Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third world: Baby Dragon

Third world: Baby Dragon

0Wen Qinxi didn't actually think he would directly jump out of the frying pan and into the fire as the stolen armoured jeep ran out of fuel leaving him stranded in a hot barren land. To be frank, if the frying pan had the couple from hell then he would rather stew in fire. To him this harsh situation was much more comfortable than dealing with Qie Ranzhe.     

At least he managed to find a military uniform for men in one of the duffle bags at the back. He also found some water and dried food making this predicament more bearable. This meant he could survive till he caught wind of the nearest town. Just like that Wen Qinxi tracked across the desert with the system acting as his GPS and source of entertainment. It was bearable for the first four days but after experiencing the blazing heat during the day and harsh cold nights, Wen Qinxi had finally reached his limit.     

"Are you sure we are heading in the right direction? Seriously, I being roasted to death over here," complained Wen Qinxi who was now using his shirt as a makeshift umbrella shielding himself from the sun.     

"If you could maintain your pheonix transformation for a long time we would have arrived in the next town already. Unfortunately, someone roasted part of your feathers," said the system not even trying to comfort him.     

"Don't fuckin mention him. Just hearing his name makes me want to fuckin kill him," said Wen Qinxi his chest tightening in pain. He couldn't help but scold himself for succumbing to his emotions. He should have jealously guard his heart from the start but after being persistently pursued by that male succubus how could he resist the temptation.     

"It's a good thing, things have come to this at least I would have gotten over him by the time I get out of this game," he said as though trying convince himself.     

The system couldn't help but sigh inwardly. It didn't understand human emotions but it knew this thing between these two wasn't over yet.     

"Sure, sure boss. Will sing to the left, to the left together, yes," said the system singing part of a song Wen Qinxi wasnt familiar with.     

"What song is that?" asked Wen Qinxi scratching his head in confusion.     

"Ai.....are you sure you were born on earth or you are an alien from the planet Mars? It's called know what, let me the system blow your mind," said Jolie searching the song on the internet before pressing play.     

After thirty minutes of listening, Wen Qinxi nod his head in approval. "Not bad, how about this? Create a playlist with such songs for me to listen to," replied Wen Qinxi.     

"Okay," said the bouncy system sifting on the internet for a great break up playlist.     

Wen Qinxi soon fell silent listening to the beautiful melody soothing his nerves when he heard a voice drifting with the wind. Vexed, he looked around but couldn't see anything apart from vast sand dunes with an occasional hot breeze brushing against the sand. For a moment, he actually thought he was hearing things. He knew the science behind seeing a mirage in the desert which was an illusion of something that isn't there but never heard of hearing voices.     

Just as he brushed it off, he heard it again, this time clearly. Wen Qinxi licked his chapped lips while scanning in the distance. His line of sight soon fell on a small ball flying in his direction. "Is that?" he said squinting his eyes but those eyes soon widened when he saw a black baby dragon heading straight for him, "What the..."     

"Run," was the faint word coming from the tiny black dragon which became louder with each second, "Run! It's coming, run!" but Wen Qinxi remained rooted on the ground. The little dragon was confused why the tattooed man was standing there when it had just expressed that there was danger.     

"Mr! RUN!" it said but a huge roaring sound startled the little bundle that it directly landed on Wen Qinxi's face causing the both of them to fall to the ground.     

"Roar!" bellowed a huge angry bear running towards them.     

The little dragon didn't give a toss anymore flying away with Wen Qinxi running behind it in exaggerated steps cursing, "Fuck! Fuck!"     

The system almost laughed itself to death watching this hilarious scene with a baby dragon, human and bear running in the sandy desert. 'Boss why are you running when you have the skill set to kick it's ass? Hahaha,' said the system eating nonexistent melon seeds while watching a great spectacle.     

'Shut the fuck up! It's a fuckin be-,' he replied but stopped midway when he saw a notification activating his skill set but it wasn't only his combat skills but also a certain setting he was hoping would just disappear. His frightful eyes instantly turned dark with a menacing aura surrounding him. He swiftly turned his body drawing two handguns like a cowboy in the wild west and shot a round of bullets midair.     

The bear that had been running at great speed was suddenly struck at its shoulder with the bullet piercing its fur, tearing through the muscle and shattering through its bone before exiting the other end. Roaring in pain it rolled to the ground but it wasn't done. In fact, it was even angrier assuming an intimidating stance like an angry bull before charging at Wen Qinxi.     

Wen Qinxi literally emptied two magazines but still didn't manage to inflict fatal damage as the bear maneuvered its steps dodging some of the bullets.     

Having run out of bullets, Wen Qinxi couldn't help but feel helpless with one bear and one human staring at each other in a stalemate.     

Frustrated, Wen Qinxi kept pressing the trigger but nothing came out. 'Shit! I am screwed,' he thought putting up a nervous laugh. "Ha! Ha! Brother bear please be gentle," he said as he lay down his now useless weapons before slowly moving backwards with his hands half raised in the air as a sign of surrender.     

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