Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Aunt Qie Guaiwu Meets Lin Lin

Third World: Aunt Qie Guaiwu Meets Lin Lin

0Machu had no idea what was going on being dragged by his boss but his confusion was soon replaced by shock when he saw the miniature version of the general. Those gorgeous dark eyes that could suck you into a desolate vortex if you stare too long, those full lips that were voted the most kissable lips in the entire army, everything about that face looked like Qie Ranzhe.     

"Fudge, you were really hiding something from me," yelled a dumbstruck Machu staring at an adorable version of his bestfriend.     

"Don't, don't mention fudge," said Qie Ranzhe with his voice lowering into a whisper at the end of the sentence.     

"Why?" asked a perplexed Machu holding back the urge to pinch those adorable cheeks that should be soft to the touch.     

Hearing the word fudge, Feng Xieling sprung up to his feet looking around for some. If he weren't worried for his dad he would have made this man go out and buy it.     

"Where is the fudge?" asked Feng Xieling eyeing the stranger with a deadly stare. Machu was a little terrified being stared at like that but because it was coming from a cute person it made it less scary.     

"I will get you some later," replied Qie Ranzhe before turning to face Airen who was cautiously eyeing Machu, "where is Feng Zi?"     

At the mention of Feng Zi, Feng Xieling stared at the door that was wide open and decided to disobey his dad's command. Without thinking twice he dashed out of the room crawling in between Machu's feet and ran towards the only place Feng Zi could possibly be.     

Airen immediately ran after him while explaining to the General who was following behind, "General Qie Guaiwu took Feng Zi so that's where he's going."     

Qie Ranzhe frowned hearing that. His aunt was supposed to arrive in the evening and protocol detects that she should have informed him first upon arrival. Then who received her and led her here? Thinking this way, Qie Ranzhe picked up speed and caught up with Feng Xieling, picked him up and gave him to Airen before reaching the well guarded conference room.     

At the sight of the general, the soldiers respectfully saluted and opened the door for him. As soon as Qie Ranzhe stepped in, he found Feng Zi seated at the opposite end of the large conference room with his men standing behind him and Qie Guaiwu seated at the other end with Zhao Huangzhi by her side and double the amount of armed guard than Feng Zi.     

The strong stench of gunpowder weighed heavy on the tense atmosphere. Everyone was on edge that any slight movement would be countered as hostile and could easily ignite the volatile atmosphere.     

At the sight of her nephew, Qie Guaiwu knitted her brows together and said, "General Qie, is this how you treat the world's most wanted terrorist? You have him running wild like he owns this place? Such a disappointment," her voice as harsh as her words.     

Qie Ranzhe saluted his aunt and was about to speak but Feng Zi interrupted him and said, "This matter has nothing to do with General Qie. You think I did be here helping you out if it weren't for him? Like I said before, as long as you take command of this mission, I will vanish without a trace. Let's see if you can explain that to the old farts upstairs."     

Having being defended like this, Qie Ranzhe felt a wave of complicated feelings. He couldn't help but wonder if it was because Feng Zi liked him that he did put everything on the line and risk offending General Qie Guaiwu just to speak for him? He hated to admit it but it was a pleasant feeling having someone have your back like this.     

"You!...." bellowed Qie Guaiwu loss of words. She thought she could bulldoze her way into this mission and tame Feng Zi. With this in mind, she had promised her brother to have the mission completed in less than seven days but she truly underestimated Feng Zi. She came in all fired up ready to handcuff Feng Zi but the man was untouchable. He took down her top guard like it was nothing and insisted they use their words thus the tense atmosphere.     

It was a fact, Feng Zi wasn't going to help them without Qie Ranzhe. Her plans to send her nephew back to headquarters were flushed down the drain in an instant. Since she couldn't control Feng Zi she decided to vent her anger on Qie Ranzhe and make him restrain Feng Zi but who would have expected the little bastard would speak for her nephew.     

Staring at his red hair and sleeve tattoo, Qie Guaiwu looked away in disdain restraining herself from having another outburst. Qie Ranzhe might not have come out of her womb but he was the only child she raised so this could count as him being unfilial, associating with such a man.     

"Qie Ranzhe! Is this how you treat your family? For that trash you dare defy your aunt and General of the army's orders. Have you forgotten that she is your superior?" said Zhao Huangzhi who had been silently watching this shit show. It could only be said her plan wasn't going well. Qie Ranzhe had always obediently listened to his aunt no matter how unreasonable the command was. But it turned out she had underestimated Feng Zi's influence over Qie Ranzhe.     

"Says the woman who decided to use other people to fight her battles. I suggest you shut your mouth otherwise none of these people will be able to save you from me," said Wen Qinxi while pulling on Qie Ranzhe to sit down next to him.     

Qie Ranzhe obediently sat next to him further angering Qie Guaiwu. The situation was worse than she thought. She was about have another burst out when a commotion was heard outside before the door was opened with a short person rushing over to Feng Zi. Behind him was a soldier trying to catch him but right at that soldier's heel was Airen who didn't hesitate to knock the solider out cold.     

Behind her was Machu staring at this giant of a woman seeming like he had just fallen in love but he had no time to pay attention to the floating pink bubbles concerned for Feng Xieling.     

Wen Qinxi was suddenly tightly embraced with Feng Zi yelling, "Dad don't leave me. Take me with you. I will go wherever dad goes." Everyone fell silent watching Feng Zi coax the little dumpling like they were only the two of them in the entire room. The soldiers including Qie Guaiwu began to question if this was the same villainous boss of the underworld?     

Qie Guaiwu couldn't believe it but her disbelief turned to shock when she finally laid eyes on the boy sitting on Feng Zi's lap. Her face immediately turned ashen pale as she took a closer look. There was no way she could mistake it, that kid had the Qie blood running in his veins. How could this be?     

"Is that yo-?" she asked pointing at the kid with her shaky finger but Feng Zi cut her off,     

"His mine." Wen Qinxi had to clear that out first just in case this lady comes up with crazy ideas. He stretched out his palm at Qie Ranzhe gesturing to the General to hand over something. Qie Ranzhe didn't get it at first lip-synching, "What?" but Wen Qinxi responded with a 'seriously?' expression. The two silently exchanged looks, shocking everyone especially Machu whose jaw almost dropped to the floor. What kind of situation was this?     

Qie Ranzhe seemed to understand Feng Zi's meaning and under everyone's gaze, he casually handed his phone over. Feng Zi unlocked it and put earphones in Feng Xieling's ears with a cartoon playing. This kind of conversation wasn't suitable for a little kid thus he chose to distract Feng Xieling. Only then did Wen Qinxi ask, "Are we done here?"     

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