Reborn as a Mom

Dare to take away my smile?

Dare to take away my smile?


Ira snapped back from the painful memories. She wiped her tears and smiled in relief. In the face of such a tolerant man, she felt blessed.


'I promise Viv, to treat you with the love and respect you deserve. I had let you down once, but God gave me a second chance... I will treat you well. Even if I don't deserve you I will change to become worthy of you.'

She made the second vow of this life.

'Though I failed to fulfill my marriage vows in the previous life, I didn't carry out the duties and obligations which come with the title "wife." In this life, I will fulfill all those vows.'

"Ira, don't you want to go to work today?" Vivan's pleasant voice fell on her ears.

"Hurry up," he said, his warm gaze was fixed on her.

 She noticed his gentle care. Little things which she had overlooked her entire lifetime. Hot water was prepared for her bath. Her towel and clothes were already placed on the hanger.

After a good soak, she dressed in her office attire. 

Vivan was standing in front of her in a white apron. Underneath which he had his office white shirt and black pants. With his hair perfectly combed, he looked ready for work if one could ignore the dirty apron.

Was he cooking? As she looked confused, Vivan pointed to the dining table.

When she came by the table, she saw a breakfast of fresh eggs and sandwiches kept on it. The sandwich was garnished with tomato sauce in a cute smiling face.

One thing she discerned was Vivan's dislike for eggs. But ever since he came to know Ira loved egg dishes he would occasionally make one for breakfasts. She wanted to tell him that she appreciated it, but it was against her current personality. How will he react?

Why was it so hard? 

Love sings with passion and intimacy, but marriage hinges on care and devotion which Vivan never seemed to lack for her at any point of life. Wasn't he the perfect husband material? 

'Mr. Vivan I will make you fall in love with me so deeply that no one will be able to steal you.' Ira smirked as she ate the sandwhich with gusto. 

The process of her change has to be slow. What if he doubts her intention with her sudden change in personality. 

 Also, Ira yearned to see her family. Even though for them, it was just a day without seeing her, it had been a lifetime for her. She missed them. Only after losing them altogether she recognized their importance in her life. Now she had the opportunity to revive her lost relatives. There were some serious company issues as well.

After having a hearty breakfast, Ira drove to the company. It was a 20-minute ride. Vivan offered to drop her, but Ira refused as their offices were on the opposite side of the city. Vivan instead exchanged his comfy car with her.

A Black Bentley came into her view as Vivan parked in front of her. She saw him slide out of the driver's seat. 

"Come here." Vivan looked at her with a warm smile. 

Ira walked towards the driver's seat. He opened the door and took her hand in his, helping her sit. Even this simple touch overwhelmed her. Her face turned tomato red.

Vivan's series of actions were perfectly gentlemanly but this time one could make out his hesitance at every frame. 

Both of them have acted out this scene many times for appearance sake in front of their family, their friends, their circle. Yet it felt awkward for the first time to both. Because this moment it didn't remain a mere act. 


Rai Pharmaceutical Company.

Ira's dad was a man of few words: a quiet and traditional man. Yet, he was unconventional towards her. She was his little princess. Tej Rai was a self-made man. He built Rai Pharmaceuticals from scratch. She was the proud daughter and a daddy's girl. of such an excellent man.

She looked with misty eyes at the man sitting inside the office through the transparent glass. She was the reason for his death. Her role model, her hero died because of her...

Seven years... It had been seven years since she last saw him. She missed him a lot during those tough times. He had been her shield and spear as she grew up. Without him, she wouldn't have any desire for success. She wanted to make her dad proud, that was the motivation for her to strive.

The past was still invading her soul. The guilt had already killed her once. And in no case would she let it drown her again. 'I am reborn.' she noted to herself. She kept the negative thoughts aside before she wiped her tears away.

She donned on a warm and cheerful smile, reserved for her dad, and entered his cabin in high spirits. 

"Dad! You look especially handsome today. The few white stripes on your shiny black hair suit you. The fake gold tinted spectacles add more charm," 

"But dad, this time, your beard is not dyed properly! I can't see any white hair." She noted seriously pointing at his trimmed boxed beard.

It turned out that contrast to his age, her young and dashing dad never grew a single white hair. He had the habit of dyeing them. 

"Shhh! Girl! These business secrets are not to be spoken out loud. What do you know? Such things give a more oppressive and mature feeling," he explained stroking his fine hair. 

"Ha! Who dyes their hair white to look old? People normally do the opposite. Also, isn't your vision just fine? Why the specs?"

"Girl, your dad does, any problem?" Tej Rai had a long face.

"No, Boss!" Ira admitted her loss. No one could win an argument with this man.

Tej Rai looked serious. "I heard you were sick yesterday and went home early. Are you okay?"

Without any warning, Ira hugged him.

"What happened to this girl now? Hmph! Utterly no respect for the boss. We are in the office!"

Though his words expressed vexation, his lovely smile gave away his excitement. Since Ira's marriage, she distanced herself from her father. She built an invisible wall between them.

Tej Rai never forced things on her; he even spoiled her. Nonetheless, regardless of her objection, he forced her to marry. Hence he gradually accepted her hard feelings towards him. How would he know that this bitterness would continue for more than a couple of years? 

Now, he was overwhelmed with emotions. Ira gripped him even tighter.

"Dad, you will be a grandpa soon," she said in a faint tone, still in his arms. The excited Tej Rai lost his composure and hugged Ira back. 

"You're squeezing me, dad!" she cried.

When he let her go, Tej Rai jumped up, "Haha! I will be a Grandpa soon!" His shoulder shook with laughter.

"Hmm" she nodded and smiled with satisfaction seeing the joy on his face. At this moment she understood that the happiness which she always wanted and struggled to achieve was so easy to achieve. 

'I tried to live my life like him, picking up his habits and beliefs. But unfortunately, I never carried his spirit and his caring nature.' She wore a self-deprecating smile.

The entire day, everybody saw the cold tyrant who was well known for his temper, wearing a dazzling smile on his face. It was as sweet as honey. Some even saw him laughing by himself like a madman.

Even when people were late for the meetings, he smiled.

When they lost a big contract, he just smiled.

The floor was slippery; he slipped, got up and continued to smile.

Someone broke an expensive imported vase he favored; he smiled.

On the way home, a bird pooped on his head; he smiled.

'Oh! Besides, it's good luck.'

'Anyone dares to take away my smile. Hmph! I will never let them! My grandchild is coming in this world' He danced. 

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