Villain Lady

Sudden Call

Sudden Call

0Wei Liuying rested for the night and woke up early the next day. They had come to a tacit agreement to take turns for cooking and only will not do it when they truly didn't have any time. This time, it was Wei Liuying's turn in the morning.     

"What did you cook?" Yang Xian asked as he walked to the dining room. His robe was still a bit messy as he was correcting the outer robe when he walked out.     

"Warm porridge."     

"Is there no other ingredients?"     

"Your storage room is empty and only a bit of grain is left with some others."     

Yang Xian rubbed his forehead. He forgot that he now had to feed two mouths. In the past, he only needed to buy for himself, so the amount he bought was no that much. Well, it just slipped his mind.      

"I'll buy more ingredients later. We'll eat out for dinner tonight."     

"Didn't I have to go out again?" Wei Liuying asked and brought the pot over. She looked at Yang Xian for a moment, thinking that if it was any other noble, they would not come out of their room unless they were full prepared. No one would be as brash as Yang Xian to come out with his outer robe still messy.     

Yang Xian pondered. "Commander Zhao should return back in the afternoon. He'll depart again tomorrow after resting his soldiers, so you don't have to go yet."     

"How about you?"     

"I'm staying with His Highness as usual."     


Wei Liuying listened as Yang Xian gave her clear picture of the power distribution here. In the past, Yang Xian did wander a lot to the battlefield. But as his position rise, he had to stay by Prince Ji Sheng's side to make sure that there was nothing wrong. The other commanders no longer restrict him despite his lower background because of his intelligence.     

"So, you pick me up to help when roaming on the battlefield?" Wei Liuying put down the bowl as she had finished eating.     

Yang Xian nodded, not hiding his intention. "It'll be difficult to just have one head as the sole thinker. There are some other commanders who are also intelligence, but most of them are muscle head. They'll rather use their muscle to speak rather than using their brain."     

Wei Liuying: "…" How did they become a commander like that?     

"There are other strategist, but they can't be compared to you," Yang Xian said unhurriedly. He grinned. "Of course, you also still have a lot to learn. For example, martial arts and also some of the war arts."     

Wei Liuying nodded. "I understand."     

"Stop being so polite with me. I don't really like those higher ranking families' attitude, so relax a bit when we're at home," Yang Xian protested. He did match his demeanor to them when it was necessary, but when they were alone, he would never do that. It was too tiring for him.     

On the other hand, Wei Liuying merely passed him a glance. This was already her second nature because her every action was always watched in the past. Whenever she made a mistake, no matter how small it was, her mother would use it to punish her.      

She didn't want to relax her guard.     

Yang Xian had also finished eating and walked out. He leaned on the door frame while looking outside. "There's trouble. Bring your weapon and wear your armor."     


Wei Liuying swiftly took her sword and then walked out of the room. Her armor only consisted of a simple outer body armor where she could protect herself. Besides, she couldn't move if she had to wear thick armor that was hard so heavy to the point it restricted her movements.     

Yang Xian walked to the center and found Prince Ji Sheng was already there. He looked to their direction without changing his cold expression. "There's a smoke call from the West. Judging from the direction, it should be General Gao's call."     

General Gao.     

He was one of the three generals who stayed at the north. While the other two generals were slightly to the east or to the west, General Gao was right in the middle. To be exact, General Sheng was slightly to the east while General Gao was slightly to the West, but they were still at the north.     

If she had to draw the line, it could be said that these two generals were the two big generals at the frontline.     

As for the smoke call, it was the method for them to call for each other. The distance between each city would take several incense of stick time to reach. The best method for them to call for help would be through voice or fire smoke. As long as they could light it up, it would continue to lit the next one from a distance away.     

This was one of the method used for them to call for help when there was trouble.     

"Do you want to go there, General Sheng?" Yang Xian asked.     

Prince Ji Sheng nodded. "You know that for sure."     

"Since Ling'er is there, I'm sure you're worried about her."     

Wei Liuying's eyes narrowed when she heard the name. Ling'er as in Gao Ling was General Gao's only daughter. There were some words that said she was a tomboy young girl who loved to participate in war thanks to her father's influence. And being a bit of doting father, General Gao allowed his daughter to be at the backline and supported them from behind.     

She was one of the potential candidates to be Ji Sheng's fiancée and if she was not wrong, they agreed to have her as Prince Ji Sheng's marriage partner just a few months prior. Of course, she was not too sure about this since she didn't follow the news regarding Prince Ji Sheng that much.     

Prince Ji Sheng nodded. "What's your opinion, Xian?"     

"I can't let you go there without me following you," Yang Xian said unhurriedly and walked to the front. He leaned on the other pillar. "Normally, I'll go against the notion of having you leave this city again after leaving for so long since our position is unstable."     

"I see. But it's normally, right?"     

"Yes. This time, I'll let you go."     

"Without you?"     

"You can use Liu Ying."     

Prince Ji Sheng turned his head to look at Wei Liuying and nodded faintly. Even though Wei Liuying was still highly unfamiliar with this place, she was capable to make great judgement when it was necessary.     

"Alright. I'll leave it to this arrangement."     

"I'll prepare the men now. And Liu Ying, your task is to protect His Highness while arranging the plan for him to help General Gao."     

"I understand, Strategist Yang."     

Just like that, Wei Liuying was thrown to the pit of fire. Internally, Wei Liuying wondered what she could possibly do without much knowledge of the area. She had only started to familiarize herself with the North's dry lands and plain terrain.     

Prince Ji Sheng looked at Wei Liuying. "We'll discuss the tactic when we reach the place. I hope you can catch up with our pace."     

"I'll do my best, Your Highness."     


There was nothing but indifferent expression on Prince Ji Sheng's face, but Wei Liuying could faintly see the ripples in his eyes. No matter how much this prince tried to hide it, it was clear that he was worried about Gao Ling and also the men under General Gao.     

Probably, this was another case like Prince Ji Shu who also fell for the woman his family arranged for him to marry.     

The Imperial Family members were good at concealing their feelings, but their action may betray that.     

"General Sheng, everything is ready."     

Prince Ji Sheng nodded. "I'll leave the city to you, Xian. If there's any disturbance, make sure you uproot the root."     

Yang Xian grinned. "Of course, General Sheng. I'll do my best."     

When looking at their expression, Wei Liuying had the feeling that she was seeing dark and evil smile. Probably it was only her feeling, but these two could be brutal when they were serious about their work. Just seeing the result from their battles before, it was easy for her to make this conclusion.     

They went to the front gate where thousands of soldiers were already waiting. They were all donned in full armor and rode horses. Many of them were large and bulky men who had been honed in the battlefield for a long time.     

Wei Liuying felt that she was like a little kid here.     

"Don't leave my side," Prince Ji Sheng ordered. "Your task is the same with Xian. You'll have to analyze the battlefield and give me the best method to overcome it."     

The best method as in strategize.     

Looking at the soldiers before her, Wei Liuying understood that from now on, the lives of these men would be under her hand. With her command, she could send them to their death simply because of their position. Yet, it was very impossible for war to have no casualties.     

Some people, no, a lot of people will die for the sake of victory.     

Wei Liuying nodded solemnly. "I understand, Your Highness."     

"Call me General Sheng in the battlefield," Prince Ji Sheng ordered.     

"General Sheng."     

"Men, depart!"     

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