Offer to the CEO

Going Power Shopping - Part 7

Going Power Shopping - Part 7

0Wednesday, continued …     

Anna, suddenly remembered the price tags on a few of the outfits that she had tried on, and how much was there. She wondered whether there would be enough room on the cards that Hou Yi had given her to pay for everything. Given her concerns, she decided that she needed to speak to him about this, as it would be so embarrassing if, when it came to paying for everything there was not enough money on the cards.     

After locating her new phone in her handbag, she started to scroll down the numbers in her contacts until she found the contact listed as Darling Husband. Damn, she would make him pay for calling himself that in her contacts. Within two rings once she dialled the number, Hou YI answered.     

"Darling, you know your offer before…"     

"Yes, about repeating our wedding night" came Hou Yi's laughed response.     

"You need to get your mind out of the gutter, and we can talk about that later. I have something more important to talk about."     

"How much you love me, and need me," was the retort on the phone.     

"Yi are you trying to embarrass me. No it is about what I am about to purchase."     

"Ok I get why you are calling. The power shoppers have struck again, and they have taking you into racks and racks of designer clothes, shoes to match and other items and you need me to increase the limits on one of the cards."     

"Yes Please. But the lovely personal shopper we had today, made sure there are only a few of those more formal dresses, with much more casual and mix and match items. She really got me."     

"Just wait a minute." With that Anna heard typing on a keyboard. Once it stopped Hou Yi came back to speak to her "Anna, sweetheart, the card ending in 8797 has had its daily limit for today lifted to 100 million, and the other card to 70 million. Do not; I repeat do not let my mother and Aunt know how much credit you have today."     

"OK Darling. Once we finish here, we are going for lunch and going to a market recommended by the body guards. As soon as we finish there, I will let you know." With that Anna ended the call.     

Anna simply sat there and closer her eyes listening in the background to the chatter from Du AnLing and Leng Xi, both were focusing on where to go for lunch and the next stores to hit in a shopping spree. They both realised that there was no way that Hou Yi would not have given Anna significant funds to go shopping with, and they would enjoy spending that amount of money.     

After a few minutes, they were interrupted when Rebecca returned. "Miss Anna, here is your final bill, which you can pay at the desk as you leave? We have made the arrangements for you to leave as requested, and your shopping will be delivered to your home. A couple of the stores, given the volume of items purchased provided a discount which is reflected in your account. While most personal shoppers would expect a percentage of the value as a tip for their assistance, I am happy with whatever you decided to do, if you felt the service you received was worth a tip. It has been a pleasure."     

"Thank you, Rebecca. Can you please contact me through the details on the card, or via my husband when the tailors contact you about arranging a first fitting for the order with them."     

"Not a problem."     

With that Anna, Du AnLing, Leng Xi and the bodyguards made their way to the foyer area, where Anna handed over the card Hou Yi had increased the limit on. She added a 400,000 tip for Rebecca, despite being one percent of the total bill, she advised the person at the desk to ask Rebecca, if she would be willing on any returns to the VIP area, to be her personal shopper, as she really understood what Anna wanted and needed.     

As Anna was handed back the card, Du AnLing saw it was a black card. "You mean my son gave you one of those cards. I cannot believe it. He took mine from me. Come on, we can have a lot of fun with that."     

"Mother, remember what I said he told me, plus I have almost maxed out that card with this purchase." She grabbed the bill, and almost passed out with the amount of over 45 million.     

"I have to have words with my son. You have not been married a day, and it appears he has given you cards with a daily limit of about 50 million. Things have changed, and he can be more free with the money we have access to."     

"Mother, I have to return the cards today. I simply have them to be able to do this shopping. I am getting a card with a monthly limit just like you, is my understanding." Anna, knew that that was likely not the truth, but taking into account the warnings Hou Yi had given her, the last thing she needed them to know was exactly what she was being given.     

With that Anna, hurried them out of the door, and they were followed by the female bodyguard. As they exited, they realised the male bodyguard had gone and collected the car for them. They slipped in the backseat, and the car drove away.     

Ten minutes after leaving M Mall, they reached an area, where 6 people were waiting. The car stopped, and they were assisted out of the vehicle. "Madam Hou's these are the addition bodyguards we require for going into the market area. When you are ready to leave the car will be brought back, and we will take you Young Madam Home first before taking you First Madam and Second Madam home."     

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