Offer to the CEO

Spooked by Immigration

Spooked by Immigration

0Thursday continue ...     

Anna was terrified at the thought that the immigration officials, if they were truly that, would arrest her. Damn. She had no idea that the move by Yang Lin and Lu Jinhu would be like this. However, given how they acted, she realised that she should have expected something crazy like this from them.     

Before Anna could respond the bodyguard from this morning forced came towards the room. An immigration official outside the room stated, "Sir, you have no rights to be here, leave."     

The bodyguard forced himself into the room passed two immigration officials outside the room and firmly shut the door behind him before stating, "Madam Hou, do you need help?"     

"Not presently. Yi said if I need him, to call him" replied Anna.     

While she spoke, Anna quickly messaged Yi, saying 'turning off intranet now,' and with that she logged out of the intranet to protect it.     

The first immigration official said "Madam Hou?"     

Anna reached down, and from her handbag removed her passport and copy of her marriage certificate to prevent the situation from getting out of control. "Gentleman this should clarify my situation, however you cannot take the documents with her."     

Anna then opened her passport and the copy of the marriage certificate showing them to the Immigration Officials. The first official stated "I do not believe the marriage certificate is a real copy. I want to see a real copy."     

"Sir, that is secure at home," replied Anna as calmly as possible.     

"Well as you cannot produce it now, I will have to arrest you and seize everything here."     

"I do not think that you want to do that, as it will seriously annoy my husband. What happens if I can get my husband here? Will that help?"     

"We do not care who your husband is, this is fake."     

With that four more people arrived in the department and they chased the women into one office and made sure the door was closed. One kept guard on that office, and Anna noticed one of the other three was the bodyguard from yesterday. Hou Yi sent help down.     

Anna's mobile then started to ring, and the caller ID was Darling Husband. Anna answered it, putting it on speaker, speaking sweetly. "Hi darling, I have four immigration officers here in my office wanting to arrest me. They say I am illegally in the country and have no working rights."     

"Sweetheart, Assistant Wang is on his way down with the originals of our marriage certificate, your household register and our joint household register. If that is not enough, the footage from yesterday has arrived via email, so come up to my office with them. We should be able to resolve this without you needing to leave the building."     

"Ok darling." Anna looked up and spotted Assistant Wang walking in the department door. "Assistant Wang has just arrived. Do you want to stay on the phone?"     

"I think I will if you are OK with that."     

By then Assistant Wang was let into the office, and the door was closed behind him. The room was getting very crowded, but at least what was happening was kept quiet.     

"Madam Hou I apologise for taking too much time. Gentleman, I am Wang Long and I am the personal assistant for Hou Enterprises CEO Hou Yi. Here are the originals of CEO and Madam Hou's marriage certificate, Madam Hou's household register and their joint household register. I also have copies of these for you to keep. They were all issued by the Civil Administration Bureau two days ago. CEO Hou also for you to view in his office the footage of the issuing of their marriage certificate that you can view."     

"Let me look at those" responded the first official. He picked up each document separately and started to examine them. Once he had finished, he indicated "They look like they are originals, but I am doubtful until I see this so-called footage. Miss, I doubt that you are married to CEO Hou."     

"I have no problem if you have doubts, but I would like an apology when I prove my marriage, even if that requires you contacting the Civil Administration Bureau to confirm our marriage. Please give me a minute, and I will back up the items I have here, to take to my husband's office, given I am aware that you want to seize them."     

With that Anna, unplugged her laptop, and placed it back in its case. She picked it up, along with her Handbag, and the pass key that Assistant Wang had given her previously. With her head held high she walked out of the legal department with the immigration officials, Assistant Wang and the bodyguards behind her. As Supervisor An opened the room door that they were in Anna heard one woman say, "Thank god that fake is being taken away."     

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