Offer to the CEO

The Press Release - Part 1

The Press Release - Part 1


Hou Yi, given the draining nature of the last few days let Anna sleep in. He quietly climbed out of bed and got ready for the day being careful not to disturb his wife. As he was leaving, he made sure the room looked as if they had wild s*x again. He wondered, given how easily he was willing to admit to even Uncle Feng how much he loved Anna, would his marriage ever progress to the point where it was consummated, let alone they have wild s*x like they were portraying for the staff.     

As he was leaving Hou Yi told Butler Ge that Anna should only be woken if she had not risen when he called later on. He was also to arrange her travel to Hou Enterprises when she was ready to go with an escort.     

On arrival at his office Hou Yi was met by Ji Feng, who has a public relations department member Wu Hai with him. Ji Feng whispered to Hou Yi "I trust her."     

Hou Yi turned and whispered "OK, Uncle Feng"     

After introducing her Ji Feng excused himself to deal with other matters and reminded Hou Yi about their off-site meeting later in the day.     

Hou Yi escorted Wu Hai into his office and explained that his wife would be in later in the day to finalise matters but provided her with the preliminary information to commence drafting the press release. He made it clear that it was to be finalised with Anna before he would do a final review before its release. Wu Hai quickly returned to the public relations department and commenced drafting the press release.     

Once Hou Yi was alone in his office, he telephoned the apartment and requested to speak to his wife. Given Anna did not answer, Butler Ge had one of the maids entered, waking her up and handing her the phone. Drowsily she said "Yes?"     

"I have to apologise Anna for not waking you, but I have a full day in the office. As you were still tired I decided to let you sleep as late as possible. I have already tasked someone from the public relations department to prepare a draft press release for you to finalise when you come in. Butler Ge, knows the arrangements to make for you to come in when you are ready."     

"Fine Yi. You could have let me sleep a bit longer though. I am still tired after …," replied Anna, her voice getting sexier as she spoke due to the presence of the maids.     

"OK I get it staff are present and you want to create an impression. I will see you soon."     

"Cannot wait to see you."     

"You Idiot. Goodbye."     

With that Anna hung up the phone and got out of bed. Unlike a week ago when she went to Hou Enterprises, this time she was simply entering as the CEO's wife. She selected what she thought would be appropriate showered and dressed. As she left the suite, she collected her handbag and phone, and went downstairs for breakfast. On her way leaving the apartment, she collected her laptop from the study, and was driven to Hou Enterprises.     

Anna was surprised when she arrived to find Hou Yi waiting for her in the foyer. Like last time when she appeared as his wife they were surrounded by bodyguards, so no one could see her. As they walked across the foyer, Anna could hear people wondering who she was, and they were quickly taken up to Hou Yi's office level.     

Hou Yi, on shutting the door said "Wu Hai, this is my wife Anna. I have agreed while I attend the meetings I have, that you can work here in my office." He walked over to where Anna was sitting, sat beside her, and whispered loud enough that Wu Hai heard, "See you as soon as I am done." With that he leaned over and gave her a passionate looking kiss.     

Anna, however, gently pulled back, and looking at Hou Yi quietly said "Yi, we are not alone, and …"     

Hou Yi pulled back slightly and looked at Anna "You are right. There is a more appropriate place for that than here where we could be interrupted."     

Anna turned and said, "You better get to those meetings, I do not want you to blame me for your day dragging on."     

Hou Yi stood up, picked up some files on his desk and walked out of the office.     

Wu Hai, came over and sat beside Anna, and commented "CEO Hou does love you Madam Hou."     

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