Tricking My Cold Lover

In Due Time, Perhaps

In Due Time, Perhaps

0The wedding of their cousin Alfred was an intimate gathering. As far as the Yeongs understood, Samantha, Alfred's wife, did not have that many guests. Still, it was a beautiful grand wedding that allowed the families of Anton's siblings to have a reunion.      

The Yeongs gathered at one table: Anton, Yanmei, Chan-Mi, Salvi, baby Melissa, Nari, and her twins. Geun and Ara were with them as well, together with the nannies of the babies.      

Next to them were their cousins, all children of Andrea and their families. They were... plentiful that the Lu family occupied three tables, all in all.     

It amused Anton how many grandkids he had coming from his sister's side of grandchildren. To Anton, it would seem as though his sister's family doubled over time.      

Following the beautiful and romantic ceremony, the party started, and it was a celebration full of entertainment and, of course, the games and traditions included in any wedding.      

When the time came for the tossing of the bouquet, Anton was reluctant to have Nari join. It was because Chan-Mi got the flowers from the last wedding they attended and she got married just a few months after.      

What were the chances of Nari getting married within six months? It scared him. Not just because he was scared to lose his other princess, but at the same time, he was earnestly worried, Nari was not ready for anything of such, at least to his point of view.      

However, with his sibling's persistent pestering, Anton wound up agreeing. Yanmei even aided with reasoning with Anton.      

"I'll come with you, Nari. I'll protect you from the bouquet," suggested Anton as he got up to the dance floor with his daughter.      

Alfred, the groom, looked around for his cousin's girlfriend. He told to Geun, "What about Ara, Geun? Where is Ara, Geun?"     

With a smirk on his face, Geun told, "She wanted to rest."     

They could not argue with that. Ara suddenly went MIA when the tossing of the bouquet was announced. They could only guess it was Geun's doing. He turned to Anton and said, "Good luck protecting Nari, Dad."     

For those who knew Anton Yeong, the scene was humorous, but for other guests of Alfred and Samantha, they found his behavior very unnatural. He practically stood behind Nari, wanting to block the flower for his daughter.      

The rest of the ladies who were to compete for the flowers felt utterly uncomfortable.      

When Alfred's wife thrust back the bouquet, Anton's eyes never left it. He saw it coming his way, and he was ready to catch it himself! But instead, it bounced on his head and slipped from his hand.      

Ultimately, it landed on Nari's hand.      

With a loud scream, Anton exclaimed, "No!" He could not believe his eyes. How was fate playing with him all the time?!     

Sadly, however, Nari wasn't so thrilled, but in respect of her cousin, she did not mind playing along.      

She was asked to sit next to Alfred's wife as the boys decide on which lucky man to take the garter. As Nari waited, Alfred, her cousin, approached and said, "That guy over there is Justin, the friend I was telling you. Sadly, Ramon could not make it. He had problems with the new restaurant he opened here in China."     

With an awkward smile, Nari responded, "Oh, well. I'm not really interested in anyone right now."     

"Justin is a really good guy, Nari," suggested Alfred before tapping on her back.     

It was just her luck. Justin, Alfred's friend, was the same person who caught the garter, and it resulted in them to perform the tradition of following the newly wedded couple in their romantic game.      

Since Alfred's wife sat on his lap, she wound up doing the same. Nari was expected to remain seated in Justin's lap for ten minutes and her arms wrapped around his neck.      

The time granted them the chance to chat while facing the audience.      

"Alfred... Um... he talks about you all the time," revealed Justin. "He suggested that I get to know you and while, I am only here for a few days, I considered it... right after seeing you earlier today during the ceremony."     

"I - I hope I don't come off as someone too strong. It's just that, I am leaving in four days so I don't really have much time," Justin added while wearing a smile, seeing how Alfred's siblings were giggling at their state.     

"Um. Justin, first of all. I'm not the most ideal girl to go out with." From where they sat, Nari pointed at her little girls being aided by their nanny and said, "I have two daughters, born out of wedlock."     

She averted his gaze before adding, "And the father is missing."     

"Actually, Nari. I - I know about your daughters." Justin glanced at Alfred from the other chair, sitting two meters away from them. He then said, "He, of course, told me in advance, but that doesn't really matter to me."     

"The truth is, I don't have a father.... nor will I know my father," said Justin. "The father that I call my Dad isn't my real Dad, but he treats me well as his own son. So believe me when I say, I don't judge you at all."     

It was only then that Nari seriously glanced at Justin. She studied his expression and clearly saw his sincerity. She found herself appreciating his handsome looks and the clarity of his eyes.      

She wound up smiling at him and said, "That's - that's nice to know. Your Dad must be a really nice man."     

"He is, Nari. He cares for us very well," told Justin.      

"So, would you want to have... dinner with me? Just at least before I leave for the US. Then, I - I might see you again as we have long expanded in Korea, I just - I just was not able to personally visit the country myself," told Justin.      

Nari found herself turning to her parents. She was surprised to see her mother gave approval with a thumbs up while her father just shrugged.      

'He just shrugged? That's a surprise,' she thought silently.      

However, no matter how much she convinced herself, she really was unsure if she was ready to move on. She sighed and said, "I - I don't know. I -I can't forget about... about the father of my babies."     

Justin nodded and remained silent while listening to the countdown. They were nearly completing the ten-minute requirement to remain in the same sitting position. After some time, he said, "That's okay, Nari. I understand... In due time, perhaps."     

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one!" Announced the host of the party.      

Everyone gave their applause, cheering over the cooperation of those who joined in the game. Nari and Justin just smiled at the crowd before they both took their seats.      

When Nari returned next to her babies and her mother, Yanmei eagerly probed, "How was it, Nari? You two seemed to be getting along?"     

"Did he ask you out?" Anton asked, narrowing his eyes.      

Hearing Anton's line of questioning, everyone was taken aback, especially Nari. She put a hand on her chest and confirmed, "Dad? Is that you? Why are you suddenly interested in Justin?"     

"Oh, it's just that... I know him. I know him to be the adopted son of Darwin Clark, the current CEO of Intramed Wise. the pharmaceutical company that is distributing their drugs in Korea is also under JKW." Anton crossed his arms against his chest before revealing, "I know... that he... he is the kind that would not treat Amelia and Ava differently."     

"So if you should... consider someone, I think he is a good candidate," revealed Anton.      

The fact that it came from her father made Nari think twice. She fell silent for seconds before she thought of searching for Justin.      

When she saw how Justin was speaking and seemingly bidding goodbye to Alfred, she frowned. 'Should I really give this a try?'     

Only after seeing Justin approaching the exit did Nari decide to go after him. She called for him and he easily heard her.      

"Justin, I'm sorry. Maybe... we should that dinner," Nari said with a smile. "Starting as friends? I'm not really ready for anything more than that... but I'd like to meet another friend."     

Her words made Justin smile, and he said, "No problem, Nari."      

Having a lightbulb moment, Justin suggested, "We should eat at my friend's new restaurant here in China. His name is Ramon, his restaurants in the US are very famous. In just over a year, he made four branches, all of them constantly packed!"     

"That! Is how good the food is!" Justin added convincingly.      

Nari smiled and said, "sounds like a plan."     

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