Offer to the CEO

Travelling to M Mall

Travelling to M Mall

0Tuesday, continued …     

Anna, could see that Hou Yi, was angry about what had happened in Fengs. While they were there, she was terrified that they would force themselves into the room, locating her there with Hou Yi and then not only physically hurting her but finding out about her marriage to Hou Yi's. Keeping there was no way that she wanted them to know about her marriage at this time, she wanted it revealed on her timetable.     

She turned and touched Hou Yi on the arm, and with that he looked directly at her "Do you want to tell me what happened?"     

"Let us just say, Lu Jinhu and Yang Lin showed their true colours, acting like the spoilt entitled children, rather that mature adults. Yang Lin demanded that she should receive the ring set we chose, from whoever purchased it at their cost for the inconvenience she had 'suffered' for it not being here for her and suggested that whoever purchased it should then purchase a second ring set for themselves."     

"I told both of them to stop abusing staff, and that they would not get what they wanted, simply because they wanted it. As you can imagine they threatened me." Hou Yi paused, and then continued "The more they keep doing this the more I cannot wait to help you bring them down! Do you have any plans yet?"     

"Well … I was thinking that we should not do much initially. I am guessing Lu Jinhu is expecting as of tomorrow to own your family's company, so just knowing for the moment he did not get something he felt was his is good enough to start. It will annoy him so much to figure out that you are married, but not who you are married to. Him not knowing, will frustrate him like anything."     

Anna paused, as if thinking and then continued "Knowing him, he will take out his frustrations on Yang Lin, whether verbally or physically, and that will mess with her sense of entitlement. In denying them what they wanted at Fengs, it has added to their frustration. As will finding out tomorrow I am not on the flight that they demanded that I be on, or they would have me arrested. The rest will come in the future."     

"True. They do not take well to being denied what they want." Replied Hou Yi. "Changing subjects, I recall earlier you said you were a lawyer. Do you want to tell me a little about your work, as we have a few minutes before we reach M Mall?"     

"Well I completed my combined Commerce and Law degree, 5 years ago when I was 21. I was bright enough that in primary school I skipped a grade, meaning that I was 17 when I finished high school and started university. The university, through a combination of summer school classes granting me permission for course overloads allowed me to complete the degree requirements in 4 years, rather than the normal 5 years."     

"I was lucky to quickly complete the required professional court to be, what is called 'admitted to practice', which is a fancy way to say the system recognised my education and skill to work as a lawyer. I had, at the conclusion of my degree secured a job, in Melbourne at ANX Lawyers, which I started while doing that course. I have been there since I was a junior lawyer, working my way up. There is a potential that the partners of the firm would look within the next couple of years of inviting me to become a partner of the firm."     

What she said, absolutely eliminated any doubts for Hou Yi, if he had any by now, that Anna was the woman he had seen and fell for 6 months ago when he visited ANX Lawyers. "What sort of work do you do?"     

"Well the firm's speciality is commercial law, dealing with international issues for local clients and assisting international clients in Australia. But it also covers most aspects of what we call Commercial Law, sales, purchases, taxation issues and anything else that might be associated with it. However, the firm's founding principals realised that those issues are not in isolation."     

"We can be representing clients that have other issues, for example criminal charges, immigration issues, needing to protect assets, marriage breakdowns, and created a small generalist practice that ran alongside the commercial practice and complements this. I work in that area, and I love it constantly changes, and usually I can make a difference working there. I try and avoid the commercial work, as I cannot stand it, but that is not always possible."     

"So, which is your favourite area of law?"     

"I love …"     

"Before Anna could continue, Assistant Wang interrupted them. "Young Master, Young Madam, we have arrived at M Mall." With that he stopped the car and opened the door for Hou Yi to get out first. Hour Yi turned and helped Anna.     

"Assistant Wang, could you part the car, and then come and find me to give me the keys. I have one task I need you to do back at the office, and they you can go home for the night. I will send you a message with the task to your phone."     

With that, he escorted Anna to a door which had a buzzer next to it and pressed the buzzer. "M Mall VIP Service, how can I help you?" came an almost robotic reply.     

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