Ultimate Goddess System

2.1.19: Tea Invitation (III)

2.1.19: Tea Invitation (III)

0When Xiao Yunhua got back, she heard someone knocking on her door. Clearing her throat, she softly allowed them to come in. As the door was opened, Libby was revealed.     

"Young miss, your guest is here. young master is already with him." Xiao Yunhua nodded and then followed Libby towards where the guest was waiting. Libby was escorting her and their way there was silent except for the sound of their steps.     

"Libby, did Aug—I mean, did the young master cause any trouble?" Libby paused and turned around to meet her eyes.     

Shaking her head, Libby said: "No miss. Young master was courteous and there was no indication of trouble." Xiao Yunhua nodded and they continued to walk again. It seemed like Augustine was only a brat in front of her. Everywhere else, he was polite and courteous, worthy of being the heir of Warrington. The hostility he held for her was purely because he thought of her as an unworthy peasant and because of his deceased sister.     

In reality, she didn't have time to deal with him and his childish antics. She had already been given a grace period, so she needed to hurry up with her mission. She wasn't going to be naïve and prolong it like before in her first world, which she considered as a trial world.     

Finally, a short period of time later, they had arrived. "Young miss, should I announce you?" Xiao Yunhua wanted to roll her eyes. That's so extra for something purely being held in her home with her dumb brother and one guest. She could roll her eyes, no matter how much she wanted, because that went against the etiquette she was taught. Instead, she shook her head and Libby just opened the door.     

The door was opened and her eyes fell on the flower decorations that she had arranged earlier. It was a good thing that she had the foresight to use flowers because they complimented and looked very lovely for a simple tea invitation. Her blue eyes finally fell and noticed two pairs of eyes looking at her. Green eyes and brown eyes, both holding different emotions. The green eyes belonged to Augustine, who had inherited them from the Duchess, and they looked at her with annoyance. The brown eyes; however, belonged to Dominic who looked at her with curiosity.     

Dominic wanted to scold her for making them wait but couldn't because he was in front of a noble guest. Instead, he glared daggers at her and she understood what he meant. She curtsied and sat down, smiling pleasantly without showing her teeth.     

"Thank you for accepting my invitation, young master Harrison." She turned her head and acknowledged her brother as well, displaying politeness to both.     

Dominic nodded, "Thank you for inviting me Miss Warrington."     

"Please, call me Violetta." She smiled and he nodded, telling her that she could refer to him by his name as well. Xiao Yunhua ushered Libby, who stood at the side in case they need anything, to pour the tea for both of the guests and herself.     

Libby skillfully placed the cakes and other deserts in front of them, to which there was a brief silence. Xiao Yunhua didn't know what to do! She wanted to thank him for the magnolia flower but also couldn't expose that she embarrassed herself because Augustine would surely snitch on her.     

"D-Dominic," she said his first name for the first time, startling him and her. For some reason, Dominic didn't find it unpleasant when she said his name. "thank you for what you did. Inviting you over for tea was the only way I could think of repaying you." Dominic wasn't dumb nor gullible. He knew that she was referring to both the first dance and the magnolia flower. In fact, he assumed that she had decorated with flowers to remind him without telling him. He didn't know that the flower decorations were purely a coincidence, but what he did know was that he couldn't expose the magnolia flower incident to prevent any rumors.     

"Of course, it was my honor to escort you for your first dance." By the look in his eyes, Xiao Yunhua realized that he understood her intent. She was also thanking him for something else.     

Augustine noticed the way both of them had a friendly atmosphere and cleared his throat, opening his mouth and speaking: "Dominic, I heard you're going to try to be a knight by your eighteen birthday?"     

Dominic's ears turned slightly red at that reminder, unnoticeable had it not been for her enhanced senses. He nodded, his sudden enthusiasm evident. "Yes, I've been training for that moment where I can be dubbed as a knight."     

Augustine was actually on familiar terms with Dominic, hence why he referred to him with his first name. So he teased his friend and said, "Isn't your eighteenth birthday coming up soon?"     

A serious look came across his face. "Yes that's why I must train harder." The youngest ever knight had been dubbed at the age of sixteen, but eighteen was considered a prodigy as well. He had already disappointed his father when he couldn't beat that record, so he needed to work harder before his eighteenth birthday.     

"You want to be a knight!?" Violetta blurted out, causing both of them to look at her. They didn't miss the excitement in her eyes when she looked at Dominic, as though she had discovered something very interesting about him.     

Dominic nodded, "Ever since I was young, I've been training." So he's been suffering like her? Although her training didn't require a sword, it was still annoying. He also looked like he wanted to do it, but she didn't and had no choice.     

"Why are you interested?" Augustine asked bluntly. She froze for a few seconds, luckily, they didn't notice and she only smirked.     

"Of course, it's because I've been wondering if you're going to be a knight with him!" Seeing the crafty way Violetta changed their subject back to him, he rolled his eyes.     

"No, I'm not interested. My dear sister should know this already." His retort was sarcastic and the way he called her 'dear sister' gave her goosebumps. This was the first time she heard those words from his mouth.     

"You're right, you told me that you don't have the strength for such an strenuous activity, brother."     

His green eyes narrowed at the insult she threw at him and chuckled, "Dear sister, you do love to joke around!"     

"I've learned from the best brother!"     

"Indeed a witty sister!"     

"Of course, not as—"     

"This tea is delightful." Both Violetta and Augustine turned to Dominic who was drinking the tea as he looked at both of them jokingly. It seemed like their argument was getting heated enough to make him interfere.     

Seeing the glum Augustine, Xiao Yunhua sighed and wondered why she was even arguing with this brat. She nodded and pushed forward the cake with the nuts in it in his direction. "Yes, it goes great with this cake." Augustine was surprised at her actions and suspiciously looked at her. She innocently blinked and he slowly took a bite of the cake with his fork, keeping his eyes out for any pranks.     

"Dominic, you should have some too." Dominic shook his head, refusing and explaining that he had a medical condition against nuts. He couldn't explain it, but in modern terms, to Xiao Yunhua, it was probably a nut allergy. "In that case, please try this one too! It comes from a really good bakery." Dominic didn't resist this time and casually began to eat the desert. After appeasing Augustine, the atmosphere had eased quite a bit and they were much more harmonious. They actually conversed in other random topics and Xiao Yunhua found herself really liking Dominic. Even if he wasn't her mission, his intelligence was enough for her to want to befriend him.     

Even Dominic himself didn't expect to enjoy the company of the siblings as much as he did. He was already a friend of Augustine, but to think Violetta was just as pleasant and especially intelligent, not stiff like most of the socialites in high society. Dominic assumed this was because of her illegitimate status that his mother had told him about. She told him to keep proper distance because an illegitimate daughter, even though she was the daughter of the Warrington Duke, wasn't really worth the attention. Yes the Duchess partially acknowledged her at the Liliana's party, but who knew what the cunning woman was planning.     

They chatted for a little bit longer before Dominic told them he needed to leave again. To Xiao Yunhua's surprise, when she suggested for him to visit again, he didn't disagree. His chocolate colored eyes were warm as he looked at both of them, regarding them as friends. Her heart skipped a beat and she shook her head, ignoring the feeling.     

They bid him goodbye and then Augustine turned around to look at her in silence. She expected for him to ramble on and treat her like usual, but he was quiet and then suddenly left, leaving her confused.     

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