The Emperor's Pampered Wife

Strong Deeds, Gentle Words

Strong Deeds, Gentle Words

0It was already 11 in the evening when Ji Li Zhao finally stepped inside his study, where a bored-looking young lady awaited him with her arms crossed across her chest. He sighed at his uncaring posture and loosed his shirt before looking directly at her with a slight glare. "Now, what are you doing here?"     

"Hou Wei Yan" Bei Changhai bravely muttered which immediately changed her cousin's expression. The composed look he had when he entered was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was only worry written all over his face which made her sigh. "As I thought. She's the reason why you didn't date anyone I recommended"     

Ji Li Zhao stayed silent for a good few seconds before he sighed. "Did Xing Qiu tell you something?"     

Bei Changhai shook her head in reply. She had tried prying on him countless times but he's a hard nut to crack when it comes to secrets he was entrusted to guard. "He's a loyal person so he remained mute despite all the interviews"     

Ji Li Zhao understood where she's coming from. He knew by heart just how faithful Xing Qiu is so he never doubted him. So how in the world did his cousin know?     

[If she even found out then…the possibility of Uncle finding out might be higher than we anticipated]     

"I grew interested in her after your little interaction at the ball. When I asked Qiu he would only tell me her basic information…and amongst those, I found out that she's a student in Jingying Academy during the same year you were there" Changhai suddenly interjected when she saw her cousin having an inner conflict.     

Ji Li Zhao looked up at her when she said this. Hou Wei Yan had records in Jingying Academy and so does he, so he cannot cover up such basic information. However, Jingying is known as the School for Elites so the two of them attending such school is only natural.     

"That's not enough for you to find out" he muttered seriously.     

"The final blow was Yun's sudden appointment as her guard right when your pesky Uncle returned" she immediately replied before smiling widely at him. "I often show innocence, but I'm not dumb…so Big Brother should stop hiding her from me or I will find other means to acquire the information that I want"     

A sigh managed to escape from his lips upon hearing her words. He never thought that the possibility of her finding out is higher than they initially calculated. "Who else knows?"     

"I'm the only one who knows" she hummed in amusement. "I easily made the connection because I'm one of the very few who knows why the Xing Twins are working for you"     

There's only a handful of people who knows that Xing Qiu and Xing Yun are working for Ji Li Zhao, and Bei Changhai was one of them. Not only that, she knows the reason why they are tied to Ji Li Zhao that's why reaching such a conclusion was a breeze for her.     

Ji Li Zhao stared at her before sighing once more. "I thought that was the best course of action. To think it would become a reason for you to find out"     

With this confirmation, a wide smile was instantly drawn on her face. She drew closer to him excitedly as she began thinking of how Hou Wei Yan managed to ensnare her cousin. "So? Is she the first love you talked about in the past?"     

She asked excitedly which was only replied with a nod from the mighty Emperor. She was born and raised abroad and only began living in China 5 years ago after meeting Xing Qiu. There was no way for her to know how infatuated Ji Li Zhao was to Hou Wei Yan, nor the tragic accident that befell them. The whole family remained mute of such an accident and the Xing family erased all traces of such tragedy.     

"They say your first love will probably never be your true love" she suddenly muttered which made Ji Li Zhao flinch. Noticing this, she turned her gaze towards him and saw how saddened and terrified he was by this remark.     

She chuckled lowly before smiling widely towards her dejected cousin. "But I guess that's not the case for you"     

"I plan to love her for as long as I may live" he replied with an endearing look on his eyes. Such sight nearly blinded and appeared miraculous to her who had only seen his cold and not-so-cold side.     

"Your so cheesy it's making my skin crawl" she muttered in between her laughter before she excitedly clasped her hands together to control her excitement. "So? How did you meet? Tell me everything!"     

Ji Li Zhao shook his head at her appearance. Right now, she looked like an excited golden retriever who wants him to throw the Frisbee already. "Do I even have a choice?"     


21 years ago…     

The Ji Mansion was grandiose and was filled with nothing but fine and expensive decorations. There are rare exhibits of arts and paintings on their wall which the Madame of the Household greatly cherish.     

However…they are getting taken down one by one by a raging storm named Ji Ling Hao.     

All the servants were in a state of panic as he began thrashing around. Expensive furniture was getting thrown everywhere as his anger exploded. And while he was on a rampage, a small child continued crying on his bed.     

"Find her! I told you to find her didn't I?!" he yelled out when he saw the men he dispatched returning without Bei Qing Qing. "Bring me back my wife!"     

His desperate yells were loud and clear which caused concern for the eldest sons of the household. Ji Bao Shi and Ji Cao Shi hurriedly ran towards their youngest brother's room and their hearts clenched at the sight of him.     

He was huddled at the corner of his bed, his hands covered his ears, and his tears were flowing endlessly. The continuously yelling of his father was stabbing him and it's driving him nuts…because his desperation means that his mother had disappeared.     

His yelling was a slap to Ji Li Zhao's face telling him that he was abandoned.     

It pains them to see their ball of sunshine, slowly getting engulfed by darkness. "Ah Li"     

The familiar voice made him raise his head and when he saw his two older brothers looking at him in worry, he couldn't help but reach out to them―hoping for them to comfort them.     

When Ji Bao Shi opened up his arms, Ji Li Zhao hurriedly ran towards him―even stumbling on his way. Once he reached him, he pounced at him without hesitation and cried in his warm embrace.     

"Where is mom?…hic…Why isn't she…why isn't she here when I woke up?" he cried without restrain. His mother was his pillar of support, so her disappearance caused great pain.     

His father could find another wife like he always does…however, he couldn't find another mother to care for him the way she did. "Did she abandon me? Why did she leave me behind?"     

Ji Bao Shi buried him in his arms before he looked at his twin brother with worry. His twin bit his lower lip in frustration because he knew…that she had disappeared for good. "We'll find her…so don't cry anymore"     

"Where is my mommy? Bring her back to me" Ji Li Zhao cried once more making them shed tears for him. He was an intelligent and talented child who never asked for anything…and yet here he is now, selfishly asking for the return of his mother.     

His continuous cries made Cao Shi clench his fist before he crouched down and hugged him alongside Bao Shi. "We'll return your mom so until then, be brave"     

Their words brought minimal comfort to Ji Li Zhao…and such small comfort disappeared in an instant as Ji Ling Hao's shadow loomed them. The three of them looked up to their father who's eyes were now filled with nothing but anger and frustration.     

Ji Li Zhao's tears flowed without stop and it worsened at the sight of his father who was now haggard and stripped of his dignified ambiance.     

Seeing the tearful Ji Li Zhao who resembled his mother caused Ji Ling Hao to be reminded of his wife who had the audacity to run away. He immediately glared towards him causing Ji Li Zhao who was still in a frail state flinch. "Take him somewhere else! Don't let him near the main mansion until everything subsides!"     

"But Fath---"     

Ji Ling Hao glared at his oldest son before he hurriedly motioned Gu Man near him. "Take him! Now!"     

"I'm sorry, Ah Li" Ji Bao Shi said as soon as Gu Man arrived. He hugged Ji Li Zhao once more before he cried alongside him.     

The loving father who nurtured them alongside the kind and cheerful Bei Qing Qing was gone, and what replaced him was a man filled with monstrous hate. "We'll find her, okay? I promise you, we'll find her"     

Believing that his mother would still return, Ji Li Zhao hurriedly turned towards his father. He wanted to be there when his mother returns and be the first one to hug and welcome her…so leaving is causing him distress. "Dad. I want to---"     

Ji Ling Hao stared at him before he bit his lower lip and hurriedly turning away. "Stay there for the meantime"     

The coldness of his voice caused Ji Li Zhao to stand there in a daze.     

[I'm getting abandoned]     


The trip towards the villa in the countryside owned by the Ji Family was arduous. Ji Li Zhao continuously begged outside his father's office to let him stay―yet he was rejected coldly and wasn't even sent off properly by his father. He cried as he left the mansion till they began traveling.     

He wasn't able to withstand the fatigue and fell asleep after 30 minutes causing Ji Bao Shi to take pity on his youngest brother. He carefully placed his head on his lap as Gu Man continued driving towards the villa.     

Once they arrived, Ji Li Zhao woke up and was now on the verge of tears once more. Noticing this, Ji Bao Shi hurriedly crouched down and gently ruffled his hair to calm him down. "We'll stay here in the meantime. Okay, Ah Li?"     

"Did father abandon me too?" Ji Li Zhao asked as a tear fell from his eyes. He had never once begged for anything because he had a happy family. So when it disappeared, he desperately clung to his father―the only pillar he thought he has during such a crisis.     

And yet his desperation only caused his father to abandon him.     

Ji Bao Shi was stunned by what his younger brother said. "What?"     

"He sent me here…he sent me away" Ji Li Zhao said as he held back his tears. "I've read somewhere that this is also a form of abandonment. Does that mean he doesn't want me as a son now because mother left me?"     

Ji Bao Shi bit his lower lip before he pulled Ji Li Zhao in his embrace. "Father is not like that"     

"He appears cold but he's not heartless, okay?" he tried to explain. He was the eldest so he spent more time with Ji Ling Hao than anyone else. His flow of thoughts is often twisted…but he knows that he meant well. He was often cold, but it was because he wished for them to be tough so they can survive the brutal world as a part of the Regal Families.     


He hugged his younger brother tightly. He's still young so he wanted Ji Li Zhao to understand from the get-go that their father is not heartless so he won't grow up hating him. "Father doesn't want you to see him so anguished while looking for mother. He's as desperate as you are now, so let's try to understand him, okay?"     

"I will stay here with you and soon, Cao Shi and Xuejin will arrive here too. You would never be alone" he muttered as he wiped away the tears flowing down Ji Li Zhao's cheeks.     

Ji Li Zhao nodded his head in reply as he too wiped away his tears using his small hands. After a while, he raised his pinky finger near his older brother's face. "You'll stay with me, you promise?"     

"I promise" Bao Shi replied as he hooked his pinky fingers on Ji Li Zhao's small ones. After this, he stood up and held his hands.     

They began to walk inside when a fit of laughter drifted on Ji Li Zhao's ears. He looked at the side to track down the source of such small laughter and surprise crossed his face when he saw a small figure run outside their gate.     

Ji Bao Shi who saw Gu Man talking to a familiar chef, immediately smiled and looked at his younger brother. "Should we go grab---what are you looking at?"     

"There's a child" Ji Li Zhao immediately replied causing Ji Bao Shi to follow his trail of sight. When he saw the direction, a smile was immediately formed on his lips.     

"Right, it's summer so that child is probably there" he muttered to himself before he looked at Ji Li Zhao and ruffled his ebony hair.     

[She might just be the perfect friend Ah Li needs to get over this predicament, considering how cheeky and bright she is] he thought to himself before he crouched down and faced Ji Li Zhao.     

He flashed him an encouraging smile as he redirected his sight towards the mansion situated next to their property. "There's a beautiful fairy on the next mansion. You should greet her sometimes"     

"A fairy?" he curiously asked as he looked at the place where the child ran earlier. He couldn't get a glimpse of her face but she had beautiful and curly brown hair the same shade as the earth's soil.     

"Yes. A green-eyed fairy" Ji Bao Shi replied before standing up and offering his hands to him once more. "Let's eat some cake. I asked the famous patisserie from the Xu Family to cook their best delicacies for you"     

Ji Li Zhao looked at the place one last time before nodding his head and allowing himself to get dragged inside by Ji Bao Shi. The thought of getting abandoned still looms over him…however, with Ji Bao Shi keeping him company, his fear slightly disappeared. He thought that his life would slowly improve so long as he has his brother by his side.     

But in the end, even his small glimmer of hope disappeared as Ji Bao Shi broke his promise.     

"I'm really sorry, Ah Li. Xuejin suddenly collapsed and was brought to the hospital. Cao Shi is down with a cold as well so I need to return home to tend on him" he muttered as he hugged Ji Li Zhao tightly. They were now outside of the villa alongside Gu Man and the other servants who wished to see him off properly.     

Ji Li Zhao remained silent as he said this causing Bao Shi to bit his lower lip in frustration. He didn't want to leave him alone, in fact, he asked to return with Ji Li Zhao but their father remained adamant and has gone crazier than ever in his search for his runaway wife.     

He could only detest their current situation. "I'll come back as soon as I could"     

Silence was all the young Ji Li Zhao ever retorted. Only when the car truly left did he allow his tears to flow. He slowly, clenched his fist as he tried to hold back his tears. However, it was already too late to hold it in. "You didn't keep your promise"     

Gu Man and the others looked at him in pity. The esteemed butler could only walk up to him and make him go on with his life because he knew, no form of comfort could be enough to heal his wounded soul. "Shall we go inside, Young Master?"     

He slowly wiped his tears before he turned around to return to his room. However, before he could take a step, he heard familiar laughter causing him to abruptly turn his attention towards the source of such melodious laughter. He thought he could finally see the child who had very bright laughter, however, all he could see was her hair as she ran past his field of vision.     

Disappointed, he hurriedly went inside and locked himself in his room. He waited for his older brother's call all night, but it never arrived.     

When morning came, he woke up earlier than expected and waited patiently in front of the telephone. Ji Bao Shi's call only arrived the afternoon of that day and Ji Li Zhao had his hopes up once more as he received the phone from Gu Man.     

"Did they find, mommy?"     

"They haven't found her yet. But they're still looking" Bao Shi replied sadly. "We'll find her soon, I pro---"     

"Don't promise" Ji Li Zhao abruptly replied, fully cutting off his older brother's next word. Soon after saying this, he broke into a painful cry as memories of his mother came flooding in. "You might break it…hic…so don't promise…hic…I…want to see her…hic…so…don't…hic…don't promise"     

Ji Bao Shi already promised him many things…yet it was all broken in the end. If he promises again, he fears that he won't ever see his mother again. He didn't want that so by all means, he didn't want to hear another promise coming out of his mouth.     

"Ah L---"     

Not wanting to hear any more lies, he hurriedly hung up the phone and ran outside of the villa causing Gu Man to panic. Their property is huge so the probability of him getting lost was quite high and this thought terrified the middle-aged man.     

"Wait! Young Master!" he yelled as he tried to catch Ji Li Zhao however, Ji Li Zhao at this age was already agile enough to escape the adults' clutches. As his figure disappeared in the forest, Gu Man hurriedly called out for all the servants alongside the guards stationed to patrol the villa. "Follow him! Don't lose the Young Master!"     

Ji Li Zhao runs deeper into the woods with tears continuously flowing down his bouncy cheeks. There was one singular thought running in his head as he allowed himself to follow his instincts.     

[The fairy. I need to find a fairy. So she can bring me back home and bring back my mommy]     

He had no direction to go and guided by nothing but sad thoughts, he ended up getting lost. Realizing this, he immediately followed the much brighter path. Before he could realize it, he was in front of a majestic meadow filled with wild yet beautiful flowers. He couldn't help but awe at such a spectacular view.     

The place was secluded, even appearing enchanted as it was enclosed by tall trees and in the middle of it, stood a tall huge tree filled with orchids growing in its branches. He slowly strode towards it as though enchanted.     

He was suddenly filled with an immeasurable amount of sadness once he saw just how beautiful it was up close. It was a beautiful tree that brings warm and he wanted to enjoy such a view with his family.     

[I want mom to see this…she'll be glad to see this. And maybe she won't leave again if she lays her eyes on this tree]     

Tired, he crouched down and sat under the shade of the tree. After doing this, tears flowed down his eyes once more.     

He misses his mom. He misses his father. He misses his brothers. He misses their time together.     

"Mommy…I'll be…hic…I'll be good…hic…so…hic…come back…hic…don't leave me" he desperately cried as he bawled his eyes out. "Don't leave me"     

In the middle of his emotional breakdown, bustling of leaves suddenly erupted in front of him and some twigs began falling down causing him to look up only to see a child dangling upside down like a monkey.     

Her hair was tied in a ponytail and she had chubby cheeks. Her legs were hooked on the branch as she waved her chubby hands with a smile on her face. "Hi"     

"Who are---Green eyes?" he suddenly mumbled as he stood up. Her eyes glistened under the glorious golden hue of the sun. Her appearance made him remember what his brother said regarding a fairy with green eyes. "Are you the fairy of this tree?"     


The child looked at him in confusion before she jumped down from the tree and approached him. "Fairy?"     

Ji Li Zhao innocently nodded his head towards the young girl curiously gazing at his eyes. "My brother said that there's a fairy here. Could you grant my wish?"     

"I'm no fairy and I couldn't grant wishes...I'm sorry" she honestly replied. It would be good if she's a fairy, but unfortunately, she's not.     


The look of dejection in his eyes caused the young girl to flinch in guilt. She didn't want to lie to him so she told him the truth. [Would it have been better if I lied?]     

She immediately shook her head to dismiss such brazen thought. [Mama said that lying is bad so I should never do it]     

"But I could listen to you and become your lifelong friend" she said when she regained her senses. When the boy looked up and faced her, she hurriedly offered her hands with a huge smile on her face. "I'm Hou Wei Yan"     

He stared at the hand she offered before looking at her face. He couldn't explain why…but her bright smile moved his heart. After a few seconds of hesitation, he returned the favor and shook her small hands. "Ji Li Zhao"     

The smile on her face grew upon hearing his name. "Brother Zhao"     

"Brother Zhao?" he asked in surprise because it was a first for him to be called as though they had been together for a long time already.     

"You can call me Wei Wei" she suddenly said as she held his hand and urged him to sit back down…only this time, he has her beside him. "What's troubling you, Brother Zhao? I could accompany you here till you feel like leaving"     

Without any choice left, he sat down and heaved a sigh as he looked at the sky. [Where should I even start?]     

Troubled by this, he looked back at her and saw the look in her eyes. She was patiently waiting for him to speak, and yet it wasn't uncomfortable or troubling. In fact, the curious and worried glint in her eyes was so serene he thought he was drowning.     

After a few minutes of silence, he finally gathered enough courage and allowed his tears to flow down his cheeks once more. He always thought that it was embarrassing to cry in front of strangers―yet strangely enough, he was comforted instead as he cried in front of her.     

"When I woke up, mommy was no longer there. Instead of her, I saw my father lashing out at everyone…demanding them to find mommy" he muttered in between his sniffles. "In anger, he sent me here with my brother. He told me to stay away. Then my brother left me here because of my sick brothers"     

As tears continued rolling down his eyes, Hou Wei Yan reached out his hands to wipe it away. Ji Li Zhao cried even harder as he felt her small warm hands on his face. "They said that I was't abandoned…but why do I feel like one"     

Unable to hold herself back, Hou Wei Yan cried as well as she felt how heavy he was feeling. She pulled him for a hug and both of them ended up crying together.     

Whenever she cries, her mother would immediately engulf her in a warm hug. It's a small gesture but it was enough to calm her down. She's no fairy who could grant wishes…all she could ever give was comfort.     

And that small comfort was all Ji Li Zhao needed. He didn't need promises…he needed comfort―sincere comfort born out of worry and care, not from pity.     

"Brother…you're still not sure why she left so don't immediately think that she abandoned you…and from what you said, your dad probably didn't want you to see him getting insane while looking for your mom" Wei Yan mumbled as she continued hugging Ji Li Zhao who cried furiously in her arms. "I could relate because dad did it once. They don't want us to see them crumbling down"     

She gently patted his back with difficulty as she was much smaller than him. "Besides, getting sick is something we can't control. I'm sure your brother didn't want to leave you, but your other siblings need him more right now"     

After hearing this, he slowly released the hug and looked her in the eye. Her figure was blurry but he could still vividly picture out her comforting smile. Not a moment too soon, he felt a warm hand wiping his tears once more. It was gentle and it soothed his broken senses. "I'm sure he'll come back for you. When he does, don't forget to invite me to your home"     

He nodded his head in reply as he wiped away his remaining tears. "I will"     

Hearing his reply, Hou Wei Yan stood up and offered her hands once more. "It's getting dark now. Should we go home?"     

Ji Li Zhao was dazzled by her smile as the rays of the setting sun illuminated her face. He was unable to notice it earlier because he was occupied by his grief...[She's beautiful]     

Far beautiful than the fairy he expected to see.     

Once both of them were up, Hou Wei Yan began dusting her pants and so did he. After this, he turned towards her and saw her hair filled with leaves from the tree. He chuckled at this sight before he approached her.     

Wei Yan who was busy dusting her pants to erase all proofs of her mischief suddenly looked up when she felt his hands on her hair. Because of this, she was forced to face him in close distance. His gray to silver eyes glistened as he gently picked out the leaves from her hair.     

His extreme focus and the small smile on his face caused a blush to come out of her face. [He's a crybaby…but right now he looks cool]     

"Ah Yan!" she suddenly heard from a distance causing her to suddenly flinch. Ji Li Zhao who noticed this traced the source of the voice and it was coming from Hou Wei Yan's house. His smile faded because he knew…he would be left alone once more.     

Noticing the urgency of such a call, Hou Wei Yan immediately ran towards it while dragging Ji Li Zhao. He was flustered and surprised by her sudden movement but he was fast to adjust and run at the same pace as her. From time to time, he couldn't help but glance at their tightly clasped hands…entwined with one another.     

[Strange…I'm not tired but why is my heart thumping?] he asked himself because he knew that this amount of running wasn't enough to drain his stamina. And yet his heart was thumping loudly.     

Once they reached a place where both of their houses could be seen, Hou Wei Yan released his hands and went in the opposite direction…but stopped midway and turned back to look at Ji Li Zhao straight in the eye. She flashed him a smile before waving her hands enthusiastically. "I'll meet you again tomorrow, Bro Zhao! Look forward to it!"     

With such simple words, his fears were washed away. He donned a small unnoticeable smile and waved his hands towards her. Hou Wei Yan immediately disappeared from his sight and all that's left of him was excitement for their next meeting.     

"Oh my god, Young Master. Are you okay? Where did you go?" Gu Man exclaimed in worry and shock as soon as he saw a ragged Ji Li Zhao walking outside of their back door. He hurriedly crouched down and began wiping the filth on his face.     

Ji Li Zhao accepted his gestures and honestly answered his question. "The forest"     


"No" he muttered almost instantly before he looked at Hou Wei Yan's house situated after their property. "A fairy was there with me"     

Confusion was all that's written in Gu Man's face upon hearing this. [When did he begin believing in myths?]     

Although having many questions lingering in his head, he chose to ignore them and immediately called for his son. "Sebastian, prepare the bath"     

"Got it" his son replied instantly before he began gathering some maids to help him with the preparations.     

Gu Man then stood up and began guiding Ji Li Zhao inside the villa. "For now let's get you cleaned up. Dinner will be served once you're done"     

Obediently, Ji Li Zhao followed him…but it was after he stole another glance at the mansion next door.     

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