A Billion Dollar Exchange



0''Liling, did she lose her baby?''     

Grandma asked as they sat over a cup of coffee in a very expensive restaurant;     

At that question; Liu Wei looked up at her a bit shocked; he was sure that she didn't know about the child since no-one in his family knew and he didn't remember telling her about it;     

''How did you know? ''     

Liu Wei asked in reply;     

''Oh my god! …'' Grandma covered her lips in shock;      

''What happened?  Do you know anything? ''     

''That woman is a snake! What caused her to lose the baby? ''     

Grandma asked, very concerned as to how Da Xia had a hand in this;     

''It was a lady done by who worked at my house; I got her arrested; but then I couldn't take up the case since I lacked evidence and she didn't directly give the drink to her; ''     

He replied; brushing his hand through his head frustratingly;     

''Oh, so that's it…''     

Grandma murmured as the points connected;     

''What happened exactly; how did you know? ''     

He asked again;     

Grandma paused for a while, before bringing out a sheet of paper from her bag;     

''This is the number of that woman, Da Xia, and this is the number of the one she called;     

I overheard them talking about some plans; but then; she mentioned having killed your child and wanting to remain low key for now, I think they were working together, and knowing your grandfather, this is a more than enough reason to cancel the engagement. ''     

Grandma concluded; a smile on her face; Liu Wei was stunned beyond words; first he couldn't believe that that woman also had a hand in the killing of his child; now he thought about it; even the falling off the lights, she must have connived with Yan Ran too!     

He held on to the paper; staring at the numbers written therein,     

''Thank you, grandma, thank you! ''     

He could not express his profound joy at that point; he immediately hugged her briefly; although he wasn't sure that it would let him be with Liling; he was sure that it would end the sickening engagement with that woman;     

''You're welcome, and about that Lady you like, I'll speak to your grandfather; I'm not sure of what would happen but then, we'll have to try; ''     

''Thank you so much! ''     

Liu Wei thanked again, this was the best news he had heard in a long while;     

After seeing her off to her car; he entered his and drove off; he wanted to call Liling and break the news to her but then he changed his mind; it would be better to tell her about it when everything was settled;     

It was already past six and Liling had told him that she would be home early; so he just drove back home;     

As soon as he opened the door, a jaw dropping sight met him;     

She was wearing just a pant and bra; and standing on six inches heels; with two glasses of wine in hand; a mind blowing song was playing on the background and she was as beautiful as hell;     

''Care to walk inside; baby? ''     

She spoke seductively; walking to him and pulling him by the collar; she handed his own glass to him, clicking her glass to his; she downed it in one go, and dropped it on the nearby stool; her eyes not leaving his for a second;     

Liu Wei; as though controlled by a machine downed his own glass, and kept it too;     

Liling had this smug smile on her face as she took away his tie and unbuttoned his shirt slowly;     

''Baby, this is the end of the never-ending-and-torturing-one-month, and now I want you to fuck me; did you hear me?''     

She asked seductively; as she pulled his singlet over his head; pushing him against the wall;     

Liu Wei had never been so turned on in his entire life; they've not had sex for a whole month; so all the adrenaline pumped downwards at that moment and without thinking, he replied;     

''Yes Milady…''     

And swiftly, his lips came crashing into hers; roughly; the way she wanted it; she wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried them both into the bedroom; his hands unclasped her bra and let it fall down to the floor; dropping her on the bed he kissed her breasts roughly; going up to her lips, he bit on her lower lip;     

He was so hard that he couldn't wait any longer; turning her around, and with her panties still on, he rammed into her;     

''FUCKK!! '' She screamed; biting into a pillow; her eyes shut tightly;     

Liu Wei waited to her to adjust to his length before he came out and thrust in again;     

They fucked for over thirty minutes; and when Liu Wei noticed that, although he was sweating profusely, he wasn't getting tired neither was his little brother, he knew that something was wrong;     

''What did you do? ''     

He asked in between pants; Liling could barely speak, her whole body was shaking; she had drugged him but she couldn't tell him;     

''The wine… oh god…''     

He panted when he realized he had been drugged; changing their position again.     

 Liling lost count of how many times they did it; but when they were through; she could not move an inch; her body inside out ached; she closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.     

She woke up the next morning cleaned up and with clothes on but Liu Wei was not in the room; her hands went up to her lips to cover her smug smile;     

After a while; she tried standing up from the bed but she fell back down when a sore pain from in between her legs welcomed her.     

''Great! ''     

She laughed; maybe this was her punishment for drugging her innocent man; almost immediately she heard the door squeak and she immediately shut her eyes, pretending to be asleep; partly because he knew she drugged him and again because she didn't want to see the look on his face after last night;     

''How long are you going to keep sleeping, Sunshine? ''     

Liu Wei sat down beside her and murmured against her ear, pecking her cheeks afterwards.     

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