Offer to the CEO

Spy Identification - Part 1

Spy Identification - Part 1

0Wednesday, continued ...     

Seeing Hou Yi walk across the foyer on Wednesday afternoon stunned Hou Enterprises employees. They figured he was gone for the week.     

His sudden appearance keenly interested four people, who realised the urgent need to inform Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin. Their rush, however made their actions easy for the security team to identify them. They receptionist already suspected of being a spy plus a cleaner, an assistant manager in the finance department and a member of Hou Yi's administrative team, without being careful sent separate texts from their phones within Hou Enterprises building to Yang Lin's number     

Being oblivious to these actions at that moment, Hou Yi walked into Vice-CEO Ji Feng's office, closed the door after him, and sat down "Uncle Feng, sorry to bother you…"     

"Yi, given you have just returned from Australia I did not expect you in until tomorrow. Why are you not spending time with that beautiful wife who you adore?"     

"Uncle Feng, I am worried. I have asked her to completely uproot herself to move here without any discussion. I am just so worried that she will not cope, and leave."     

"Yi be quiet. Something here does not add up, particularly given what your parents and the bodyguards who remained here said. The only certainties I have is you met your wife in passing in Australia six months ago, and again in passing at the Australian Embassy a fortnight ago, and you married. There is no other trace of you two communicating. "     

After looking HouYi in the eyes, Ji Feng continued "Like your father, you fell in love on sight, and have been looking for a way into her life, and the opportunity to be a part of it, which you snatched immediately, only presented itself recently, I suspect just before you obtained your marriage certificate. But that leaves you more invested in the relationship than your wife, who is just at the start of it."     

"Despite you having faith that everything will be alright, you are worried that some upset will derail your relationship. Am I right? You need to talk, and I promise you I will not talk to your parents about it. If I am right, you need support to achieve your goal of Anna being as deeply in love with you as you are with her and agreeing to remain by your side until death separates you."     

Hou Yi paused. Did he really want to say anything about his relationship? However the lack of any support was starting to get to him. He would struggle to sustain his relationship with Anna without help. Observing Ji Feng, he realised he had to give him information.     

"You have most things right, Uncle Feng. I fell for Anna on sight, but the situation is more insidious that you could think. When I met her she was engaged to Lu JInhu ..."     

"The devil's spawn from Lu Corporation?"     

"The very same. After we met in passing, we used instant messaging apps to communicate. I never let her know how I felt, as her decision to end the relationship had to be her decision. All she knew was I would support her decision no matter what. Anna however was doubting the relationship, and after we met in passing at the Australia Embassy she decided to end that relationship. Before she could do that amicably Lu Jinhu dumped her in spectacular fashion in front of the Civil Administration Bureau, so we took our chance."     

"Well I stand by my view he is devil's spawn."     

"Uncle Feng." laughed Hou Yi.     

When he stopped laughing, he continued "Anna proposed to me, and I immediately accepted without knowing what happened. I am worried that her motives for her proposal are revenge, and regardless of where our relationship goes, that is what she will regret. And by the way the devil's spawn and Yang Lin, when she went inside the Key Plaza Hotel after we married to collect her belongings verbally abused, physically assaulted and humiliated her."     

"That better be the only time he has done that, or I will make him pay. Apparently the verbal abuse and humiliation was not the first. I have found out he did this throughout their relationship and attempted to rip her off for everything that she owned, and was great at isolating her from friends. They call that in Australia domestic violence and consider it as bad as when a man physically hurts his wife or partner."     

"I suspect that he has physically abused her as well, which she will not admit, but I pick up she is terrified that he will hurt her again in the future, particularly as she has to deal with what he has tried to do to her and his attempt to ruin her career. I suspect that it impacts her commitment to our relationship. If I ask my mother or aunt to help, they will drive her away, but I do not know how to help her." By this time Hou Yi was utterly exhausted, and had a look of desperation in his eyes.     

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