My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife



0Meanwhile, the Huang couple spent their honeymoon in Bali and stayed there for a week, spending time with each other, having the moment of their life.     

When they returned to the mainland, the first thing that Fan Xiao Yao did was to check if she was pregnant only to find out that she wasn't after testing the pregnancy kit. She was dumbfounded at first and she thought that maybe she should wait for a couple more days or weeks. She waited and waited until she couldn't hold it anymore, she called Shi Enxi.     

"Xiao Xi, can you accompany me to the hospital?" Fan Xiao Yao asked the moment her friend answered the call.     



"Why? Are you sick? Huang Li's a doctor, you can just ask him if you're unwell." Shi Enxi replied.     

"I can't..." She pursed her lips, her eyes landed on the negative result of the pregnancy test kit. She was standing inside the restroom and was looking so anxious. "I can't let him know..."     

Shi Enxi sighed. Was Fan Xiao Yao exaggerating things again? "Alright, what's your problem?"     

She was quiet for a while, a bit hesitant but after a few seconds she finally told her, "I'm not pregnant."     


"I'm serious, Xiao Xi." Fan Xiao Yao continued. "Huang Li and I have been doing it raw, I should get pregnant but I'm not... I feel like maybe there's something wrong with me?"     

"You're overthinking." She replied with a deadpan tone. "Some people don't get pregnant at once you know. Others take months."     

"Even by doing it raw?"     

"Well yeah? Probably..." Shi Enxi trailed off.     

"I want to make sure. I want to see a doctor." Fan Xiao Yao was still persistent. She wanted to make sure that everything was fine.     

Another sigh was heard, coming from Shi Enxi on the other side. "Then go see a doctor."     

"Can you please come with me?"     


In the end, Shi Enxi didn't have a choice but to accompany Fan Xiao Yao to the doctor.     

Hospital, inside the Obstetrics and Gynecology office...     

"Have you been taking pills back then?" The doctor asked.     

"Yes. I stopped taking it a month ago."     

"I see. The pills contain both estrogen and progestin. You can get pregnant right away after stopping regular-dose or low-dose hormonal birth control. About half of women get pregnant in the first 3 months after stopping the pill, and most women get pregnant within 12 months after stopping the pill." The doctor explained.     

Shi Enxi turned to look at Fan Xiao Yao with an 'I told you so' expression on her face.     

 "But if you want to make sure that there's nothing wrong with you, we can run some tests." The doctor suggested.     

Fan Xiao Yao lowered her head and placed a hand on her tummy before nodding a bit.     

Shi Enxi's brows knitted together upon hearing her answer, "The doctor already explained. It's the pills so you don't have to-"     

"What if it's not the pills?" Fan Xiao Yao cut her off, looking at her with seriously. She was not the type of person who was filled with positivity. She was more of a pessimist.     

"You're just overthinking," Shi Enxi retorted.     

"I hope I am. If I'm normal then the test should go well."     

Shi Enxi couldn't argue back to her after all, unlike her, Fan Xiao Yao has always wanted to have kids with Huang Li the moment she got deeply in love with him. She was a woman prepared to be a mother.     


After receiving the results of the test, the doctor interpreted the lab results and since some hormones level were high and low, the doctor reordered her to take the same tests a month after to confirm her case.     

And so, Fan Xiao Yao left the hospital with Shi Enxi with little information in hand.     

"I told you, you were just overthinking it." Shi Enxi said, patting her shoulder lightly. "Also, you shouldn't rush things out especially in pregnancy. It's harder than it looks, trust me."     

Fan Xiao Yao sighed, "But I'm ready. I'm pretty sure Huang Li is the same too."     

"Just because you're ready doesn't mean it has to happen at once. Also, it is actually better if you find out that you're pregnant by surprise instead of expecting. I'm pretty sure that you'll be overwhelmed with happiness. I can imagine you running out of the bedroom just to spread the news to your husband and neighbors." She was trying to comfort and at the same time encourage her.     

Fan Xiao Yao chuckled a bit, "Yeah... I might just do that." She placed her hand on top of her tummy, rubbing it gently. Just thinking of having a baby already brought joy inside her, how much more if it was the real deal, right?     

"You know what? Why don't we fill that stomach of yours with food instead?" Shi Enxi suggested with a wide smirk.     

Fan Xiao was thankful to have her with her. If she came alone, she wouldn't know what to do. She might end up being drowned with negative thoughts instead even after having a checkup. Maybe she was just thinking too much? She knew that it was not a good quality of hers but she was an anxious person, she couldn't stop her mind from thinking of countless possibilities even if there was no problem with her.     

She was snapped out from her deep thoughts when she felt someone held her hand. She turned her head to Shi Enxi, blinking a few times.     

On the other hand, Shi Enxi was just looking ahead as she walked beside her, "Everything's going to be alright." She reassured her.     

The side of her lips lifted into a smile. Fan Xiao Yao appreciated seeing this side of the woman who was like a sister to her. Shi Enxi may act cold sometimes but she truly was a sweet and caring friend for her. "Thank you." She replied softly. "Anyway, how about treating me to an Italian restaurant today?"     

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