Tricking My Cold Lover

Can I Take You Somewhere?

Can I Take You Somewhere?

0Two days after.     

"Have you sent her to the airport?" Ramon asked the driver and one of his staff after their return.     

He had his staff send off Nari Conti to the airport, letting her take a flight back to Italy.      

Nari Conti did not want to leave, but Ramon was adamant to remove her from his current worries. Right now, he wanted to find out about Yeong Nari.      

"Yes, sir. We saw her go in the check-in counters," the driver responded to his query.      

"We did not leave the airport until it was boarding time," assured his staff.      

"Good. Take me to the Intramed Wise's laboratory," instructed Ramon to the driver.      

That was the day that he had committed to having the DNA test with Yeong Nari's children, and they only wanted nothing but the best analysis. Thus, it could only be done at the laboratory where his friend, Justin Clark, owned.      

Alfred Lu, Yeong Nari's cousin, was the acting director of the branch in China. He was assured fast and reliable testing.     

He would get the results the very next day.      

Ramon wasn't sure what compelled him to agree, but with all the doubts that were settling in his head, he knew he just had to go through with the paternity test.      

Arriving at Intramed Wise building, he made his way to the laboratory floor, and there, he was met with more people to gawk at his familiar face.      

It would seem to Ramon that Nari's entire family came to see him that day.      

Overwhelmed with the number of eyes starring at him, he cleared his throat, Ramon greeted, "Good morning, Nari. Mr. and Mrs. Yeong."     

"Oh, my God," a woman in her late fifties approached, already weeping in tears.     

"This is Rae Bin. Luiz's mother." Nari walked forward, looking straight at Ramon's eyes, and added, "Your mother."     

From behind Rae Bin was another man who was equally in tears. He abruptly approached Ramon and hugged him without permission.      

"Son, it really is you. It is you." It was from Carlos Moreno.      

"This is... Carlos Moreno, your father," revealed Nari.      

The Yeongs naturally had to inform the Morenos of their discovery, regardless of the fact that they had still to perform a DNA test.      

In an instant, Ramon felt strange. There was a wave of emotion that he could not fathom by the sudden embrace of this man, especially when the same man spoke in Portuguese. He wasn't even sure how he was suddenly understanding all of his foreign words.      

His eyes suddenly watered as he acted to shut it.      

What was even odder was how he could not dare to evade their hold. Something was causing him to remain and accept the embrace, like he yearned for it too.      

When Carlos Moreno let go of him, Rae Bin, despite her small frame, reached for Ramon's head. She practically ruined his hairstyle, but still the same, Ramon could not find himself to object.      

His emotions were overflowing, and he could not point a finger at it.      

Ramon noticed how Rae Bin was caressing a porting of the back of his head. He then heard her say, "Feel that? Huh? Son, you got this from a bedsore, having lay on your hospital incubator for so long. Your hair never grew back on his part of your head."     

As water streamed down her face, Rae Bin's fingers then reached down to Ramon's neck and touched another evident wound. She said, "Because you were in the Neonatal ICU for so long, your veins weren't accepting anymore IV. They had to give you your fluids through your jugular vein."     

Rae Bin practically broke down when she added, "That's why - that's why you have that wound."     

As Rae Bin stepped back, Ramon's hands remained open. It was as if he regretted letting go of the woman before him.      

He wound up touching the wound on his neck, tilting his head as he thought of the possibility. He then looked up to mother and father who stood before him and said, "Well, I suppose - I suppose that is why I came here... to find out the truth. I'm sorry... I really don't have such memories."     

Anton, Yanmei, Chan-Mi, Salvi, Ara, and Geun were present as well, together with Nari's twins. They all nodded in agreement o Ramon's words.      

"Let's get this over with," said Anton.      

Alfred Lu would personally supervise the DNA testing in their facility. He came in between them and said, "Ramon, since Luiz's parents are here. How about we also test you against." Alfred glanced at Carlos and added, "Against Mr. Moreno?"     

Ramon took another glance at the Morenos and awkwardly answered, "Well, I am already here. So why not?"     

Taking the subjects for testing in a private room, Alfred's team took samples of blood and swabs coming from Carlos and Ramon. After which they took swabs from the twin girls, Ava and Aemilia.      

It was from the said private space did Ramon have a good look at the twins.      

Yet again, he recognized how everything was so familiar. It made him smile just looking at the twins, who were frequently glancing at him.      

From where he stood, Nari approached him and said, "They have just turned two last month."     

Looking up to Ramon's tall frame, she added, "They both have your nose... your eyes, but my smile."     

Glancing at Nari, Ramon delighted in the smile that she forced. It ultimately made him smile back, and he said, "You have a beautiful smile."     

Nari found herself blushing while widening her grin. She looked down and said, "Thank you."     

Seeing how the twins were done with the swab, Nari proposed, "Do you - do you want to hold them?"     

She did not wait for an answer. Nari just grabbed her twins and brought them in front of Ramon. She carried Amelia and urged him to carry the little girl, "hold her."     

"Go ahead, son. Carry your own daughter," he heard Carlos say to him.      

If it were not for the fact that his past was also grey, he probably would reject all these suggestions. However, Ramon also had questions about his pasts and he understood how he was having so many familiar sensations with this group that claimed to know him well.      

It was a far different kind of feeling, being around Nari Conti and he had to admit, it was not also the same as his father, Massimo Russo. The only reason why he was utterly convinced that he was Massimo's son, was the words that dictated his head.     

Plus, Massimo was very caring and loving as a father. Ramon had no complaints.      

He accepted Amelia from Nari, and Ramon was suddenly taken aback.      

Amelia caressed his cheek and gave him a sweet smile.      

After feeling the little girl's touch, his heart raced and his eyes were acting to water again. He wound up asking himself, 'What is this feeling?'     

Ramon perceived something in him wanted to know more about the girls. He suddenly felt the urge of wanting to spend time with them.      

Feeling a little hand hold him, he looked down at Ava and smiled at her. He then darted at Nari, saying, "Can I - can I take you somewhere in town? Maybe bring the kids in a park somewhere?"     

Nari cried outright, and she carelessly wiped it with her hands. She turned to Carlos, who was giving him an approving nod. She smiled at Ramon and said, "Yes! Yes! I'd love too and the kids would love to."     

"Can we come along?" Carlos eagerly asked.      

Following a nod, Ramon said, "Of course."     

"I can suggest a place," said Alfred Lu. "I am the local, after all."     

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