Saving the overbearing CEO (BOYLOVE)

Third World: Wen Qinxi's First Parenting Tip

Third World: Wen Qinxi's First Parenting Tip

0"Why should I? He is your son so you do it," casually replied Qie Ranzhe exonerating himself from all responsibility but who could have predicted Feng Zi would go off the rails tossing pillows at him making it hard for him to sleep.     

He got struck by two pillows and thought that was the end of it but he was wrong. This hotel bed originally had three euro pillows, two king pillows, two standard pillows and one accent pillow making eight pillows in total minus his that were originally part of an intrinsic arrangement. Who would have known Feng Zi would turn them into weapons making it hard for him to fall back to sleep.     

By the fourth pillow, Qie Ranzhe was fully awake and said, "Okay, okay I will go. Just sto-," but didn't get to finish when a euro pillow hit him straight in the face. Because he hadn't expected it, he looked stupefied which Wen Qinxi actually found funny that he started laughing.     

Qie Ranzhe was initially irritated but seeing Feng Zi's ecstatic smile his irritation vanished replaced by amusement. He flung the same pillow at Feng Zi before getting out off bed heading for the bathroom. Wen Qinxi who had just been struck by a pillow was dumbfounded as he didn't expect Qie Ranzhe to retaliate.     

"So hit and run is your style? Haha...such a coward," said Wen Qinxi smiling gleefully.     

Qie Ranzhe glanced over to him and said, "Yeah, I am afraid I might break that pretty face of yours if I carry on," in a tone full of mockery. He knew Feng Zi hated being called pretty or beautiful the most which is why he said it and sure enough another pillow was sent flying in his direction. He shielded himself by closing the bathroom door.     

"Who are you calling pretty? Such an ass," mumbled Wen Qinxi falling back on the bed.     

Twenty minutes later, two grown men headed for the hotel restaurant with a box full of three types of fudge which were chocolate, caramel and white chocolate with cranberry fudge. If this didn't get Qie Xieling to let them off then nothing else would.     

From afar they spotted Qie Xieling sitting next Airen who was trying to coax him to eat which didn't seem to be working.     

Wen Qinxi felt so guilty, last night he was too weak and agreed to this vixen's request now Qie Xieling was upset with him. 'General Qie, you are such a bad influence,' he thought turning to make his epic escape. He was about to perform Harry Houdini's classic disappearing act when his elbow was suddenly seized.     

"Where are you going?" asked Qie Ranzhe pulling him back.     

Wen Qinxi pointed at the bar and said, "I need a cappuccino. How about you go and apologize and I will join you just now?" sprouting lies. Qie Xieling's face looked especially frightening right now and he couldn't help but want to wiggle his way out of this.     

"It's like ripping off a bandage. Fast and painful once. Plus if we go together it he would less stabby, okay?" said Qie Ranzhe and with these words Wen Qinxi willingly followed Qie Ranzhe to the slaughter house vowing to die together like Romeo and Juliet.     

Qie Xieling raised his head in excitement when he saw Feng Zi but when he saw Qie Ranzhe his expression turned sour looking away. "He doesn't like me," whispered Qie Ranzhe seeking comfort from Feng Zi.     

" he does. Actually yes.....yes he doesn't like you," said Wen Qinxi trying to lie but found that he wasn't good at it so he changed his mind and agreed with Qie Ranzhe.     

Of course, Qie Xieling didn't like him but he was hoping Feng Zi would lie to him to make himself feel better. "We are...actually, I am sorry," said Qie Ranzhe speaking half truths. He was only fifty percent sorry, sorry that he waited when Qie Xieling was asleep to take the dumpling's place. Next time, he will do it while Qie Xieling was still awake so there wouldn't be any misunderstanding. Sleeping in the same bed with Feng Zi was surprisingly interesting and he wanted to do it again in the future but had to coax this kid first.     

Qie Xieling stared at Feng Zi and asked, "I will let it go if it won't happen again."     

Wen Qinxi immediately shook his head and said, "it won't happen again," but Qie Ranzhe contradicted him simultaneously saying, "It definitely will."     

"What tha...are you making an apology or trying to start trouble?" whispered Wen Qinxi feeling like he had just been screwed over by his pig teammate.     

Qie Ranzhe shrug his shoulders and said to Qie Xieling, "I will tell you in advance next time. Besides big boys sleep in their own separate rooms which is really cool."     

"Aren't you a big boy too? Shouldn't you be sleeping in your own room?" retorted Qie Xieling with a smug on his face.     

Airen and Feng Zi couldn't help but laugh at Qie Ranzhe's expense. This kid was good at roasting people which was quite entertaining.     

Qie Ranzhe was left speechless desperate to silence this kid. "Here, eat some fudge. That will keep your mouth busy for a while," said Qie Ranzhe placing the box in front of Qie Xieling.     

Qie Xieling's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree excitedly opening the box. The three adults watched helplessly as the stubborn kid devoured the entire box all by himself despite warning him not to eat them all at once. Wen Qinxi was worried the boy would have a tummy ache but something worse happened.     

He wished Qie Xieling had a tummy ache instead because the little dumpling became the little dumpling from hell. Jack-Jack from the incredibles was an angel when compared to Qie Xieling. As though injected with chicken blood, the boy was an explosion of energy that the two adults instantly regretted it. The giddy Qie Xieling became even more talkative and inquisitive asking, "What is that? Why are a pheonix and I am a dragon? Why is the sky blue? Etc."     

This wasn't the end of it, Qie Xieling climbed on Wen Qinxi treating him like a human sized jungle gym. Wen Qinxi who had been stepped on so many times, "...."     

Parenting is hard and Wen Qinxi was learning the hard way. Lesson number one, don't give a kid an entire box of fudge.     

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