Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: The Road To Being A Millionaire

Third World: The Road To Being A Millionaire

0The road to being a millionaire is tedious was the idiom Wen Qinxi made up after experiencing first hand how it felt to be hunted down by Qie Ranzhe. He thought this masterpiece of an idiom while changing out off the costume. He not only had to succeed in completing difficult tasks but hindrances fron the same person he was trying to help.     

"Too fuckin counterproductive," he said angrily tying his hair. He couldn't help but wonder if a broken heart can count as work injury. He would have to discuss this with a labour lawyer after he was done.     

"I am going to make the bastard pay," he said angrily slamming the car door causing his bangs to obstruct his vision. Pacing towards the only compound in this seemingly deserted mountain range, he reached out with his slender fingers pushing back his stray strands.     

He footsteps halted when he saw four armed men standing on top of the compound wall looking down at him while pointing their guns. Wen Qinxi instinctively half raised his hands meaning he wasn't here to start a fight. After ten minutes the gate was suddenly opened. It seemed the men had recognized him, how couldn't they when he was an underworld boss and his father was their creditor.     

Actually, it was because they recognized him that Banhen didn't immediately let him in. Feng Zi being here meant he wanted to start some shit and Banhen was ready to draw weapons but when he heard Feng Zi was alone, he seized the opportunity letting the man in.     

Being a gang boss was truly challenging work but had great gains which would make it all worth it unless one owed such a huge debt. Each month Banhen sorrowfully watched his bank balance slashed in half like a white collar employee paying a car loan for a Porsche he really couldn't afford. At least the white collar employee can physically see where their money is going, what about him? It felt like he had made a deal with dracula and his blood was getting sucked dry with no returns.     

Ruled by his emotions he decided to kidnap this young master that had willingly fallen into his lap. It was either Feng Yu writes off the debt or Feng Zi would have to pay his own ransom and Banhen could use that to pay off their debt. He didn't care about the route as long as the destination was the same. With that he had ten of his best men join him in welcoming Feng Zi.     

Wen Qinxi, though uncomfortable being at this estate with no back up, he still proceeded forward. He was skeptical at first but considering Feng Zi's reputation these gang members wouldn't try anything, right?     

Wrong! Wen Qinxi immediately realised the conundrum he had walked into as soon as he entered the house that closely resembled an old Victorian home. Banhen was seated at his desk smoking a Cuban cigar with five men on either side their weapons facing down but judging from their stance they planned on putting holes through his chest if he caused trouble.     

'So troublesome,' thought Wen Qinxi looking around for a chair to sit on. After looking around with no avail, he realised the gangster wanted to jump straight into business without offering feign courtesy. "I didn't expect uncle (no relation) to be this well-mannered," said Wen Qinxi folding his arms across his chest all nonchalant with gaze all over the place but he was already laying out a plan to defend himself.     

Ever since he took down the bear, he had a new found respect for Feng Zi. The character was short but he was an explosive stick of dynamite if you cross his bottomline. Wen Qinxi could only secretly light a candle for these men as he was about to lay waste of them.     

"Since you recognise me as your uncle then don't make trouble and surrender. I will surely remember this and not purposely make things difficult for you," said the bald headed Banhen before taking a long drag of his cigar.     

The man shamelessly blew smoke in front of Feng Zi's face as two of his men approached their meal ticket. The two men could already see themselves owning villas with great oceanic views. At least they could finally move out of this crappy base and live luxurious lives.     

"Wait...I need to ask something first," said Wen Qinxi causing Banhen to raise a brow in puzzlement. What was there to ask at a time like this? Curious, Banhen beckoned him to carry on.     

Wen Qinxi didn't waste anytime directly asking his question. He knew after he was done beating the life out of these people they won't be able to talk so he had to ask the question before the showdown. "Do you know where Feng Yu is hiding?"     

Banhen didn't believe Feng Zi wouldn't know where Feng Yu was. If Feng Zi didnt know then who else would know? But judging from Feng Zi's serious expression it seemed like he genuinely didn't know.     

"I don't know but last I heard he personally harassed that filthy pig Fui Gen for some young miss. Don't worry, I intend on following up on this lead to get your ransom," said Banhen while putting out his cigar before waving his hand indicating for his men to carry on.     

The two men approached close with one pointing his weapon in Feng Zi's face while the other reached out to cuff his hands. At first, it seemed Wen Qinxi was cooperating but things suddenly went south when he said, "Since you were rude first then don't hold it against me," with an eerie grin his eyes blood red.     

"Shit!" yelled Banhen realizing ten men weren't enough to tame this devil. Wen Qinxi threw a powerful kick at the man who was threatening him with a gun which sent the man flying towards three other men on standby. In a swift move he grabbed the man who was about to cuff him by the neck and slammed his     

victim to the ground in a perfect chokeslam before drawing a weapon to shoot at the lightbulb.     

The room suddenly plunged into darkness giving Wen Qinxi the advantage since the room had no windows. Banhen was mortified, scared out of his wits and so transformed into a capybara, the world's largest rodent and tried to escape through the trapdoor but he was met with an obstacle. There was a dead body in the way and had a hard time moving it in his transformed state.     

While struggling to drag the dead body out the way with his teeth, eerie screams filled the room with gun fire all over the place. Through the flash from the gunshots he could faintly see a dark figure slashing his men like they were nothing. Feng Zi truly lived up to his reputation. He immediately regretted screwing with this man. With his fur raised in fright he began to frantically tug the body but just as he was about to succeed, the shouts and screams stopped with only the sound of steady footsteps coming towards him. These footsteps could only mean one thing that is, he was finished. With a shrill scream Banhen died in his rodent form looking so pitiful.     

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