My Evil Cinderella: Taming a Villainous Wife

Not a woman like you

Not a woman like you

0"I don't know what you're talking about." Shi Enxi denied before she faced forward and began heading towards the escalator. Cold sweats trickled down her forehead and her feet sped upon going down the escalator. It was as if she was trying to run away from something, from someone.     

How could she know that she died? Was that even possible? No one should be able to know about it since she never said a word to anyone.     

Although her reaction only made Lu Xingyan doubt her further that's why she hurriedly followed her until they got out of the mall.     

Shi Enxi stopped a cab. She opened the backseat's door entered the vehicle. Just before she could shut the door, Lu Xingyan stopped her by holding on to the handle, pulling the door open before she entered the car as well.     

"Why are you following me?" Shi Enxi asked, frowning deeply.     

"That's because you know what I'm talking about." Lu Xingyan turned to the taxi driver, "Pangu hotel."     

With that, the driver began driving back to the hotel, ignoring the two women in the backseat.     

"I don't know what you're talking about." Shi Enxi continued on denying her words. She averted her gaze from her, avoiding the other woman's inquiring eyes since she began to get anxious with the way Lu Xingyan was pressuring her.     

"I didn't think that this was possible. You are not supposed to have memories of the past." She mumbled, loud enough for her companion to her. She intentionally said that, baiting her. "Not a woman like you."     

Not a woman like her? She scoffed and finally looked at Lu Xingyan with narrowed eyes, "What do you know?"     

"Everything." Lu Xingyan replied, looking back at her. "Like how you jumped off a cliff with my brother."     

The side of her lips stretched out into a thin line. She balled her fists, clenching tightly as her jaw hardened.     

"Is that the reason why you have been avoiding him?"     

Shi Enxi lowered her head and gritted her teeth as she remained quiet. But her silence only proved that Lu Xingyan was correct. She remembered what happened in the past-no, she didn't remember, the current her was the Shi Enxi of the past life. She had a rebirth.     

During the night where Jiang Yan drove Shi Enxi to the clinic to get her wound treated, she was already unconscious when they arrived. She lost too much blood and even the doctor confirmed that she was 'dead on arrival'.     

She was not supposed to wake up but she did. She jolted up and was panting hard. Even the doctor was surprised. It was a moment that most people called a 'miracle'.     

That night, Shi Enxi woke up with the memories of her past, with the memories of her death; the moment where she jumped off a cliff with Lu Mello.     

During the days of recovery, she was confused especially when she got the memories of her present self and how much the original 'plot' of her life was changed. It was as if two different people were living in her mind and it took time for her to adjust. Shi Enxi was confused and lost. She didn't know who to talk about such things with. She tried to look for answers until she was able to read a few novels about transmigration plots. The only difference was that she woke up in the same body, not someone else's.     

As she scanned through her memories, she couldn't believe that things became different in this life. She even thought that she was living in a parallel universe but that was impossible, not when the horrible things that happened in her childhood were the same. She soon realized when she scanned through the memories of her present self that what caused the changes in this life was all because of one person; Lu Mello.     

The more she thought of her sins and what changed, the feelings she had for the people in this life slowly changed. She didn't feel any hate or envy for Fan Xiao Yao when she should have. Huang Li's life wasn't ruined by her. She managed not to kill anyone, even Shi Anhao and Wang Hao! The people she hated the most! So many things were different, contrasting what happened in the past. When the thought of seeing them entered her mind, something hit her. Shi Enxi realized that she couldn't bring herself to see them again. No, not after what she did to them in the past. Even conversing with Fan Xiao Yao through call was hard but because of wanting to see the son she had with Lu Mello this time, she had to.     

When she received an invitation from Fan Xiao Yao that she was going to get married to Huang Li, the surge of happiness that filled her was genuine. Who would have thought that they would end up dating each other, right? There was so much guilt inside her, guilt for ruining their lives in the past. She ruined the lives of the people she cared for. She even killed her own brother! Among all those people, the person she had the greatest sin among was her own husband, Lu Mello. She lied and deceived him. How could she bring herself to face them again?     

And yet here she was right now. The only reason why she was brought back to the country was because of the wedding. She thought that she would be able to handle seeing Fan Xiao Yao and Huang Li again. She even spoke to her husband the other day. She was trying her best to hold herself together, not to break down in front of everyone. It was truly a bad idea to come. She wasn't ready to face them again. It was even better if they thought that she was dead so that she wouldn't have to see them again but she couldn't do that. She let Fan Xiao Yao knew that she was alive. She kept in touch with Shi Yi just to stop him from finding out what happened in Thailand but it wasn't just that... He was her brother... she killed him in the past and after finding out the truth, she couldn't bring herself not to talk with him. She missed him. He was her greatest regret in her past life.     

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