Villain Lady

Who’s the Scheming One?

Who’s the Scheming One?

0Yang Xian scratched his cheek. Well, he couldn't refute that…      

Internally, he began to have a slight regret over his decision to reveal her real name so quickly. But in that heat of time, he knew that it was inevitable.     

Besides, at the very least, he could now start to pursue her openly. Hmm, maybe he should learn a bit more from Prince Ji Sheng how to flirt with women or from Yan since that merchant was also a womanizer.     

"It won't spread. I'll make sure of that."     


Yang Xian sighed. "Are you done?"     


Turning his body around, Yang Xian noticed that Wei Liuying had already finished wearing her robe again. She was trying to tend to the wounds on her arms from the battles. It only required her to roll her sleeves, so it was not much of a big problem for her.     

Yang Xian watched for a moment and shook his head. "You're unlike any other girls, Wei Liuying."     

"As in?"     

"Most girls will not even want to let a man see their hands."     

Wei Liuying lowered her gaze to her arm that was exposed when she was treating herself. For her, this was something normal because she had treated herself a few times when she was out for campaign. Of course, she would be staying alone in her tent when it did happen.     

Noble girls in the capital city were taught to wear long sleeve dress in order to cover their arms and legs. They were not allowed to show it to anyone other than their husbands. But for ordinary girls, it didn't really matter since their work often required them to roll their sleeves.     

"I'm not a noble girl anymore, Strategist Yang."     

Yang Xian arched his eyebrows. "Now you're back to your old address for me?"     

Wei Liuying passed a glance and shrugged. "We're not acting as if we're master and servant anymore, right? There's no need for me to keep on with the façade."     

"I would rather you call me with my name directly."     

"I have the feeling that the act is part of your plan to have me call your name directly."     

"What would you do if it's true?"     

The two of them looked at each other. Their gazes conveyed thousands of messages that could not be uttered out. Having to wear a mask on their faces every single day, they knew very well that the best way to know what someone else was thinking was through their eyes and unconscious response.     

It would reveal much more than what the person intended to.     

"You have weird interest, Yang Xian."     

"Can't I say the same to you?" Yang Xian took the salve from Wei Liuying and helped to apply it to her arm. There were many cuts that came from blades because of the fight Wei Liuying had back then. She had treated her wounds from her fight in Xiong Tribe camp, but some reopened again because of the strain and all.     

Wei Liuying raised her head to look at Yang Xian. She pursed her lips. "What makes you say that?"     

"Are you saying that you don't have any interest?" Yang Xian responded unhurriedly. His hand continued to apply the salve while his face showed a light smirk on the corner of his mouth.     

Wei Liuying arched her eyebrows. "You're very confident, Yang Xian."     

"I don't have anything to lose."     


"I would like to ask that question to you, but I'm sure that I'll only face rejection." Yang Xian took the bandage and wrapped Wei Liuying's arm carefully. He was making sure that he didn't tie it too tight or too loose. "Rest for tonight. We'll go to Dong Shan City tomorrow."     

"You should rest too. I'm sure that your mental stress is high."     

"Now that you say that, it's true."     

Yang Xian finished the bandage and put it all away. Afterwards, he walked to the bed and lifted Wei Liuying lightly before putting her a bit at the side. He lied down beside her and shared her blanket.     

"Yang Xian, mind explaining to me what are you doing?" Wei Liuying asked coldly. She was staying still in her place, but the position was not completely comfortable. With him lying so close to her, she could sense his breathing and every movement.     

"I'll be resting."     

"There are other mattress, right?"     

"It's safer near you."     

Wei Liuying's eyes narrowed and lightly turned her body around so that her back faced Yang Xian. "If you touch me, I'll cut your fingers."     

"Feisty," Yang Xian commented and laughed. However, he didn't have any plan to do anything tonight. Originally, he didn't plan to say anything until everything was over because there was still the impeding rebellion that might happen, but there was a slight mistake in the plan.     

Pushing all thoughts to the back of his mind, Yang Xian forced himself to sleep.     

Time passed ever so slowly.     

While Wei Liuying immediately slept due to fatigue and ignored the man behind her, Yang Xian was lying while looking at the ceiling. It was not the best circumstances for him, but there was nothing that he could do to change the past. Sleeping beside the woman he liked without able to do anything was… torturing.     

He started to feel slight regret for suggesting this.     

It was nearly dawn when Yang Xian walked out of the tent. The temperature was cold, but it was nothing compared to beyond the border.     

"You're up early," Prince Ji Sheng remarked. He walked towards Yang Xian while looking at the man's appearance. "From the way it looks like, it's still a bit too early for someone like you."     

"What are you talking about? There's no way I'll make my move when it's still uncertain," Yang Xian retorted. He sighed and swung his arms around lightly. "I need a bit exercise to keep myself warm."     

"Are you sure you're not trying to change the conversation?"     

"Your Highness, I…"     

"And if you do wish for me to give an edict, I'll give my word," Prince Ji Sheng said unhurriedly.     

By this time, Yang Xian didn't reply back. He looked at Prince Ji Sheng and narrowed his eyes. "I believe you have been interfering all this time, Your Highness?"     

"Your little tricks will not escape my eyes. Besides, having my two strategists close to each other will be a good thing."     

"Are you not worried that I end up running away with her to avoid getting complicated position?"     

"Will you do that?"     

The two of them looked at each other without saying anything.     

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