Tricking My Cold Lover

Until Tomorrow

Until Tomorrow

0"You always had your mother in mind. You were always thinking about making her life easy one day, yet despite how you want this for your mother, you never liked." Nari paused and looked down before telling, "You did not like, always accepting our help."     

"I mean, you do, but if you can help it, you wouldn't," said Nari. "I scolded you a lot for not taking care of yourself more often. Like, you would not buy clothes that are more durable, or sometimes, you would settle for processed food because they were more affordable."     

As the conversation between Nari and Luiz progressed, they were becoming more comfortable with each other, adjusting their sitting position, similar to that of intimate couples.      

It was just natural for Nari to want to hold Luiz and stay close to his face. She wanted to relish at that very moment.     

Luiz, on the other hand, felt this new thrilling sensation, one that he never felt since he turned into Ramon Russo. He felt overjoyed just being right next to Nari and watching her small face tell him about their past.      

While Nari was clutching her knees, facing Luiz, she was also leaning on his arm.      

Luiz pulled Nari tighter to his embrace and said, "Well, Nari, in general, we as men... our desire to be Superman is our Kryptonite. Seeking help may be perceived as a weakness."     

Resting his chin against Nari's forehead, he said, "Maybe I did not want you to think I was incapable."     

Taking a deep breath, he said, "But let's not dwell about that now. I want to know what are the things I used to like?"     

"Well, you already know how much you love to cook." Nari looked up to Luiz and locked eyes with him. She said, "You really liked Brazilian dishes, which were hard to find by the way, when you are living in Korea."     

"You were a home buddy person. You always just like to stay with your Mom and with me." With a wide grin, she said, "You always wanted to stay with me and it was the same with me. We were like glued to each other, like siamese twins!"     

She chuckled thinking of how; she did not even have dreams of her own, but she just wanted to follow Luiz on his career path. "It was silly really, and I hate that I did not realize sooner how much I could not live without you."     

"You did not like it when I push you to join Geun for a workout. Pfft! But you get forced to doing it -"     

"So I was a bit lazy," Luiz remarked.      

"Eh, more like, it wasn't your cup of tea, but while you were in Italy, I supposed you worked out a lot, working for the kitchen and since you no longer needed to take care of your mom." She pursed her lips and added, "And you did not have to worry about me too... you had more time for yourself."     

"To be honest, even if you built yourself as someone else, I feel very proud of you." She frowned while looking down and said, "You achieved so much without me. Sometimes, I wonder if I held you back."     

Luiz's eyes never left Nari. He reached for the side of her face before pushing back her hair. He said, "The things that I have achieved, doesn't really compensate for the times that I have lost, Nari."     

"The only reason I drowned myself with work was that, despite the care and training of Massimo, something inside me felt... empty," revealed Luiz. "Now I know why... It was because it wasn't completely me. I may have achieved my dreams but, I felt incomplete. Now... things are starting to make sense to me."     

Nari bit her lip, just admiring the new Luiz. She had to admit; he looked so much better; he talked so much different from before. Something in Luiz was more experienced, mature, and so much more desirable.     

"What else do I like?" Luiz asked again.      

Nari flushed and turned away to say, "You used to like... hugging me a lot... and kissing me."     

Her suggestion made Luiz smirk and act immediately according to her words.      

With a hand at the back of Nari's neck, Luiz guided her to face back to him and their lips ultimately met.      

Nari felt chills all over her body, sensing Luiz's touch. When she noticed how his lips were moving against hers, she responded with the same desire.      

A tear fell easily down her face as they started to indulge.      

"Sshh... Nari. I don't want you to cry anymore," he softly said before diving back into her lips.      

While gently nibbling on each other's lips, they began to caress each other's faces. Both had their eyes nearly closed, merely focusing on their mouths and the taste of their flavor.      

From inside Nari's room, their gasping and the smacking sounds of their kisses became audible by the second. Their bodies were drawn further closer together, conclusively closing the gap.      

It did not take long for their tongues to get entangled, dancing together as they made out.      

Eventually, Nari felt her body being lowered down to the sofa, and she allowed it.     

Her arms were wrapped around his neck as Luiz further deepened their kiss.      

Resting herself on the armrest of the sofa, Nari felt Luiz's weight on top of her. The corners of her mouth were starting to get soaked from all the sloppy, yet eager kisses they were giving each other.      

For Nari, she was utterly losing her senses. She missed Luiz so, and being there with him, locking lips, was just a dream come true.      

From Luiz's view, as far as his memory could tell, he was never this excited in his entire life. Everything around him seemed to have blurred, and all he could focus on was kissing Nari and touching her skin.      

Of course, he felt aware of how something in between his thighs was more enthusiastic than him. He utterly felt the need to put pressure on the swelling beneath his pants. It resulted in him to sometimes, ground against her as they kissed.      

Soon enough, their hands turned restless, especially Nari's. She had her palms against Luiz's chest and found herself searching for the solidness of his torso.      

When Nari raised her leg to wrap it around Luiz's back, he acted instinctively, reaching for her thighs. Nari was in her pants that day, but he still traced her thigh up to the off her bottom check.      

Both of them were utterly drowned in the moment of pleasure that they did not know how long they were kissing each other.      

They only stopped when Nari unconsciously tried to unbutton his shirt.      

Leaning back, Luiz took a deep breath and sighed. He sat up and said, "Wow." Taking off his coat, he said, "I feel so hot."     

Without warning, Nari climbed up on top of him and said, "Me too."     

Breathing against his face, she said, "Luiz, I miss you so much."     

"Nari, I can see why I like kissing you." Puffing his cheeks he said, "Maybe we should return talking, otherwise, I could just kiss you until nighttime."     

While circling her arms around him, she said, "No." She pecked on his lips and added, "Kiss me until tomorrow."     

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