Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Wen Qinxi's First Love

Third World: Wen Qinxi's First Love

0Among the many kinds of love, there is one that is especially unique that almost everyone experiences. This kind is known as puppy love. A childish or youthful infatuation with another person especially during adolescence. But what would happen if you meet your first love in the presence of your partner who is also your boss? Well, only Wen Qinxi could answer that question.     

Wen Qinxi had dragged Qie Ranzhe into the restaurant with a few soldiers following behind. Knowing Feng Yu's character too well, he would most likely try to harm Qie Ranzhe so he had to bring soldiers along for the General's safety. Seeing so many men walk into the restaurant holding guns, the manager panicked and had his guests leave. Soon the entire restaurant was devoid of customers with Feng Yu's man and the soldiers having a standoff. The atmosphere was incredibly tense but neither side would act without command.      

Without waiting for permission, Wen Qinxi pushed open the door of the private room and entered. Inside the sophisticated room decorated with red drapes was a gorgeous woman, the kind of woman that would have men prostrating at her feet with just a single smile.     

Maybe it was her flawless smooth skin, enchantingly dark eyes or her red lips that gave her a seductive air that could drive both men and women crazy.     

The more Wen Qinxi stared, the greater the feeling of familiarity but he still couldn't figure it out. Wen Qinxi let go of Qie Ranzhe's hand that he had been holding this entire time intending to take a closer look but Qie Ranzhe turned into a green-eyed monster.     

He took Wen Qinxi's arm as a deadly aura filled the room creating an atmosphere so thick you could cut the tension with a knife.     

The woman didn't seem the least bit fazed by the tense atmosphere. It was almost as if she hadn't noticed as she put down her champagne glass and smiled saying, "Zi-ge," that is before she stood up and tried to embrace him.     

She would have succeeded if it weren't for the iceberg that sunk the titanic pulling Feng Zi away. The woman was so embarrassed having hugged air and said, "I am sorry, I got carried away. Uncle Yu told me stories about you. I am so glad we finally get to meet."     

The girl said a mouthful of words but to Wen Qinxi the words went in one ear and out the other. With the girl's face much closer to himself he finally placed the face. 'Oh shit!' he swore internally subconsciously taking a step back bumping into the gas tank of vinegar right behind him.     

Everyone in the real world that Wen Qinxi met in the game were associated with the Male god standing right beside him. People like Machu and Zhao Huangzhi. But never in this entire ordeal did he expect to see someone directly associated with himself. Though it was in the past, she was still a memorable person to him as it was his first love in high school that is in the real world. Her name, Nu Shen or Shen Shen, a name on everyone's lips.     

He had a secret crush on her throughout high school but never acted on it once. That is if he weren't counting the love letter he put inside her desk but didn't dare sign his name. He just wanted to express his feelings but didn't expect anything to come of it. He even blackmailed Wen Danzhe to copy the letter in his handwriting in fear that his weird handwriting would be recognized.     

As expected there was no reaction from Shen Shen, neither inquisition nor interest. She remained so natural as though nothing happened. What he didn't know was that the day he put the letter on her desk, Machu saw it. Being a good friend he told Qie Ranzhe that gecko had found himself a girlfriend. The following consequences were easy to guess. That letter never saw the light of day as it was intercepted before the recipient saw it.     

Nu Shen's presence in these circumstances seemed to mean that Qie Ranzhe's consciousness somewhat associated Feng Zi with Wen Qinxi but only a psychologist could give a definite answer. Whatever the reason, she was here. Wen Qinxi was thunderstruck with sweaty palms. His first love was a secret and he hid it so well so why was Nu Shen here? Did Qie Ranzhe also like Shen Shen in the real world?     

Wen Qinxi's mind went blank with his body frozen stiff that Qie Ranzhe had to help him sit down making sure he was sitting as far away from this girl as possible. He had just started dating Feng Zi so how could he let him be robbed by others? But no matter how hard he tried to block this woman's sight she was relentless and kept staring at Feng Zi. Since mature subtle movement wouldn't dissuade her, he resorted to childish possessive methods. Dogs pee on trees and leopards rub their faces and neck on vegetation to mark their territories but Qie Ranzhe could do neither of those. He instead draped his arm around Feng Zi and drew him closer before whispering lightly into his ear, "Do you like her that much?"     

A touch of Qie Ranzhe's warm breath brushing against his skin finally brought Wen Qinxi back to himself. The two locked gazes invoking an intimate feeling that deepened the connection between them. Qie Ranzhe's chaotic mind was put to ease making him subconsciously retract his claws.     

This obvious intimate action didn't seem to deter Nu Shen as she didn't possess a Fujoshi like world view. Even with the evidence right in front of her it never crossed her mind that these two could be together. She instead assumed these two were the best of friends. She had heard that they were friends turned enemies but it seemed they had reconciled. She couldn't understand what Feng Yu was worried about.     

"I know why you are here, Zi-ge. Uncle Feng said you would come looking for me," she said in a flirtatious voice while ogling at him.     

Wen Qinxi who just appeased the vicious tiger into retracting its claws with great difficulty felt like he had wasted all his efforts. Forget it, if the tiger wants to bite let it bite. There were more important matters to attend to. "Why do you keep referring to him as uncle? It seems like he is more important to you than I am," said Wen Qinxi while playing with Qie Ranzhe's fingers under the table. He had to admit, It kinda felt good holding hands with Qie Ranzhe. It made him feel wanted, creating an incredible sense of dependence on this person. It was like a silent conveyance that Qie Ranzhe had his back.     

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