned to somehow not let her leave. It's just shopping, right? Is it more important than what they were doing?     

Yet Ira insisted. So he was reluctant to drop her off. He tried to make excuses but Ira wasn't willing to listen. It seemed that she really did plan to leave him alone today. Having no other choice, he had to follow her wish.     

As the car parked, Vivan saw something. He pointed to the gates, revealing a shocked expressions.     

"Isn't that your girl?" He asked, squinting his eyes.     


Ira glanced at the direction he pointed, only to see Reeya. She stood beside the revolving door.     

Her long red hair was tied into a ponytail. She wore a high neck white T-shirt and tight jeans. The white T-shirt stuck close to her curves and gave her a delightful appearance, combined with her scarlet hair and dark jeans. It was simple, yet beautiful at the same time.     

"Why is she waiting outside in the hot sun?" Vivan mumbled in a soft voice.     

"It's all your fault," Ira replied, voice slightly miffed.     

Vivan smiled as he saw Ira fumbling to undo her seat belt. He ducked towards her and unbuckled it for her. However, as soon as she was freed, Ira dashed out without looking in his direction.     

He clenched his hands that were on steering wheels. So unfair! He didn't even get to spend time with his wife. Poor Vivan was dumped by Ira for Reeya. All his plans for the day had been ruined. Frowning, he started the car again.     

Reeya stood at the entrance of the mall, glancing at her phone every now and then, waiting patiently for Ira.     

Ira ran to her slowly, not putting too much pressure on her ankles, "Sorry I got late."     

"No problem." Reeya smiled sweetly. In fact, she had arrived half an hour early than the appointed time. But she didn't mind waiting for Ira.     

"Why are you waiting out in this heat?" Ira asked, eyebrows wrinkling.     

"Nothing, " Pulling her to the revolving door Reeya said, "Let's go inside." Her face looked brimming with enthusiasm. From her smile, it didn't look like she got mad, Ira sighed a breath of relief.     

Reeya couldn't tell Ira the real reason. She was afraid that Ira would not find her, so she stood near the gate. The security guard on the gate sighed. She is going inside finally.     

In her excitement, she even forgot to look at the time. It was like she was meeting her crush.     

"Hey Ira, I am so excited."     

"Hmm" Ira nodded. Reeya's smile was so infectious that she couldn't help but smile in return.     

"So what do you want to buy?"     

"Huh?" Ira looked confused. She didn't think about it. Shopping was a mere excuse to keep Reeya busy. "Clothes?"     

"Yes for you?" Reeya asked patiently.     

"Not for me" She really did buy many when she went with Vivan last time. And now after looking at the pile of clothes she regretted.     

"Is it for the baby?" Her eyes glowed.     

"No, It is still too early to shop for them."     

"Them?" Reeya's eyes widened in pleasant surprise.     


"Oh! Congratulations!"     

"Is it for your hubby? Oh! I know a few good shops here. Hehe!" Reeya held her hands and pulled her to the famous men's wear shop.     

Now that she thought about it, shopping for Viv, she had never done that before. Why didn't she? Ira wondered. Her husband had done so much for her, and she had never shopped for him before. Nevermind, if not before, at least she would do it now, Ira thought with a cute grin.     

The two woman hand in hand with a huge smile on their face walked inside a men's clothing store. The clothes there were supposedly from one of the best brands that Reeya knew. The women laughed and chatted as they looked around for suitable clothes. Reeya especially was glowing, happy to spend time with Ira.     

Needless to say, they attracted many gazes. One with fiery red hair and other with a bump, sticking to each other like glue.     

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