The Emperor's Pampered Wife

His Evermore

His Evermore

0The Pediatric Ward was filled with cries and laughter from children of all ages. Their cries would resonate as they receive their examination, however, once done and thanks to the efforts of the doctors, their laughter would then fill the hall.     

Hou Wei Yan's team who were always either busy with their surgeries or researches found this place quite peaceful. The one who particularly feels like it's a haven was none other than Jiang Guiren who had always adored children.     

He had a smile on his face as he waved at the child being carried by his mother. When he giggled in reply, his heart was automatically filled with warmth.     

Children…he truly wished he could have one someday.     

While he was busy thinking this a raven-haired beauty approached him with a female child tightly clinging in her shirt. "Good day. I'm Bei Changhai and I came here for Xue Min's vaccination"     

Black hair that reaches her shoulder, sharp electric blue eyes that make her beauty mark stand out, and sharp jawline matching her plump lips…these features caused Jiang Guiren to blink a couple of times as his tongue got tied.     

She was beautiful…a beauty beyond those whom he met so far. It took him a couple of seconds before his brain could function again and mutter coherent words. "Ah…yes…Please wait here. The doctor is still seeing a patient"     

"Thank You" Changhai replied as she politely left to take a seat with the child still clinging to her shoulders. It looks like the child was crying as she was gently caressing the child's back in order to calm her down.     

This little action made him smile to himself before he entered the room assigned to Hou Wei Yan. As soon as he got in, the patient she was seeing left with a huge smile on her face. He took a polite bow as he approached her desk. "There's a pretty lady outside"     

"Really?" Hou Wei Yan asked as she started massaging her shoulders. After a few seconds, she looked back at him with a curious smile on her face. "Are you interested in her?"     

Guiren immediately shook his head. [She's just pretty]     

He was instinctively drawn to her because of her beauty…however, he wasn't that much interested in who she is. With this in mind, he returned outside and called the next patient which was the black-haired woman earlier. "Miss Bei, the Doctor is ready for her"     

Bei Changhai nodded her head as she stood up and carried the child and slinging her bag on her shoulders. She calmly strode inside guided by Guiren. "Good day---Sister Wei Wei?"     

Hou Wei Yan who was checking Xue Min's medical record looked up in surprise as she got called out using her nickname. When she saw the woman and recollected her surname getting called by Guiren, she immediately plastered a smile.     

For someone to call her in quite an intimate way, she must be from the prominent Bei Family who ranks 7th in the Regal Family ranking…the very family who will soon establish a connection with them. "Miss Bei, am I correct? You must be one of President Ji's cousin"     

"Oh, right" Changhai muttered as she realized how rude she must have been. She extended her hands and flashed a smile towards her. "I'm Bei Changhai, Ji Li Zhao's cousin…and Xing Qiu's girlfriend"     


The only Bei grandchild who has the connection and the right to call her by her nickname…could only be her cousin's future wife. "I was wondering which of the Bei grandchildren caught his eyes. So it was you"     

Hou Wei Yan stood up and accepted her hands wholeheartedly. "It's nice to finally meet you"     

"Sorry for startling you earlier. Qiu always talks about you so I got used to referring you as Sister Wei Wei" Changhai confessed shyly. She got carried away when she saw the woman whom Xing Qiu always bragged about…and the woman who managed to catch Ji Li Zhao's attention.     

A warm smile made it's way to her face when she heard what Changhai said. They must have quite a tight bond for Xing Qiu to share plenty of stories about their family. "It's okay. You can continue calling me that. After all, we might become family soon"     

"I'm not sure about that" she sheepishly replied. It's good that Hou Wei Yan recognizes her as a potential wife for Xing Qiu however…the Elders of the Xing Family must feel otherwise.     

"Don't worry too much. Xing Qiu plans well, I'm sure he would get the Elder's approval in no time" Wei Yan remarked with confidence. Her grandparents and those in the same generation as them within the family aren't as terrifying as everyone perceives them to be.     

In fact…they're the peculiar type of Elders who would say yes to anyone who could make them happy. If they are given the opportunity to bond with Changhai, they would certainly fawn over her in no time. "Besides, you're very outgoing. My grandfather would certainly love it if you become part of the family"     

Hou Wei Yan's words brought a smile to Changhai's face. She had heard what happened to Xing Yun that's why she was worried…however, if Wei Yan who was deeply favored by the Elders acknowledge her as worthy of Xing Qiu, then she could relax even for a little bit.     

The atmosphere in the room suddenly turned chummy that it caused Jiang Guiren to worry. Hou Wei Yan is quite good at talking when she gets into it. It's good that they are close but other patients are probably waiting.     

So he cleared his throat which instantly attracted their attention. When Wei Yan's eyes drifted to him, he pointed at the medical record in her hands. It was a small gesture but it was enough to set her back on track. She turned back on Changhai and looked at the 1-year-old child in her arms. "Min's appointment is for her hepatitis A vaccine and chickenpox vaccine"     

"Ah, yes" Changhai answered as she fixed Xue Min's position.     

Hou Wei Yan stood up and motioned Jiang Guiren close to her. She touched Xue Min and flashed her a smile before turning towards Changhai. "Hold her in your lap, embrace her, and anchor her legs in between your thighs so she won't kick. This way she would be at ease and you could comfort her easily"     

Changhai immediately followed her instructions while Wei Yan prepared the syringe. Once she was done, Hou Wei Yan approached the child and started…playing with her.     

It was easy to catch Xue Min's attention because she was quite a jolly child. As Hou Wei Yan started tickling her side, Xue Min's smile immediately came out. She made babbling noises and Xue Min followed it as well causing even Changhai to be caught in a trance.     

Once she relaxed, Hou Wei Yan took the cap off the syringe and injected it into her arms without causing my fuss from her. Xue Min was even smiling, unaware that the shot has been made because she was enjoying her time with Wei Yan.     

Bei Changhai was amazed by her once more. [If I get a shot, I want her as my doctor!]     

After the two vaccines were delivered, Hou Wei Yan blew a bubble toy which captured Xue Min's attention once more. She did this as she noticed the change in her expression which only means that she must be feeling the pain now.     

Xue Min who was on the verge of tears giggled as she tried catching the many bubbles in front of her. Her joyful attitude brought relief to Changhai and Wei Yan found this as a good time to tell her the next schedule of Xue Min's vaccination. "Come back after 6 months for her second shot of Hepatitis A vaccine"     

"Thank you, Doctor Hou" Changhai politely said as she gathered her things and started carrying Xue Min. She was just about to stand up when a brunette came out of the blue and announced his presence in quite a loud manner.     

"Big Sister I brought you tea!"     

His sudden appearance made Hou Wei Yan heave a sigh. "Yun, don't just suddenly barge in. I'm with a patient"     

Xing Yun who realized his mistake turned towards the said patient to apologize, but when his eyes met her electric blue orbs, confusion and panic suddenly surged in him. "Changhai"     

[This isn't good] he thought to himself when he saw suspicion in her eyes.     

Slowly, a smile was drawn on her face before she turned towards Hou Wei Yan. "Yun visits here all the time?"     

Realizing the danger of such a question, Xing Yun hurriedly looked at Wei Yan and waved his hands to catch her attention and make her stop from answering. However, he wasn't swift enough and Hou Wei Yan ended up speaking the truth which buried him down in a dangerous situation.     

"He just recently got involved with me. He's staying as a guard or something"     

After hearing this, Changhai returned her gaze towards Xing Yun. The latter could only gulp down his own saliva…because he knows that Changhai would eventually connect everything and realize who Wei Yan is in Ji Li Zhao's life. "I see"     

"By the way, I haven't heard of Qiu for a while now. How is he?" Wei Yan suddenly asked. She hadn't heard from him in a while and he had stopped contacting him ever since Liu Jiayi's birthday.     

Bei Changhai who was having a staring contest with Xing Yun redirected her gaze towards Hou Wei Yan and flashed her a smile. "He's currently helping Brother Zian in England"     

"England? Why is brother Zian in England?"     

She nodded her head in reply as she recalled the last conversation she had with her boyfriend. "He's tracking someone down. I don't know the specifics but he seems to be looking for her ex"     

Hou Wei Yan's brows instantly arched high in confusion. She had known him since he was young and because he was a senior in Jingying when she was there, she heard all the news circulating him. Although it's quite frustrating to admit it…but her Elder Cousin, Xing Zian, remains single since birth.     

"I don't remember Elder Brother having an ex though" she muttered as she looked at Xing Yun who was quite a well-known gossiper in the family.     

Xing Yun looked at her directly before sighing. "Big Sister, did you already forget about Senior Qi?"     

"Ah" she suddenly replied as she remembered her beautiful figure. During her time in Jingying, she looked up to a Female Senior who always manage to converse with her two cold and indifferent cousins, namely Xing Zemin and Xing Zian.     

She could still remember her brown to nearly orange hair, her green orbs, and her kindness that knows no bound. That Senior was very precious-however, it never reached her ears that she's dating Xing Zian. "But they weren't a couple? Back then Elder Brother is a wimp who remained mute of his feelings. In the end, Senior Qi disappeared. So she's technically not his ex"     

"Yeah, she's not his ex" Xing Yun honestly said before looking away. "She's his long lost first love"     

His statement caused Hou Wei Yan and Bei Changhai to look at one another because his tone implies that he wasn't merely referring to Xing Zian. "Why is she looking for him now?"     

"Someone apparently sent him a photo of her with a child" Bei Changhai remarked. She had heard all the details from Xing Qiu so she was confident to say this in front of them.     

Wei Yan was suddenly taken aback by this revelation. She had heard rumors that Senior Qi was kicked out of her household for her promiscuity but she didn't think it was to the extent of pregnancy. "And he thinks that it's his?"     

"We don't know. Maybe it's her child with another man but she's no longer connected with that man so he finds this as a good opportunity to reconnect with her?" Changhai said as she shared her own opinion of such a matter. "Whatever it is, it's enough to send him looking for her. He didn't go with the specifics but he's desperately looking for her"     

"I wish him luck" Hou Wei Yan replied before heaving a sigh. "If the child is indeed his, Grandfather would surely reprimand him for not taking responsibility. Impregnating someone and not taking responsibility is tantamount to betrayal in our family"     

Xing Yun who was educated by Grandfather Xing about the importance of taking responsibility nodded his head in understanding. "The old man will surely roast him. I hope he makes the right excuses on time"     

All of them had attended plenty of family seminars held by their grandfather so they perfectly know how the Elders would react if Xing Zian did abandon a child. He's forgiving…but when it comes to matters like this he becomes very terrifying. So no matter how well-loved Xing Zian is by his parents, he would still suffer Xing Mingli's wrath.     

Bei Changhai who heard their family custom from Xing Qiu smiled while hearing this. Afterward, she looked at her clock and decided to finally stand up. "Anyway, I should probably leave now. Xue Min's mom is waiting for me"     

"Right. Sorry for keeping you here for a long time" Wei Yan remarked as she helped Changhai wear her shoulder bag.     

"It's okay, Sister Wei Wei. It was fun talking with you, I wish we had more time" she muttered before her gaze fell on Xing Yun. He gulped down and looked away which only made her smile even more. "I really wish we do"     

Hou Wei Yan smiled as she waved her hands on her retreating figure. When she was gone, she returned inside and accepted another patient.     

Meanwhile, Bei Changhai who already had plenty of suspicion piling inside her hurriedly fished out her phone and called the one man she detests and yet need at times like this.     

"How much do you need?" the man from the other line asked as he heaved a heavy sigh. When he saw the caller ID 'Brat', he instantly knew that another headache has come to ruin his day.     

Upon hearing this, Changhai immediately clicked her tongue. "I didn't call for money, you stupid brother"     

"Then what do you want? You only call to extort something from me"     

"I need time" she replied to his annoying voice. They're a few years apart and should be quite close but because of her annoying brother's whims they always end up fighting. "I'm going to visit Evergreen. Make sure, mother and father doesn't find out"     

Bei Zixin who was one of Ji Li Zhao's supporters raised his brows when he heard her sudden request. "Your boyfriend is not there. What reasons would you have to visit Ah Li's mansion?"     

"To talk with him…regarding an existence of a certain woman" she muttered as she looked back at Yi Lan's tall building. She had always heard tales of a certain first love that Ji Li Zhao lost but had no chance to know who she was. Now, she's suspecting Hou Wei Yan to be that woman and needed to know why they didn't end up together despite their obvious chemistry.     

"Mother and Father prohibited me from involving myself with dangerous stuff lately because of the last assassination attempt. If they find out I'm there, they will probably ask and investigate what we had talked about" she added to make her brother go along with her request. "Big brother Li is hiding something and my guts telling me that he doesn't want the elders or anyone who may blabber to find out"     

"He won't tell you" Bei Zixin answered almost immediately which took her by surprise.     

[So this fucker knows?] she thought to herself while grating her teeth. He knows something that she doesn't.     

[How unfair!]     

"Why not?"     

Bei Zixin smirked on the other line when she asked a dumb question. Is she really that dense? He can't believe she's his sister. It's sad. "Because you're a blabbermouth too. Did you not notice?"     

"Make sure they don't find out or I will not set you up with anyone ever again!" she exclaimed in annoyance. The fucking playboy had the audacity to say things like that when she's the one arranging his dates!     

Irked by this, she hurriedly hangs up before she looked up once more in the hospital. "Hou Wei Yan…are you perhaps his---"     

Suddenly a soft thud was heard as Xue Min's head fell in her slumber and a snore resonated from her. She couldn't help but chuckle and not too soon, their car came.     

Once inside, she heaved a sigh as she thought once more of Hou Wei Yan's features. She was like a fairy…the description she heard countless times from Ji Li Zhao.     

"---first love?"     


It was already night time when Ji Li Zhao finally had spare time to visit Evergreen Mansion and finalize their attack plan against Ji Boqin. Because of the confidential information and the danger it may bring if spread outside, the Mansion was on full alert.     

"The boss is here for a meeting. Make sure no one enters the Mansion…especially the conference room" one of the Senior Members of Palisades ordered to his subordinates.     

The new graduates who were given the task to guard the front door of the mansion all nodded their heads in understanding. "Rog---"     

Before they could finish their reply, a very dangerous presence was felt from behind them. The ominous aura sent shivers run down their spines and as though on instinct, they turned around on their defensive mode.     

"Sorry to intrude, but where is Big Brother?" a petite lady asked with a polite smile on her face. They were nearly fooled by such a smile but because no one was behind her…they instantly knew that she was the dangerous person that entered the premises and gave off an ominous aura.     


The Senior hurriedly covered his mouth before looking at the woman seriously. She was an existence even the Seniors fear and the King of Kings are wary of. Although she's currently working as a Painter…her history could never be forgotten by any of them.     

"They're having a meeting right now. Could Miss Bei wait for it to end?" he politely asked which made the graduates gulp down. They know from his tone that they facing someone fucking dangerous. "I'm afraid none of us could allow you inside. Considering the importance of their discussion, if someone is to enter…they would surely be gunned down"     

Bei Changhai immediately smiled at what he said before she slowly approached him. The others looked at one another because her footsteps were too light for normal people to notice. It was a footstep of a highly trained…assassin.     

Once she reached the Senior, she patted his shoulder with a dangerous shade in her eyes. "Since when did I need your worry?"     

He couldn't help but gulp down his own saliva when asked such a question.     

The Bei Family was blessed with two female grandchildren. The rest are all males who either grew up to handle their business or enter the military. Since they are females and in fear that they will face greater dangers than their male cousins…Grand Elder Bei personally trained them. That enough makes them dangerous.     

But that wasn't all to it. He trained them harder than he trained his other grandchildren. In fact, he trained them with the same intensity he used on his heir…Ji Li Zhao. So Bei Changhai and Lin Xiulan are as strong as their Boss.     

When the Senior remained silent because of her remark, Bei Changhai found this as a good opportunity to grab the Katana displayed nearby. After this, she confidently strode towards the conference room and unsheathed her sword before pushing the door open.     

Her sudden intrusion caused everyone inside to bring out their guns and pull the trigger towards the entity that dared interrupt their meeting. Bei Changhai who had already expected this reaction swiftly raised her Katana and sliced through their bullets. By positioning her Katana in the right way, she was able to clear the bullets about to hit her.     

Once done, she sheathed her Katana and waved her hands, a big smile plastered on her face. "I came to visit"     

"Changhai" Ji LI Zhao called out, displease obviously mark on his voice.     


She flinched with this however, her fear disappeared when she saw the familiar woman projected on the screen. There wasn't much information but she saw their plan to stop her information from leaking out which made her confirm her suspicion.     

Her older cousin would never go to such lengths for just any woman.     

"As I thought…she's indeed someone with deep connections to you" she muttered before she smiled towards him. "Brother and I need a long serious talk. So please hurry up with the meeting and spare me some of your time"     

Ji Li Zhao immediately glared at what she said before he spoke in an authoritative manner that he rarely uses against his cousins.     

"I will entertain you as much as you want but behave yourself until then. Causing a disturbance during our meeting is something I repeatedly told you to avoid. You're my cousin and I will continue to treat you well, however, you can't escape punishments just because you're a relative"     

Bei Changhai gulped down her own saliva when she heard his voice. She shivered when she realized how dangerous things are turning. Ji Li Zhao was clear with his morals. He hands down rewards and punishments accordingly…even if they are relatives.     

For him to use such a tone on her must mean that she went beyond the line. She hurriedly ducked her head in apology. "I'm sorry"     

He remained stoic as he looked at his men outside of the conference room. "Escort her to my private study…and don't let anyone inside. No matter who they are"     

"Yes, boss" they nervously answered when they saw how dangerous he was right now. Bei Changhai hurriedly exited the room and Ji Li Zhao resumed the meeting. He adores his cousins…however, he's not someone who would just blindly pamper them.     

After all…they're not his wife.     

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