Reborn as a Mom

case filed

case filed

0In the hospital, Clara was waiting for someone with eagerness apparent on her face.     

Soon a man opened the door and with light steps appeared before her. He removed his hat and sunglasses and gave her a bag. Ryan raised his eyebrows when he saw her. To prevent matter to leak out, he came in a disguise.     

When his line of sight fell on pale scarred Clara, he clenched his fist. "I will kill that filthy animal. How dare he do this to you? His red eyes and furrowed brows displayed the rage surging within him.     

"Stop. It is not what you think," she said in a calm tone.     

Strident laughter followed her response. With sarcasm, he said: "So did you frame.."     

"Stop, This is not a place to talk, and you don't need to know anymore." Clara glared at her dumb brother.     

'How can he say that aloud? Even walls have ears.'     

In fact, it was not inconceivable for Ryan to guess the situation. A moment ago he was just acting concerned. Unlike others, he knew Clara's antics, watching her grow into an insensible emotionless person. His sister would send anyone to hell, she wasn't one of those to suffer any loses. Yet he sneered at the man's ill luck to have met her.     

"Mind your own business and do what you are told to do." His smile irked her.     

"You have you bought it?" she asked. He nodded and went to pour a glass of water for her. Clara hurriedly opened the bag and took out a packet of pills.     

He handed her a glass of water and sat down on the stool beside her bed.     

Clara ate it and after drinking a few sips of water, she handed the glass back.     

Previously, with the help of the officer, she had contacted her father and brother and informed them about the situation.     

After explaining them about her condition the first thing his father asked her to do was to take the tablet. It was after pill to prevent pregnancy.     

It is ironic how the same person who was trying to get pregnant by the man. For which she was even willing to resort to drug him and seduce him, who could accept the man's brutal desires.     

The same Clara now feared that she would conceive his child. The child who would have been her means to tie down A.K. became shackles on her feet tying her down.     


Out of the ward, James Louis, Clara's dad was talking to the police.     

"I want him punished. That man brutally harmed my child." James wiped the tear that was at the edge of his eye. He sat down aggrieved with his head hanged down.     

"My daughter had suddenly vanished. I was searching for her everywhere. I never thought that...." he started sobbing.     

"Why didn't you file a complaint that Clara was missing?" the officer asked.     

He somehow managed to divert the question. "All of this is my fault. If only I had not asked her to handle business with that bastard, she wouldn't be in this condition. If only I were home when all this happened. If only I had suspected A.K. " He cried so heartily.     

His face turned red, he bumped his fist on the chair. His hand covered with blood, flesh tore off his hand.     

Both dad and daughter had excellent acting skills. These were the skills they made the world believe their deception of being pure and noble.     

The officer panicked, held his hands. All the questions in his mind vanished when he saw James Louis crazily venting out his anger.     

"My daughter is very fragile and delicate. I fear that she will do something with herself after facing humiliation from society." James' voice laced with bitterness.     

"Officer, please don't let the matter leak. She had already tried to attempt suicide. " James pleaded. Watching him, even the officer's heart burst in pain.     

"If her checkup is over I will take her home. Maybe take her for vacation so that her mind would be better away from this mess." James choked up.     

"Don't worry, Mr.James this matter will be seen personally by me. We will keep your identity an utmost secret. That's a promise. However, you must file a complaint so that the sinner gets his punishment." the officer explained.     

So the case was filed with the victim's name and identity kept in total secret.     

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