My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife



0"Oh my! Madam is back!" The housekeeper, Mo Jing exclaimed happily as she saw Shi Enxi entered the mansion with Lu Mello.     

"Grandma Mo," Shi Enxi greeted her with a small smile and even gave her a hug. She knew that she was the person in charge of watching the kids that was why she was grateful for that.     

Mo Jing pulled back from the hug and gently smiled at the woman in front of her, "How was your trip? You must be hungry, I'll order the chef to prepare food-"     

"It's okay, Grandma Mo, I just finished eating." She chuckled a bit. "I just want to see the kids right now."     

"Oh! Xiao Yu and Xiao Xue are currently in their room, having their afternoon nap."     

"Come, I'll lead you to their room," said Lu Mello with a smile.     


As Shi Enxi entered the children's room, she felt a nostalgic feeling upon seeing how it looked. She remembered how she and her husband decorated the room and filled it with countless toys and plushies. There were children's picture books too. The bed was covered with a Pikachu design bedsheet. But the boys were still too young to sleep on the bed so they were inside their big crib.     

She approached the wooden cage and looked inside, seeing two young boys, hugging each other while they sleep. One was chubby and the other was healthy, not fat, not thin. They were almost two years old now.     

While she was quietly staring at them, she was startled by Lu Mello's sudden hug but she soon relaxed against his warmth in the next second. His arms slowly snaking its way around her waist, his chin resting on her shoulder, "Their birthday is near, do you know?"     

She blinked a few times, she slightly turned her head to look at him. "Really?"     

He looked at her, their faces a few centimeters apart, "It's four days from now." He raised a brow, "Don't tell me you forgot?"     

With how things were in chaos for her back then, the birthday of Little Jade and Little Snow never entered her mind. She didn't realize that it had already been that long since she left.     

He pulled away a bit and straightened his back. He looked at her in disbelief, "You forgot?"     

She looked away in guilt, "I-I didn't." She lied. If she knew that their birthday was coming up, maybe she would have stayed longer in the country.     

A chuckle was heard from Lu Mello. He could clearly see that she was lying. He smirked mischievously as he teased, "Look at what we got here? A little liar?"     

"I-I'm not lying." She turned to him with a small glare. "Also, be quiet, the kids are sleeping." She hushed him.     

He smiled and wrapped his arms around her again, He leaned down and buried his face on the crook of her neck. "I missed you so much..." He whispered ever so softly.     

Shi Enxi bit her lower lip as she hesitated. She did miss him too but she couldn't help but think if it was the right thing to be there. Was it alright for her to enter his life again? Won't she be ruining their lives if she was there?     

"Mello..." She carefully raised her hands to hug him back. "About what happened-"     

"You don't have to apologize about anything. What happened in the past is irreversible." He leaned back a bit just to look gently into her eyes. He unwrapped his arms around him and cupped her cheeks with both her cheeks. "What we can focus on right now are our present and future and I've already made up my mind about it." His lips curled up into a loving smile, "I want to spend every second of the rest of my life with you. Whatever happened in the past stays in the past."     

If there was someone who could constantly make her cry, it was no other than Lu Mello. What he said was right. She has been focusing too much on their past that she ended up being blinded by it that she wasn't able to focus on their present and future.     

As tears fell out of her eyes, she couldn't stop her lips from smiling. "I don't deserve you..."     

He chuckled and replied straightforwardly with a mischievous tone in his voice, "Well yeah, you don't."     

She pouted and lightly hit his chest since that wasn't the answer she was expecting from him. "So un-romantic."     

He laughed a bit, "I'm not even trying to be romantic right now." He leaned forward and pecked her pouting lips.     


They were both startled by a small hush coming from the crib. Shi Enxi and Lu Mello ended up turning just to look inside and saw their chubby son, Little Snow, looking at them with a small frown.     

"Yuyu sweeping!" Little Snow who was awakened by them scolded his parents. "Shhh!" His pointy finger on his lips before he hugged his brother again.     

Lu Mello and his wife ended up glancing at each other, a small laugh escaped from their lips.     

"Look at him, being a good little brother," Shi Enxi whispered. She wanted to carry him in her arms but with the way Little Snow was clinging to his brother, it was impossible.     

Just then a low growl was heard, making them snap their heads towards the open window where Timmy jumped in.     

Shi Enxi frowned and turned her scolding gaze to Lu Mello, "Why are you allowing such a dangerous cat inside their room?" She yelled in a hushed tone just so she wouldn't wake up the boys.     

"He's a good guardian. No stranger will dare come near the kids," replied Lu Mello as he walked towards the cheetah and petted his head. Timmy was one of the greatest reasons why Lu Mello was calm enough to leave the kids at home instead of bringing them to Fan Xiao Yao's place. It was the total opposite of how his wife was feeling right now.     

"He's still an animal."     

"And animals take care of their children," he retorted.     

After being petted by Lu Mello, the old, big cat walked towards the crib and when he saw that the toddlers were safe and sleeping through the crib fences, he laid down on the ground to sleep.     


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