Reborn as a Mom

from ecstasy to abyss

from ecstasy to abyss

0Clara dismissed him and snorted at his intense hostile response. But she stepped back not daring to provoke him in such a state.     

Ashay never dare to treat her in such a way. She was like a queen before him, while he like a fool would comply with her demands. She clenched her fist, her nails broke into her palms.     

The dimly lit bedroom instantly became bright when he switched on the lights. Clara closed her eyes subconsciously and raised her hand to cover them. When her eye adjusted to the light, she saw A. K. rummaging through the entire room.     

A.K. had turned the place upside down while she stood in a corner, naked. At this moment, she couldn't stir the man who already looked consumed in anger.     

He sighed when he got hold of the remote control of television under the bed. He sat and turned on the T.V.     

The T.V. screen lit:     

A man in a black suit stepped down his car. His hair had gone white, skin wrinkled all over, but his face transmitted radiance of a youth. He entered the building 'Jain group of companies' A group of reporters swarmed him.     

"Mr. Jain, what do you have to say about your company engaged in the manufacture of illegal drugs."     

'Drugs' He stopped for a brief second when he heard the word. A flash of confusion appeared on his face before resuming his indifference. He walked away.     

"Are there case filed against the company?"     

"Mr. Jian, who are the people involved?"     

"Mr. Jain answer my question."     

Some guards in black uniforms covered him from the media.     

"No comments." the old aged man said and with hastened steps rushed towards his office. His tense face and wrinkled eyebrows revealed his inner turmoil. The guards stopped reporters from recording further.     

"Is Mr. Jain accepting the crime by maintaining silence on the issue?"     

At this time, a wrong reply without any knowledge of the crime would lead to more confusion. Gossip flies out real quick. So keeping a mum was the only option.     

Then the screen changed to another background, with a reporter interviewing a person in a uniform.     

"We have here, Mr. Wilson. Chief Inspector, Department of Health and Human Services."     

"Sir, you always searched for ways to combat these big companies who manufacture these illegal drugs. What do you say about it?"     

He explained: "Under Act XYZ, it is illegal to import, manufacture, sell, or possess a psychoactive substance unless it has been approved for use by the Psychoactive Substances Regulatory Authority. Manufacturers must also apply to this Authority for a license if they wish to deal in an approved product."     

He continued: "However, Jain Company which registered itself conspicuously as the S Company aren't even qualified to ask for permission. The Company was founded just six months ago.     

"Despite that, they started the production and manufacture of the drug with similar structure and properties as Cocaine."     

The reporter then explained :     

"Such permission for any psychoactive drug can be obtained only by a reputed Companies that too for use in medical purposes only. Jian group applied for a patent for this drug! There are currently no such products approved for medical use in the country with the only exception of drug P of the Rai Corporation."     


Clara stared at the black screen long after it was turned off. Her body shook as she tried to calmly asses the situation. A feeling of uneasiness crept in her heart for the first time that nothing was going to work anymore.     

It caused an unexpected impact on her, making her lose all her hopes. In a blink of a moment, she fell from ecstasy to the deep abyss. She was gloating a while ago for fulfilling her plans to fear of failure.     

'Ira is spoiling my plans again.' she tightened her fist. Every cell in her body seemed to have filled with hate. With time her anger for Ira hadn't dissipated a bit, but rather it got bigger and bigger. She slowly loosened her fist and took a deep breath to stabilize her emotions.     

A loud sound got her attention. A. K kicked the glass table. It had overturned and shattered with glass pieces scattering all directions.     

The atmosphere in the room became tense in an instant. He stood and rushed to wear his clothes, ignoring the glasses on the ground.     

As she took in his flustered state, she could not help but feel a chill down her spine. Her voice whimpered "Where are you going?" she asked in a low voice.     

While wearing shoes, he asked her, "What drug?"     

"It is all because of you. Rai's have retaliated," He dashed to her and pulled her arm. His voice was cold as frost.     

"How did they even come to know about me?" Holding her chin, he pinched it so tightly that she gasped in pain.     

She had endless complaints, however, she understood that such emotions shouldn't be expressed now.     

With a complex look, he blamed her: "I did everything in secrecy and cautiously. I said that we should stay away for some time. But you didn't listen barging straight into my room."     

"You lead them to me. If anything happens, you won't get out of the fire without getting your hands burned. Remember that." He pushed her with a warning.     

With what mind did he decide to co-operate with this woman? She bought all the ill luck.     

Even if her face showed fright, pale and weak her mind was calculating all kinds of things and her plans.     

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