Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: The Punishment For Gossiping

Third World: The Punishment For Gossiping

0In a spacious office three people where seated waiting for the culprit. The receptionist was accusing Qie Xieling of stealing hotel cards and flushing them down the toilet causing the system to clog with water flooding the entire bathroom. The water went as far as seeping from under the door soaking the carpet in the corridor right outside the toilet. They had hosted plenty of children before but this was the first time the manager had such a situation.     

He couldn't help but stare at Feng Zi with scornful eyes his expression literally calling him a horrible parent. Thinking back, he recalled that Feng Zi was the man who came dressed as a woman and couldn't help by scoff loudly. It only made sense that the child was disrespectful and unruly as he was being raised by such a immoral person. Like he said before men like this shouldn't raise children.     

Under the manager's scornful gaze, Wen Qinxi knew what he was thinking. He had no time to deal with ignorant people and wanted to get this over and done with as quickly as possible. He knew Qie Xieling definitely did as they said but that kid wouldn't do something like that without reason. He just couldn't wait to find out what incited this kid that he had to resort to such a method.     

Qie Xieling entered the room with his head held up high looking nothing like the guilty party. It was obvious he wasn't remorseful as he casually strolled over and sat in Feng Zi's lap like a spoilt child. Wen Qinxi didn't stop him even rubbing his back comforting him causing the manager's frown to deepen.     

He couldn't help but be angry with parents these days. They cuddle their children like they are fragile beings asking them what they want and not spanking them when they did wrong. It was all about gluten and peanut allergies with less parenting which frazzled this old veteran. He was so angry that his veins bulged at the side of his neck but he had to keep a stiff smile.     

Wen Qinxi ignored the fuming manager and asked, "Lin Lin you want to tell dad what happened?" looking down at Qie Xieling who looked as innocent as ever.     

Qie Xieling didn't shy away and explained exactly what he did causing the manager to almost flip the table restraining himself from scolding this pair of father and son.     

"So you see sir, will be adding the repair costs to your bill," said the manager sliding the piece of paper to him with a smirk on his face.     

Wen Qinxi didn't bother look at it and went on to ask, "Why did you do it?" his voice incredibly gentle. He had more than enough money to pay the bill but chose not to pay because this situation had a cause and effect. He was very much interested in the reason which is why he asked Qie Xieling.     

"Because they disrespected you and called you names saying that you shouldn't be allowed to raise a child because you were wearing a dress so I retaliated. Just because my dad is different it doesn't mean she should run her mouth like that," said Qie Xieling pointing at the receptionist.     

The receptionist's face turned red in anger but she held back as these people were still clients and hurriedly denied it. "No, he is lying. I said no such thing," she said shrinking back a little.     

"Sir, our staff are well trained and respectful. Never have we received complaints of slandering clients ever since this hotel opened for business. Your son must have been imagining things," said the manager supporting the receptionist though he himself actually said such foul words the previous night when Feng Zi checked in. But there was no evidence that such a conversation occurred before so he was confident in his response.     

"Okay I understand," said Wen Qinxi taking out his phone to text Airen. In under three minutes, the once black television screen suddenly came to light as though controlled by a poltergeist and footage from this morning began to play. All the receptionist's slanderous words were exposed on camera making it difficult to refute.     

Having been caught red handed her face paled with her confidence crumbling to dust replaced by fear. They might have conventional beliefs but the rest of the world didn't. This kind of gossip would be okay if you weren't under surveillance but when recorded, it would basically be your downfall.     

The manager's face sank seeing this but tried to scare Feng Zi by accusing him of committing cyber crimes and hurriedly picked up his phone to call the police but his actions halted when Feng Zi suddenly laughed. "Oh, we haven't reached the good part yet. Let's watch that shall we," said Feng Zi playing footage of the manager bad mouthing him the night before.     

The manager's hands trembled in anger dropping his phone as he said, "So what? It's not a crime to gossip yet you broke the law."     

"Actually, I don't mind. Go ahead and call the police. Just tell them you want them to arrest Feng Zi," said Wen Qinxi as he stood up with Qie Xieling in his arms, "I will be posting this online as well so get your house in order." With that Wen Qinxi exited the room as Airen posted the video online letting the whole world know.     

Since Feng Zi had decided to be this unreasonable, the manager called the police thinking, 'If I go down then we all go down together.' With that he confidentially dialed the number excited to face slap this queer client.     

"Hello officer, I would like to report a crime," said the manager as soon as the call connected.     

"Yes, go on," lazily replied the officer who seemed to be having a crappy day.     

The manager enthusiastically explained, "It's a cyber crime and destruction of private property committed by our client, Feng Zi. Please come an-," but he was cut off when the officer asked,     

"Who?" his voice more energized than before.     

Thinking the officer was excited to catch a criminal he said, "Feng Zi, surname F-E-N-G name Z-I," spelling the name for the good officer but things didn't go as expected as the officer began to laugh.     

"Hahahahaha....Sergeant hahahahaha....     

..come over here. Come...come," said the officer calling his superior, "this guy said he wants us to arrest someone," handing the phone over to the sergeant.     

"Ahem....this is sergeant Kai, who would you like us to arrest?" asked the sergeant with his officer almost rolling around on the ground laughing.     

"Uh, Fennnnngggg Zi," said the manager confused. 'Did the officer smoke some weed?' he thought but the sergeant began to laugh as well.     

"Hahahahaha....he wants us to arrest Feng Zi....hahahahahaha. Oi, come hear this.....hahahahaha," said the sergeant calling over his entire precinct.     

"Its like, woo, it's like hahaha.....sending a mall cop to take down the drug cartel....hahahahaha," said the officer as the entire precinct burst out in laughter.     

The unfortunate manager not only lost his job but was made fun of. He only found out after cutting the line that Feng Zi was an underworld Boss that even the army has to send generals just to apprehend him which they never succeeded. As the saying goes 'don't judge a book by its cover' or better yet 'don't talk shit about someone behind their back cause you might never know.'     

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