Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Lin Lin's Tutorial: How To Punish Haters?

Third World: Lin Lin's Tutorial: How To Punish Haters?

0After a long night's rest Qie Xieling finally rose from his slumber. He sat up right in bed and rubbed his half lidded eyes in a daze. The little dumpling was still trying to figure out where he was and just as he recalled Feng Zi, he excitedly turned around expecting to see his new dad but to his surprise he wasn't there.     

Instead, there was Airen who was sitting in a chair browsing something on her laptop with a stern expression. Beside her was a neat pile of clothes meant for him and as soon as she noticed he was awake she said, "Little ancestor, you are awake. Why don't you go and wash up and I will go order you some breakfast," putting down the laptop.     

"Why am I here? Where is dad?" he asked his expression sullen.     

Airen heaved a deep sigh recalling yesterday's events and said, "He had something to discuss with the general. You will see him at breakfast. Now, be good and wash up while I am downstairs," before heading out the door.     

Qie Xieling felt upset and he wasn't the kind who could easily let things go. Everything was going great till this General person showed up. Thinking of the general, a terrified feeling wailed up in his heart. Was that man going to take his dad away? That thought made the little boy feel insecure especially when Feng Zi hadn't officially adopted him which meant he could be left behind.     

Terrified out of his mind, he washed up and wore the clothes left for him by Airen. But instead of waiting for her to come back, he left the room and took the elevator downstairs. His destination, the reception desk.     

He wanted to get Feng Zi's room card and see his dad. If he sees him then at least he did be reassured. With that in mind, he stealthily approached the reception desk. It seemed the receptionist didn't notice the short person as she was knee deep in gossip.     

Qie Xieling who was crawling under the desk heard some of it but most of it didn't make sense. The receptionist was standing with a cup of coffee chatting with one of the room service staff. "I am telling, that room was a mess. She basically destroyed everything. How badly did the man treat her to drive her that crazy?" said the chatty room service lady.     

"Let me tell you those two are not simple people. The girl is from the Zhao family, one of the richest families. The man is General Qie. Their history is so complicated so if I were you I would talk less. Will gossip more once they have checked out," said the receptionist in a low whisper.     

The conversation went on but Qie Xieling barely paid attention silently putting his hand in the open drawer from under the desk. If the receptionist was paying attention all she would have seen was a tiny hand groping about in her drawer. Fortunately for Qie Xieling, the receptionist would rather be working for a gossip column than a hotel making it easy for him to find the box with room cards.     

The little sneak quickly scanned through the room cards and found the one that belonged to his dad's room. He was about to return the box in its original position when he heard something that upset him. "Oh, you weren't here last night. Let me tell you, there was a man who came in here dressed in drag holding a cute kid. That kid was so adorable but what sin did his ancestors commit that he did end up with a queer father," said the receptionist.     

"You lie...seriously that's horrible. Why are such people allowed to have kids? Even if it's their biological child the law shouldn't allow such people to raise kids," said the room service lady. The two yammered on talking trash about his dad making him so angry. He could have easily walked away but that would be out of character.     

He wasn't powerful enough to get these chatter boxies fired but he could screw with them. Holding the entire box of room cards he crawled away from under the desk and walked down the corridor thinking of ways to exact revenge.     

Just as he passed by a bathroom, his little childish brain concocted a plan. He put the card he needed in his pocket casually strolling into the bathroom and emptied the entire box of cards in the toilet and flushed which obviously caused some clogging. Satisfied, he walked out with a beaming smile as though nothing happened and went into the elevator.     

He tapped the room card on the card reader excited to tell his dad how he taught those women a lesson. With a clinging sound, the door opened and he turned the knob on his tippy toes. "Dad!" he called out in excitement but his steps fell back when he saw Feng Zi cuddling the General fast asleep.     

'Is this discussing things?' thought Qie Xieling even more upset than before. The raucous instantly woke the men up as they both turned to look in the direction of the door. Wen Qinxi hadn't even fully awaken yet when Qie Xieling angryly stomped out and slammed the door with a loud bang.     

Still sheepish, Wen Qinxi looked at Qie Ranzhe trying to figure out what just happened but he found Qie Ranzhe staring at him with a meaningful gaze. "What?" asked Wen Qinxi obviously confused.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't respond but moved his eyes to look at the arm and leg coiled around him like octopus. Wen Qinxi followed his line of sight and didn't get it at first that is until he remembered which world this was.     

"Fuck!" swore Wen Qinxi distancing himself from Qie Ranzhe. He couldn't believe he was this shameless even when asleep. Judging the distance he traveled just to snuggle up with the CEO, he shock his head in disbelief.     

Qie Ranzhe didn't respond and just sat up fixing his hair as though trying to look good for someone. He only stopped once he was satisfied and lay back down when Feng Zi who had been staring at him this entire time asked, "What do you think you are doing?"     

Qie Ranzhe was confused but still answered earnestly, "Going back to sleep," while closing his eyes.     

With Qie Xieling upset how could he let the culprit off. "No, get up and go buy fudge to apologize to Lin Lin. That's the only thing I know he's been asking for," said Wen Qinxi wishing he could kick the man out off bed.     

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