The Return of the Devil's Wife

Need To Do A Pedigree Study

Need To Do A Pedigree Study

0"Ehem. I- I can deal with that, Sovereign. Don't worry about it. The administration will approve their stay in the Villa." There was a slight tremble in Qi Xia's voice. Though their ages may not be far apart from the guardians, the latter's exploits with Izanami has made a significant and undeniable mark in the dark world. Learning from them would benefit them tremendously.     

Yan Qing Shan nodded with approval. The other three was still processing this bit of news with their faces still in their stunned state. Qi Xia couldn't really blame them. In Hong Zhen Yue's case on the other hand, though his knowledge about the guardians and Izanami was shallow, what took him in was the prospect of battle.     

This maniac has always been obssessed of fighting strong people without caring whether he won or lost. All he cared about was the opportunity of improving his combat prowess.     

However, Qi Xia then remembered that Yan Qing Shan told Jia Yi Lan that her guests would consist of six people. There were four of the guardians, obviously. Then, who was the other two?     

"Sovereign, aside from the guardians who are your other visitors?" Qi Xia asked curiously.     

Yan Qing Shan directed her gaze at him. He was surprised when a sudden sweet smile appeared briefly in her countenance. It was so quick that Qi Xia almost believed that his eyes were merely playing tricks on him. Yan Qing Shan never deviated from her indifferent look. Although, from time to time it seems to thaw out when she's with them. But even that was a rare occurence.     

"Oh that? My, hmm, I guess you could call him my boyfriend. Yes... My b-boyfriend and his secretary are also coming." Qi Xia was surprised at the diffident tone in Yan Qing Shan's statement. However, that was overridden by the shock that this woman actually, already has a boyfriend.     

Not that Qi Xia is underestimating her. He couldn't deny that she was a beauty. Much more so than that number 01 beauty half-sister of his, Yan Xiaoyi and even Jia Yi Lan as well. Except that her aura didn't allow for anyone to look at her long enough to register her ravishing features.     

It was as if no matter how much you try to remeber her carefully and in detail, the only impression you'll acquire is how mediocre she was. Qi Xia realized that it could possibly have been her way of self-defense and means of staying relatively unknown. No wonder people said, no one ever saw what Izanami truly looked like.     

No one knew whether she was truly a goddess even in looks. Well, they, the Aces, could certainly testify that she truly was as enchanting as she could be. But they'd rather keep such juicy information to themselves.     

Qi Xia wondered who the man Izanami chose. Was he as powerful as her? Was he as exceptional?     

The other three were snapped up from their reverie when they heard what she said. Their Lady Boss already has a partner? They already have a boss? That escalated quite quickly. All they thought was that with Yan Qing Shan being so cold, she was bound to be single up until now. The men felt a painful pinch in their gut. Their single status glaring at them sharper than ever.     

"You already have a lover, Jie? Who is he? Who's my brother-in-law? Tell me quick! I need to investigate him. I need to do a pedigree study. What if he's not worthy? What if he has some dark history in hiding?" Ning Xie Zhi stood up and even paced frantically as he spouted nonstop.     

Yan Qing Shan found this funny and couldn't help but chuckle lightly at the worried bishounen. A pedigree study? Seriously?     

"Calm down, Xie Zhi. You don't have to do anything. He's decent. Don't worry."     

Ning Xie Zhi snapped up at her with furrowed brows.     

"Decent? Jie, decent isn't enough okay? You're so exceptional, you need a man who can match up to you. Who is he? Tell me quick."     

Yan Qing Shan pursed her lips and looked at the other three men who shamelessly nodded along at Ning Xie Zhi's statement. Are these people serious? Her Zi Jue was very much exceptional, alright?     

"Well, you'll just have to wait until later on tonight to find out who he is then." She ended the discussion at that and then turned to Hong Zhen Yue and Qin Jiran. Leaving Ning Xie Zhi to sulk at the side because of his unanswered questions.     

"With that aside, can the two of you reinforce the Villa's security? Make it so that not even a fly could get in. After all, our guests are no ordinary people." Yan Qing Shan said with a bit of self-teasing. She recalled how easily she slipped in and out of the villa. Zhen Yue and Jiran assented enthusiastically and assured that they'll be right on it.     

After their discussion, Yan Qing Shan dismissed them and had them help the other Aces in the preparation for the party.     

The phone that Qi Xia told her about arrived after an hour. Yan Qing Shan thankfully took it and proceeded to make the necessary calls to her guests and inform them about the spur-of-the-moment barbecue party.     

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