Villain Lady

Cold Atmosphere

Cold Atmosphere

0Wei Liuying nodded in agreement.     

On the side, Prince Ji Sheng listened to these two conversing with each other. He sighed. "Are you two talking about this because you want me to hear it, Xian, Liu Ying?"     

The two of them looked at each other before they looked at Prince Ji Sheng. Yang Xian started, "I know you're not a person like that, General Sheng."     

"Are you speaking from your heart?"     

"I'm not lying when I talk to you, Your Highness."     

Wei Liuying looked at Ji Sheng. "Besides, if General Sheng showed even an ounce of interest to another woman, Lady Gao will never let things rest so easily. There'll be hell in the residence, and I'm sure that Lady Gao will not even hesitate to kill her with her own hands should the woman enter Prince Ji Sheng's Residence."     

Prince Ji Sheng: "…"     

Yang Xian: "…"     

On another note, they had to agree that it was true. Gao Ling was very straightforward in what she wanted and didn't want. Even though she could cover up her feelings when she was in front of other women and have a tea party with them, she would never show the real her.     

But in front of Prince Ji Sheng, there was no need for Gao Ling to hide anything as she would say everything in the bluntest way possible. Those who dared to have an inch of interest to Prince Ji Sheng would be killed without any mercy. And Prince Ji Sheng himself would not mind because he didn't have any interest in any other woman beside his fiancée.     

"That reminds me," Yang Xian clapped his hands. "You didn't show any interest to Prince Ji Sheng, right?"     


The direct and blunt way of Wei Liuying's speaking was both relieving and annoying in Prince Ji Sheng's ear. He felt as if in Wei Liuying's eyes, he was worth nothing. But then again, Yang Xian had already told him that Wei Liuying didn't have any interest in the Imperial Family whatsoever.     

Yang Xian grinned. "That's good. If you show even the slightest interest, I might not be able to have you as my disciple."     

"Has something similar happened?"     

"There's a farmer that's quite interesting in Prince Ji Sheng's eyes not long ago. However, the girl showed different attitude when she learned that Ji Sheng is the third prince and began to create troubles. Lady Gao is furious, so she chose to take action on her own," Yang Xian replied.     

Wei Liuying furrowed her brows. "I thought that the engagement has only been settled not long ago?"     

"Yes, but the two of them are childhood friends. Lady Gao disliked it when someone tried to get close to Prince Ji Sheng without regards of their own self. Trying to sacrifice everything in the name of love only received scorn from her," Yang Xian replied.     

Wei Liuying blinked her eyes. "Isn't it obvious?"     


"Sacrificing so many lives just for one person is a heavy burden. Would that person be worth it for so many people to put their lives on the line just to ensure his or her safety?" Wei Liuying asked back. "Attaining happiness by sacrificing so many people's life, would you really be happy knowing that so many people have to die just because of you?"     

Prince Ji Sheng: "…" surprisingly, you have similar views with Gao Ling.     

Yang Xian: "…" you and Lady Gao will surely be good friends.     

"A person who can sacrifice the lives of so many people for an unimportant person is not fit to be a leader," Wei Liuying added. "But then again, there's also several questions that's need to be addressed such as who's the person they're going to safe, the role of that person, and many others."     

Yang Xian sighed and poked Wei Liuying's forehead. "There's no need for you to think about it so much. Everyone can strive for their happiness no matter who they are, but sometimes, the price is too big that they can't afford it."     


"If you become a leader too, you'll understand more." Yang Xian chuckled when he saw Wei Liuying's face full of confusion. She looked cuter this way rather than when she was so serious. "Also, you shouldn't think too much or your hair will turn white even faster."     

Wei Liuying furrowed her brows and pulled her hair to her face. Seeing that it was still all black, she heaved a sigh of relief. It would be weird for her if her hair turned white when she was still 14 years old. She didn't want to be suspected as an old lady because of her hair color.     

Seeing her gesture, Yang Xian resisted the urge to laugh. She looked more normal this way rather than when she was speaking about tactic and many other serious matter.      

"Let's go home. Your hair is a mess."     


"Wait a minute, Xian. I need to talk about some matters first," Prince Ji Sheng said from the back. "You can return first, Liu Ying."     

"Yes, General."     

After Wei Liuying had left, Yang Xian looked at Prince Ji Sheng and crossed his hands. "What kind of matter is so important to have you make me stay?"     

Prince Ji Sheng looked at Yang Xian. "I have a question."     


"If I order you to kill Wei Liuying, can you do it?"     

Almost immediately, the temperature in the storage room dropped to the lowest degree. The two young men were looking at each other with cold gazes. It was unclear what they were thinking as silence descended in the place.     

Time ticked, yet no one answered.     

The temperature was getting even colder.     

After some time, Yang Xian moved his gaze away and cupped his hands. "If that's your order, General Sheng, I'll have no other choice but to comply."     

Prince Ji Sheng watched Yang Xian's movements carefully. The two of them never tried to hide their movements from each other because they were already familiar with the other's habit after spending so much time together in the battlefield. It was to the point that they were more similar to brothers rather than master and subordinate.     

Yet, there were times when Yang Xian still had to act as his subordinate because of their difference in status.     

"I won't ask something like that to you," Prince Ji Sheng said after a while. "But should the day come, what will you do afterwards?"     

Yang Xian didn't immediately answer. He was contemplating what he was supposed to say as he looked at Prince Ji Sheng. There was solemn expression on Prince Ji Sheng's face that was unclear what it wanted to say.     

Their lives at the frontline has always been near death. Fighting with their lives on the line every single day, there was no telling when they would be called back by the Heaven and died. All they could do was to live their lives to the fullest each day because no one knew when these all would end.     

Just a single mistake in the battlefield could become their end.     

It was that simple.     

"Nothing," Yang Xian replied. "I'll continue to strive and fulfill my dream that I have in the past."     

"Will you stay as my right hand even after everything is over?" Prince Ji Sheng asked once more.     

"I don't know." Yang Xian stared back. "There are many things that didn't have the clear answer until it's the time. I don't know for sure whether I'll stay behind or leave, General Sheng as you know that living at the frontline is not really an ideal life."     

Prince Ji Sheng couldn't deny that. He turned his body around and walked to the door. "In that case, we shall have this conversation again when things are over."     

"I understand, Your Highness."     

Yang Xian stayed still as he watched Ji Sheng left the storage room. The question that Prince Ji Sheng asked was so abrupt that he was stunned. But then again, without that question, he would never consider the thoughts of Wei Liuying dying because of the war in this place.     

How high is the chance?     

The chance would never disappear. As long as they continued to live in the battlefield, their lives were always put on the line. There was no one who could tell when they would die because the war has always been very unpredictable.     

They could win at one time then lose at the next time.     

Yang Xian sighed and rubbed his forehead. He didn't understand why, but he didn't want Wei Liuying to die at all cost. Even though they have only known each other for a limited period of time, he had already treated her as one of their close friends.     

'Did I open my heart too quickly?'     

Wei Liuying was still keeping her guard up around them. With her polite gesture and the restraint she put on herself, she was making sure that she wouldn't be falling deeper to the point of no return. Because once they cared for each other, it meant that they were allowing the others to enter their heart.     

When something happened to the others, their heart would be hurt.     

And it would be painful.     

With his head still in a mess, Yang Xian walked back home. He noticed that there was food on the table. It seemed that Wei Liuying had bought food on her way back here.     

'I better start thinking of our counterattack attack to Huo Tribe rather than thinking of this matter.'     

Yang Xian walked to the side and headed to the bathroom. He wanted to wash his face and cool his head from the annoying question Ji Sheng asked him. It was truly hitting him at the most unexpected time.     

As he entered the bathroom, he heard faint sound of water splashing.     

His movement stopped.     

"What are you doing here, Strategist Yang?"     

The temperature dropped to the lowest degree possible once more.     

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