My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife

I didn't kill her

I didn't kill her

0Hana was brought directly to the hospital to get her wound treated. Since she was unconscious and the hit on her head seemed bad, the doctor suggested that she should be admitted to the hospital.     

On the other hand, since Huang Li's place had cameras around for security purposes, one of the cameras was placed inside, pointing towards the entrance and it caught everything that happened earlier. He sent a copy of it to the police and thanks to the video, all suspicions on Qiao Nuan's death turned to Hana. Shi Enxi's schedule on the court was even delayed just so they could investigate more and find out who was the real culprit.     

Since Hana was unconscious, the police were not able to interrogate her so they assigned men to guard the room just so she wouldn't be able to escape once she wakes up.     

In the middle of the night, she finally woke up only to find out that see an IV line fused at the back of her hand and the continuous mechanical beep coming from the heart rate monitor. The room wasn't dark since the lights were on.     

She slowly sat up and tried to take off the blanket only to realize that her wrist was cuffed against the bed arm.     

"Finally, you're awake. Good, good."     

Hana shot her head to where the female voice came from only to see Shi Enxi sitting at the sofa, her legs crossed. She had a disturbing smile on her lips, one that sent chills down the other person's spine.     

"Y-you..." She stuttered. "Why are you... here? Shouldn't you be in jail?"      

Shi Enxi chuckled, "Well, thanks to your dumbass move, I'm here. I'm really glad that you didn't lose your memories." She wanted to scold Huang Li when she learned that among all places, he hit her head.      

"HELP!! Shi Enxi's going to kill me!" Hana shouted at the top of her lungs.     

"You sure can scream." Shi Enxi was covering her ears. She only lowered her hands when Hana stopped shouting. She stood up and began approaching her, her heels clicking on every step she took. She was looking at her in amusement, amused that Hana still has the nerves to continue with her act.     

"No one is going to come here." The side of her is curled up into a smile, "And don't worry, I won't kill you." Even if she wanted to kill her, she couldn't. "My hands are too clean right now so I don't want to dirty them for the likes of you."     

"You killed Qiao Nuan! You're a killer! How the hell did you escape from the police?!" Hana continued with her act. She even inched away from the other woman.     

On the other hand, Shi Enxi calmly sat at the chair beside the bed. She ignored her words and went straight to the question that has been bothering her for a while now: "Are you Yu'er's real mother?"     

Hana was caught off guard by her sudden question that she ended up looking at her in surprise.     

"Xiao Yao told me that you wanted to kill him." Shi Enxi continued.     

A laugh was heard as Hana dropped her act. "Of course she did." She wanted to cross her arms but the cuffs around her wrists stopped her from doing so.     

"Is that why you killed Qiao Nuan?"     

Hana scoffed and continued to deny, "I didn't kill her."     

"But you ordered someone to do it. You've been doing your research right? You knew that the kids were being babysat by Xiao Yao and Huang Li that's why you targeted them. You failed on coming in between them so you decided to change your plans and ordered someone to kill Qiao Nuan and frame me just so you could deceive others and gain their pity, especially Xiao Yao's pity."     

Hana narrowed her eyes and now had a serious look on her face as she listened to Shi Enxi.     

"Yesterday, you went to her place just to check if the kids were there and they were."     

Hana snickered, this time she finally confirmed her theory, "Fan Xiao Yao's right. You really are smart."     

"Why thank you." Shi Enxi retorted with a smile. When Fan Xiao Yao told her about what happened and about what Hana said, it was easy for her to connect the dots. Hana was smart as well since she managed to deceive her well. She never thought that her real target was Little Jade, not her, not Fan Xiao Yao, and not Huang Li. Hana's only mistake was that she was impatient.      

"So who killed Qiao Nuan?" She leaned forward, placing her chin on her palm, her elbow rested on her leg.     

Hana scoffed, "Why should I tell you?"     

"Do you think that person will come and save you? Your companion will just end up falling into a trap."     

"He's not stupid."     

"Ahhh so that person is a 'He'."     

In her arrogant triumph, Shi Enxi smirked - just a small pouting of the lips; a narrowing of the eyes and a tilting of the head. It was so subtle, it was even more infuriating for Hana who caught a glimpse of it after making the foolish mistake.     

"Is he your boyfriend?" Shi Enxi continued to ask her in a taunting manner. "Brother?"     

This time, Hana didn't say a word. Her eyes were hard-rimmed and fixed, so much so that it was as if she was no longer able to move her eyeballs, like they'd rusted into place; towards Shi Enxi.     

Seeing that Hana was not going to answer, Shi Enxi sighed and leaned back, resting her back against the chair. "Well then, let's change the question. Why do you want to kill your own son? If you really were his mother of course."     

"I can do whatever I want to him, I'm his mother." These were the same words she told Fan Xiao Yao.     

"No, you are not his mother. I am. You are just a woman who gave birth to him. You have no right to be his mother." Shi Enxi's smile long disappeared. Even the room's temperature dropped. There was no softness in her gaze. It was a look that conveyed a bubbling hatred. Disgust perhaps.     

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