My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife

Cheese? Rats?

Cheese? Rats?

0At the end of the week, Shi Enxi went to the studio where Qiao Nuan was training Hana. After learning what Hana did, she was planning to prolong her training period just so she could keep an eye on her. Aside from that, she already made up her mind on not to allow her to shine. She just going to waste her time and throw her off the street like the trash she was.     

Shi Enxi entered the studio and was about to open her mouth but no words came as she stopped in her tracks.     

Her eyes wide in surprise as she saw Qiao Nuan sitting on the ground, leaning against the mirror with a knife on her chest. She was still breathing weakly. The ground she sat on was covered with blood that was oozing out of her other stab that was on her stomach.     

"Qiao Nuan!" Shi Enxi rushed to her side. She covered her stomach wound with her hand to stop the blood flow before she shouted, "HELP!!!"     

"N... na..." Qiao Nuan tried her best to speak up but it only ended up in a broken murmur. Life continued to slip out of her body.     

"Don't speak, Qiao Nuan. Save your breath-"     

"AHHHHHH!!!!" A sudden shriek was heard and Hana stood by the door with a horrified look on her face.     

"Hana! Quick! Call for an ambulance!"     

Because of her shriek, her voice reached the ears of other people that caused them to come and see the scenery inside the studio room which shocked everyone.     

"M-Mrs. Lu... S-she stabbed Qiao Nuan!"     

Their heads turned at Hana who was pointing at Shi Enxi and Qiao Nuan whose eyes stared blankly at everyone, lifeless.      

Shi Enxi's eyes glinted dangerously as she realized this was a set up done by Hana. She couldn't believe that someone like Hana could actually kill someone. If she wanted to play it this way, then fine. She could already see the alarmed look of everyone beside Hana as they believed her words.     

"It's not me." Her left hand was covered in blood so she knew that it would be hard to convince them because of this. "If you want to see who did it, then why don't you check the CCTV to see who entered before me?"     

Everyone was confused on how calm she looked. Shouldn't she be panicking because she got caught? There was a dead body beside her too so can she not tremble in fear after all the blood she saw? Her left hand even has blood!      

"Well? I obviously can't go and check it since I'm pretty sure that you would want to keep an eye on me so that I won't escape." She used her clean hand to take out a handkerchief from her pocket. "I haven't touched the knife so you won't find any of my fingerprints there." She eyed the knife on Qiao Nuan's chest before turning her gaze back to Hana. She smiled at her as if taunting her.     

Hana flinched upon receiving Shi Enxi's smile. This was not what she was expecting. This was not the reaction she wanted from her.     


The police arrived shortly and arrested Shi Enxi for questions. They even brought Hana with them since she was the only witness who saw Shi Enxi stabbing Qiao Nuan.     

The moment Lu Mello received a call from the police, he rushed to the police station just to see Shi Enxi in the middle of being questioned. The policemen in the station knew who he was but when he was about to enter the room but was stopped by the Chief.     

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lu but we can't allow you. She's your wife."     

"Ah, so the killer is smart enough to tamper on the surveillance video, hm?" Shi Enxi's voice was heard inside the other room, stealing their attention.     

From the glass window, they saw her rest her chin on her palm as she added, "Well, you still can't put the blame on me since my fingerprints are not on the knife."     

"We will still have to wait for the result for it, Mrs. Lu."      

"Sure, sure, I'm not in a hurry so take your time."      

Because of Shi Enxi's attitude, it only confused the police whether she was not the murderer or whether she was overly confident that they wouldn't be able to catch her.     

"Qiao Nuan is a promising manager and she's my favorite. Why should I kill her?" The temperature in the room suddenly dropped. Shi Enxi's face darkened. She didn't need to act to gain favor from them. She was confident enough that they wouldn't be able to get enough information. She straightened her back and clenched her fists tightly as she growled lowly, "The person who killed Qiao Nuan will have to pay!"     

The twisted look on her face made the person in front of her lean back, feeling a chill in his body.     

In the next second, the heavy tension disappeared a smile crept back on Shi Enxi's lips. "Mr. Officer, how's Hana doing so far?"     


When Lu Mello saw the scene, a chuckle escaped from his lips. At least seeing her that way lessened the nervousness he felt. Seeing him smile made the policeman beside him blink in confusion. What's wrong with him? How can he stay composed when his wife was a possible suspect?     

Lu Mello noticed the weird faces the men around him were giving him. He smiled and said, "If my wife was the killer, we wouldn't be able to find the body for weeks, or even months. We wouldn't be able to know that she's the murderer for years too."     


They all frowned in confusion at what he said. How can he even say that? That sounded so suspicious.     

He cleared his throat and quickly added in defense, "I'm just trying to say that my wife is too smart."     


"Anyway, can I see the video?" Lu Mello asked, turning to the Chief.     

"The video is a hard evidence against your wife, Mr. Lu. We are just waiting for the result of the fingerprint found in the knife." The Chief led him to his office to show him the video.     

In the video, they saw Qiao Nuan enter the room around 10:30 in the morning and 30 minutes after, Shi Enxi came and entered the room. A minute later, Hana came. She stood in shock when she opened the door and screamed after.     

Lu Mello frowned. It was indeed a hard evidence against his wife. "Have you checked who came in and out before Qiao Nuan arrived?"     

"Yes, we did. A janitor came and left but that was like four hours ago so it can't be him. There are no windows in the room. The door is the only way in and out."     

Even if it wasn't Shi Enxi who did it, it was hard to believe it with such kind of evidence.      

Lu Mello turned and left the room just to check in to Hana this time. She was the woman that Fan Xiao Yao befriended and Shi Enxi took in, right?     

From the glass window, he watched how Hana acted. She cried and acted so traumatized. She really could act. Even he would have believed her act if Shi Enxi wasn't her target.     

"I-I never thought that Mrs. Lu could do something like that..." Hana sniffled.     

The policewoman who was in charged to interview her reached out a napkin to her so that she could use it to wipe her tears. "May I know what kind of relationship they both had?"     

"At first... I thought that Mrs. Lu and Ms. Qiao's relationship was really good..." She paused and tried to calm down before she continued, "B-But that was just a front... Mrs. Lu assigned me under Ms. Qiao's care so that she can train me... We easily got along and she told me about her real relationship with Mrs. Lu..." After saying that, she went on another round of sobbing and stuttered, "M-Ms. Qiao was so kind to me... I-I can't believe Mrs. Lu... Mrs. Lu killed her..."     

The policewoman pitied Hana when she saw how sad and traumatized she was.      

On the other hand, Lu Mello who was watching the scene outside snickered inwardly. How dare she mess with his wife?     

He knew that Shi Enxi could handle herself alone but she would need help outside now that she was detained in the station. It could also be possible that someone else was helping Hana the only question was how did they manage to kill Qiao Nuan? No matter how he looked at the video earlier, it didn't look like it was tampered on.     

Since the officers were done interviewing Shi Enxi, with the permission of the Chief Policeman, he entered the interrogation room.     

Shi Enxi lifted her head, "Just so you know, I didn't kill anyone."     

"I know," he chuckled a bit. He went and sat on the chair that was beside her. He reached out and gently held her hand. "I will get you out of here, I promise."     

"You don't have to." She held his hand back and smiled. "I'm not in a hurry to leave. I'm even willing to wait and prove innocence in the court."     

Lu Mello raised a brow, "What?"     

She chuckled at his reaction. Shi Enxi leaned forward and gently cupped his cheek, "Dear husband, I'm hungry. There's this delicious cheese I left at the studio. Can you please get it for me? I really do hope the rats won't find it first."     

Cheese? Rats?     

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