Villain Lady




The howling of wolves startled them. A large wolf with distinctive scar on the surface of the face stepped forward. Behind him, numerous wolves were following at close direction and bare their teeth.     

"What in the ******!" the leader of the men shouted in surprise.     

"We need to get away from here."     

"But the wolves…."     

The leader gritted his teeth and noticed that the large wolf with distinctive scar on his face had already walked to the three people. Based on the wolf's temperament, it was not hard to guess that he must be the wolf pack's leader. The rest of the wolves already circled them around.     

The leader looked at the wolf as a sudden foreboding feeling enveloped him. Even though he didn't want to believe that this was true, he couldn't help but feel that it was the correct one.     

The wolves were protecting these puny people.     


He couldn't understand either. This was the first time this ever occurred in his entire life.     

"Kill them," the leader said through gritted teeth.     




The sound of the flesh tearing filled the burnt temple. At the same time the leader gave his order, the wolf's leader did the same. He was ordering his pack to start the killing spree to eliminate the people there.     

Bloody battle ensued.     

"Wha! Stop biting me!"     


Only the three people, Gao Ling, Shi Lu Wen, and Shan Yi were spared. They were staring dumbfounded at the sudden development in front of them without being able to say anything. It felt so surreal to see the wolves fought against the tribe's men like that and defended them.     

In fact, even if the sky falls, they doubted that they would be that surprised compared to this development.     

"Brother Shan, am I dreaming?" Shi Lu Wen asked in doubts.     

Shan Yi shook his head. His eyes were still looking at the chaos the wolves have created. Blood spilled everywhere thanks to the wolves' attack. "No, you're not dreaming. This truly happened, Lu Wen."     

"The wolves help us?"     

"Yes, they help us."     

Even Gao Ling felt that it was so amazing that she was unable to react properly. Her eyes were glued to the wolf pack before her, that kept on attacking the men. Only the leader was standing between the two of them as if he was waiting for the right chance to attack. His back was facing them as if reassuring them that they would not be attacked in the slightest bit.     

Gao Ling rubbed her temple. "I feel as if I have grown crazy."     

"If you're crazy, then I must be crazy too," Shi Lu Wen responded with a laugh.     

They did nothing but watch the wolves fought. Even if they wanted to participate, their current condition clearly didn't allow them to do so. Even Shan Yi chose not to bother with the wolves and merely watched.     

They couldn't believe what they saw.     

But they had to, because it happened right in front of their eyes with no possibility to refute it in the slightest bit.     

Just as the tribe's men were pushed back due to the high casualties, they could hear the sound of people coming from the stairs loud and clear.     

"The temple is near!"     


Gao Ling tightened her grip on her bow. "Who is it?"     

A group of people came out from the areas of the rubbles and ashes. From their direction, they could see two men were leading the group. Their clothes stuck to their body due to the sweat as the result of rushing here. However, relief washed over their faces when they saw the three of them.     

"You're late!" Shan Yi shouted.     

The first leader, Prince Ji Sheng, replied, "We're already going on our highest speed. What's with the wolves?"     

"The wolves are helping us!" Shi Lu Wen shouted happily.     


While Prince Ji Sheng was confused, Yang Xian swept the place and noticed Wei Liuying not far from the wolf's leader. She was still lying unconscious on the ground and with the current position, it wouldn't be weird for Yang Xian to think of her as if she had died.     

"Liu Ying…"     

Prince Ji Sheng heard the mutter and averted his gaze. His pupil constricted. "Has Liu Ying…"     

"She's alive!" Shi Lu wen quickly crouched down near Wei Liuying and checked on her wounds. The pulse was weak, but Wei Liuying was still alive. A faint smile formed on the corner of her lips when she realized that even though some time had passed, Wei Liuying's condition didn't deteriorate.     

Her action sent a wave of relief on Prince Ji Sheng and Yang Xian. They didn't expect to lose someone important so quickly.      

"Don't hurt the wolves and eliminate the men. Can you do that?" Shan Yi asked.     

Yang Xian nodded. "Leave it to me."     

Prince Ji Sheng noticed that there was a strange aura around Yang Xian right now. it was as if Yang Xian was preparing for a harsh battle and gave these people a terrible lesson that they would never forget in their entire life.     

No, not just lesson.     

This strategist was going on a killing spree. He wished to bury everyone under the mountains of corpses.     

Once the thought flashed within Prince Ji Sheng's mind, his pupil contracted. "Leave one alive."     


With that, the soldiers began to join the fray. The wolf's leader stopped watching and turned his large body around. Shi Lu Wen nearly dropped the bandage she was holding because of surprise. After all, the wolf was so near her.     

"Don't make any unnecessary movements, Lu Wen," Shan Yi warned. He didn't want a mishap to happen at this point of time.     

Shi Lu Wen stayed silent. At the same time, the wolf walked nearer to Wei Liuying and nudged her lightly with his nose. There was a faint whimper from him as if he was a dog who had lost his master. The sound startled the three people who were near the wolf's leader.     

A conjecture was formed within their mind.      

"Lady Gao, am I correct if I assume that the wolf comes here because of Liu Ying?"     

Gao Ling blinked her eyes. "We can't ask her right now, but I want to say that it might be true considering how the wolf reacted around Liu Ying."     

Shan Yi's lips twitched. Even though he had heard about people who tamed wolves during their free time, he didn't expect that he would encounter one right before his eyes now. Just what in the world Wei Liuying did to be able to be friends with a wolf's leader?     

Truthfully, it was nothing special. What Wei Liuying did was to give up her hunt to feed the hungry stray wolf, who actually turned out to be the wolf pack's leader in the future. It was truly an unexpected meeting.     

"Um, Sir wolf, I need to treat Liu Ying. You don't mind, right?" Shi Lu Wen asked hesitantly. She felt as if she had grown crazy to talk with a wolf, but she needed to ease her mind when she was treating her patient, or she might make a lot of mistake.     

The wolf raised his head. The distinctive scar on his face made him look scary, but there was indescribable gaze in his eyes. It was as if the wolf was trying to convey something, yet he regretted the fact that he couldn't speak. The wolf nudged Wei Liuying once more as Shi Lu Wen worked faster.     

This was the first time in her life Shi Lu Wen felt so stressed when she was treating a patient. After all, there was a large wolf watching her every movement. Thankfully, she soon finished with the treatment.     

But the sight only made tears started to roll on the corner of her eyes.     

"There's no way scars will not be formed," Shi Lu Wen muttered. She knew that Wei Liuying is a girl, which was why she felt that it was really bad. From this incident, it was inevitable that there would be several arrow's scar on Wei Liuying's body in the future.     

"At least, she's still alive." Gao Ling also felt her heart ached. If only she had been helpful at the very beginning, things wouldn't escalate this far. Wei Liuying might not be wounded so badly like this.     

"Yeah." Shi Lu Wen wiped her tears and noticed that Shan Yi was checking on his men. There were several of them who were still breathing, so Shi Lu Wen began to move and tried to treat them. Who knew whether they would be saved or not.     

On the other hand, the wolf had given up trying to wake Wei Liuying up. He was lying beside her and rested her head near hers. His eyes were looking outside, watching the movement of everyone around him. If there was someone who tried to get close to Wei Liuying, he would bare his teeth.      

He didn't want to leave Wei Liuying.      

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