My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife

Nightmares of the past

Nightmares of the past

0Fan Xiao Yao covered her mouth with her hands, her eyes stuck on the video that was playing on the projector screen. Her eyes glimmered with watery tears.     

"Thank you for staying by my side for so many years." Shi Enxi's voice continued, this time the photos changed to Huang Li. "Thank you for overlooking my broken fence and admires the flowers in my garden instead. Though I have been through hell, there was one who rode with me all the way, who came whenever called, and who would have gladly come and stayed. I'm sorry for all the hardships I brought you, Huang Li, and thank you for being such a loyal dog." A chuckle was heard from Shi Enxi and from the guest, soft laughs were heard.     

Even Huang Li ended up smiling. "Nature has proved that you cannot easily be lost." As photos of the newlywed couple began appearing, she continued, "I wish the both of you plain sailing; I wish you love and good health; I wish you true happiness for your lifetimes."     

Since Shi Enxi wasn't able to share her speech with the couple earlier, this was her way of sharing it with everyone.     

Huang Li chuckled lightly, "She sure loves taking the spotlight."     

Fan Xiao Yao nodded in agreement, wiping the tears that escaped from her eyes. It was a good thing that she was wearing waterproof makeup. "That's Xiao Xi for you."     


Meanwhile, Lu Mello was quietly staring at the screen, listening to Shi Enxi's words. He knew for sure that it was genuine. They were words that came from Shi Enxi who have memories of their past life.     

It was hard to imagine her saying such things in person. She was not the sentimental kind of person after all. Maybe that's why she prepared something like this for them?     

His eyes softened upon imagining how many times she might have rehearsed saying those words without sounding muffled from the possible cries she had.     

"Gege, you said that you want to talk to me?" Lu Xingyan asked, approaching him who was standing at the corner of the room.     

Lu Mello messaged his sister earlier when he couldn't find her. He snapped his eyes away from the screen to look at her. "Are you sure that only our family has such an ability to travel?"     

She blinked a few times at the sudden question. "Yes. I'm positive. Not everyone in the family tho like grandpa or other men in the Lu family." It was more like one person who could also affect the lives of other people.     

"Then how can it be possible for Huang Li to have nightmares of the past?" He asked, crossing his arms.     

"Nightmares of the past?"     

"Yes although he couldn't remember it anymore but he told Xiao Yao so she was the one who told me what he dreamed about." He remembered back then that Shi Enxi also had nightmares as she dreamed of their past lives but she never really thought much of it when he told her that it was just a bad dream.     

Lu Xingyan suddenly remembered the time where she caught Huang Li holding the book. That must be the reason why, right? "He touched the book."     

"He what?" He asked in confusion.     

"Remember the day where we both visited your place back then? He touched the book. It was also weird that he wasn't able to see anything written when he opened the book." She cupped her chin to think.      

"Then do you think that... he'll remember? He'll have a rebirth too?"      

She shook her head, "I don't know. But if Enxi-jiejie had nightmares back then and she was able to have a rebirth after 'dying' then that could mean it's possible for Huang Li-gege. It could also happen. He might end up having a rebirth if he died." Lu Xingyan narrowed her eyes. "But it's also possible that he will not have one. Enxi-jiejie is your wife while Huang Li-gege has no connection with the Lu family. He touched the book so those dreams of his past life could only be temporary. He doesn't remember the dream anymore so this theory is also possible."     

He heaved out a deep sigh. The more they find out about the book, the more it was getting complicated, hard to understand. So many things were going on that he didn't know where to focus. He wanted to talk with his wife too but with how things were at the moment, it was not easy. At least he knew what country she would probably go to... Japan. Xia Liqin was there so contacting him wouldn't be hard unless Shi Enxi paid him to block his calls.     

Have another chance in life was supposed to fix things and yet why did he get like the more he tried to fix things between them, the more it got broken. Should he really do nothing? Should he really just wait? Maybe they could try to come into an agreement with Shi Enxi... But based on what Lu Xingyan told him, she didn't even want to talk or see him. Why? Weren't they supposed to be on good terms?     

If only he could talk to her... If only he was given a chance to do that... But maybe his sister was right. Maybe he really should give her time to adjust? To process their lives now? But for how long? How long should he wait for her?     

"What time is her flight?" He suddenly asked out.     

"Huh?" Lu Xingyan blinked a few times.     

"Her flight, what time is it?" He repeated.     

"Gege... Please give her-"     

"I know." He interrupted. "I will give her the time she needs but... I at least want to see her off this time." He was not going to ask anything, he was not going to say anything to her. He just wanted to see her one last time, to properly send her off.     

Lu Xingyan sighed in defeat. She looked at her wristwatch. She was hesitant at first but in the end, she gave in. "You better go now or else you won't be able to catch her. You have less than an hour. 41 minutes to be exact. She's at Gate 7."     

He smiled a bit and said, "That's more than enough time I need. Thank you Xiao Xi" He turned away and rushed out of the place.     

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