Offer to the CEO

Meanwhile at the Lu's

Meanwhile at the Lu's

0Wednesday, continued ...     

Yang Lin stormed into the house that she and Lu Jinhu were temporarily living in.     

"What is wrong" inquired Lu Jinhu     

"I cannot f**king believe it. I went to M Mall, and they refused to give me the right VIP room. They know I must have the largest room and refused to shift whoever took my room for me to have it. I will find out who was there, and that b**ch better watch out. No one denies me what I should have, and I will make her life miserable."     

"Lin, you need to keep calm, given you are pregnant"     

"No, I will not. This just adds to everything. Yesterday we had to deal with that w**re you manipulated yesterday. Having to play along so we could get what we wanted in Australia for years hurt me. We could only be together when you were back here, so she would have no idea what was happening. It felt so good to do what we did at the Civil Administration Bureau and the hotel, but that is not enough."     

"We failed to secure her laptop, to access her firms's programs and take the money Hou Enterprises has with them. If we could have done that it would have completed her ruin. I am annoyed that we could not completely destroy her, as we had wanted to. It is not fair. That Hotel manager should have to pay for not getting us that laptop."     

"Lin …."     

"Then there was that humiliation at Fengs. Why was I put in the second VIP Room? I am entitled to the best, and the first VIP room is the best. That manager there is stupid, and he should know what I am entitled to. The damn problem in getting him and that incompetent staff dismissed as they should be for denying me they best. I have to figure out how to deal with that humiliation."     

"The problem is Hou Yi. He knows about us, and I had no damn idea that he controls Fengs. All I though was that he was some distant relation. Maybe there is someone else within the family I can work on to have that incompetent staff dismissed for their treatment of me."     

"Then to top it off I was denied the rings that we should have. If he had not been there the staff would have done what I wanted. I wanted that pink diamond set as they were only ever going t be produced once, given the designers demands. The people who got my rings and were in my VIP room, better watch out. When I find out who they are, they will pay for humiliating me. Is it right that I am entitled to the best and what I want?"     

"Yes Lin, you are."     

"Then to be told, I cannot get more discounts at Fengs, damn Hou Yi. They have given those discounts to me, but to say that I cannot have them more it inappropriate. They cannot take them away."     

"Lin, calm down please. I am angry enough for both of us. Not getting that laptop was a problem, and then there was the humiliation at Fengs. Now to find the staff at M Mall disrespected you and gave you a room that was not the right one. We have to get at them."     

Lu Jihnu paused and thought about what he needed to tell Yang Lin them. Their plan to have Yang Lin's second cousin, a senior immigration official, detain her for a search of her luggage had even gone wrong.     

Lu Jinhu took a deep breath, as he knew that he needed to tell her "I am sorry it gets even worse. I was informed that that b**ch was not on the flight that we told her to be on. Your second cousin, was unable to get her laptop for us."     

"What the f**k. That b**ch, w**re. Where in the f**king world is she then. She has to be found. We need that laptop, plus she now needs to be humiliated even more that those others I have to deal with."     

Yang Lin paused, and calmed down "Did you get told that Hou Enterprises now belongs to the Lu's?"     

"The strange this, according to my spies, is nothing seems to have changed, and it was business as usual at Hou Enterprises. Hou Yi apparently had a meeting with the personal family lawyer, and some legal papers were signed. All that I have been able to find out is that Hou Yi's father and grandfather have resigned their roles within the company."     

"There was no way that Hou Yi could have complied with his father and grandfather's demands by yesterday, and therefore the company is ours. Father is using all his sources and trying to contact the older Hou's to find out what is happening. As soon as he has an answer, he will let us know."     

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