Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third world: Hold Hands Then Get Married

Third world: Hold Hands Then Get Married

0Wen Qinxi was on pins and needles unable to see the pair of father and son. Judging with Qie Ranzhe's personality, he didn't think the man would fare well with kids thus he followed behind. Unexpectedly, when he reached the cake shop, he was met by a harmonious scene. Feng Xieling was sitting on Qie Ranzhe's lap with his tiny head nestling on his father's shoulder. Qie Ranzhe would occasionally feed Feng Xieling some fudge while answering his questions.     

Wen Qinxi was all smiles and couldn't resist capturing this beautiful moment. His body plastered on the cake shop's window display like a stalker, he took out his phone and took a snapshot of the two. He would have gone unnoticed if it weren't for the flash function on his camera which he forgot to turn off. This drew the attention of his models who were taken aback.     

Seeing his dad, Feng Xieling abandoned his father and ran outside the cake shop jumping into Feng Zi's arms. His beaming smile warmed Wen Qinxi's heart thinking how awesome it would be to have a Qie Xieling in the real world. But who was he kidding, if he weren't Qie Ranzhe's creation he was most likely an NPC. Whenever his mind wandered in that direction he would be filled with an overwhelming sense of sadness.     

Seeing this wasn't the time to think about such things, Wen Qinxi ignored this feeling and carried the little dumpling into the cake shop.     

Feeling proud of this baby daddy, Wen Qinxi sat opposite Qie Ranzhe with a charming smile meant for the general. Qie Ranzhe could tell what was on Wen Qinxi's mind and intended on cashing in on that reward very soon.     

Wen Qinxi who didn't know his smile had been mistaken for a coupon asked, "What were you two talking about?" helping himself to some fudge.     

Feng Xieling seemed to be in high spirits. It seemed the crying had helped him let go of all his previous grievances. Using a dessert fork he broke a piece of rocky road fudge, copied Qie Ranzhe's actions when he was feeding him earlier to feed Feng Zi. "Father said it's our little secret," confessed Feng Xieling while feeding Feng Zi.     

Wen Qinxi gave Qie Ranzhe an inquisitive look but Qie Ranzhe smiled innocently. While his parents were exchanging glances, Feng Xieling carried on. "So when are you two getting married? I want to wear a tuxedo and hold the rings," asked the ever so innocent Feng Xieling. This line of questioning blindsided Wen Qinxi to the point of almost choking on some sticky fudge.     

Qie Ranzhe passed over a glass of iced tea he had ordered earlier to wash away the sweetness. Wen Qinxi thanked him and accepted it but for the second time, he almost choked again when he heard Qie Ranzhe saying, "How can we get married when I haven't even held your dad's hand?"     

Wen Qinxi almost cursed aloud thinking, 'I fuckin held your third leg already. Shouldn't that suffice?"     

Feng Xieling thought himself a matchmaker so he took Feng Zi's hand and joined it with Qie Ranzhe's hand. A proud smile showed up on his face thinking, 'Mission accomplished,' before happily digging into a plate of fudge. Besides getting his dads to hold hands, he had another ulterior motive that is to eat as much fudge as possible while they were distracted.     

Qie Ranzhe gladly held Feng Zi's hand having received his son's consent. Qie Ranzhe was staring at his man with a dreamy smile his eyes brimming with tender feelings. Wen Qinxi's face coloured up, biting his lower lip with a hint of timidity. The feeling of intertwining their fingers together invoked a feel-good buzz that he didn't want to let go of. That is until he caught the gluttonous pig through his peripheral view.     

Wen Qinxi wanted to part their hands and properly reprimand Feng Xieling but Qie Ranzhe didn't allow it. With his free hand, Qie Ranzhe took the plate away with a smile that reached his eyes. Seeing Feng Xieling's mouth stained with Nutella frosting, Qie Ranzhe finally figured the kid's plan. He had to commend him for fooling the both of them.     

"Oh, how sneaky of you. That's it, no more fudge for you," said Wen Qinxi handing the guilty party a paper napkin, "Wipe your mouth. You look like a little piggy."     

Feng Xieling didn't seem the least bit affected by his dad's scolding. He found it funny saying, "If I am a little piggy then you must be daddy pig," with a childish giggle.     

Having been beaten in a war of words by a kid, Wen Qinxi felt hopeless. He was about to give Feng Xieling an earful when Qie Ranzhe caressed his hand with his thumb in a soothing motion. The two locked gazes once more having a silent conversation unique to couples. Feng Xieling who was sitting beside them had no idea that he had just been sentenced. The punishment? No sleepovers for a week.     

In all truthfulness, saying it was punishment was just a cover. Even if Feng Xieling didn't commit a crime he was still going to be barred from sleeping over for a while. The two didn't dare inform the tiny convict in advance lest he starts crying in public again.     

While the family of three were enjoying themselves, Machu and Airen suddenly walked into the cake shop with exciting news. They had strolled in with much vigour but after seeing the intertwined fingers, their expressions changed feeling rather uncomfortable. The uncomfortable feeling didn't last long though. That's because Zhao Huangzhi and Qie Guaiwu made a sudden appearance walking into such a peculiar scene.     

Zhao Huangzhi was thunderstruck seeing the two men holding hands. She had dated Qie Ranzhe but never had the honour of holding hands or any other kind of affection from Qie Ranzhe yet the general was brazenly holding Feng Zi's hand in public for that matter. On the other hand, Qie Guaiwu looked like she had been electrocuted by a thousand volts of electricity rooting her on the spot. If it weren't for her strong physical health she would have died of shock a long time ago. She was already wrecking her brain trying to figure out how on earth a man fell pregnant and now she was force-fed dog food in broad daylight. Unable to bear it anymore, she strode forward intending to scold them but Machu read her mind and stepped forward blocking Qie Guaiwu's view of the joined hands.     

"General Qie we found the whereabouts of the woman Feng Yu protected. How should we proceed?" said Machu with a mobile expression.     

All thanks to this brave soldier, the smell of gunpowder dissipated diffusing the tense atmosphere. Wen Qinxi picked up Feng Xieling and left the cake shop followed by Qie Ranzhe who was walking behind them as though shielding them from an unexpected attack. The two women followed behind but it was easy to tell they were repressing ugly feelings. Zhao Huangzhi followed behind them within an inch of blowing up. If it weren't for Qie Guaiwu holding her back she would have erupted like an active volcano by now.     

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