Tricking My Cold Lover

Meet Ramon

Meet Ramon

0"You said this is a new restaurant?" Nari said, shifting her gaze from one side to another. She was stunned to see the queue. There were practically ten couples waiting in line, hoping to get their chances.      

"That's for those who did not make any reservations," revealed Justin.      

Justin had taken her for dinner at his friend's restaurant, two days before he would leave for the US.     

The restaurant was located ten kilometers from their hotel, on elevated grounds. It had its private parking space, and it was surrounded by a miniature garden. The building was a three-story structure, with the third level, clearly granting views of the city.      

The first level included a garden area for the guests, should they prefer such ambiance? It also included a shop where customers can buy some cooking products such as specially made sauces, natural spreads, spices, and it also served as the counter for all takeaway orders.      

"Wow, your friends went big right away!" Remarked Nari as they both got out of the chauffeur-driven car.      

Justin laughed, and he said, "It's because he knew his way of cooking is very delicious that he was confident."      

Offering his hand to Nari, Justin said, "Let's go."     

When Justin gawked at his hand, he chuckled and gave his arm instead. He said, "Arm then. Friends hook arms."     

Nari nodded before smiling. She hooked her arms around Justin's and said, "Thank you, Justin."     

A food attendant readily assisted them to their special table. Justin had reserved a part of the third-floor area, which captured the city lights from a balcony. It was both a romantic place and a good area to relax.      

Nari took a deep breath, just watching the scenery. She smiled and said, "You know... I had forgotten about all the great things in life."     

She gasped, feeling emotional again, and a tear fall down her cheek. She said while wiping her face with her fingers, "I'm sorry. It's just that it was so bad."     

Justin felt sorry for Nari. Naturally, Alfred also told him about what happened to her boyfriend. He went missing and his body was never found.      

Having a breakup was more understandable, but Nari... Nari never had closure.      

"I'm sorry, Nari," said Justin. In an effort to divert her attention, he told, "I hope you don't mind, I - I took the liberty of ordering for us. You aren't allergic to any food, are you?"     

She shook her head and said, "No, and It's fine. You know this restaurant better so you know which ones are the best."     

"Of course, if there is anything you like, feel free to order them." Pointing with his eyes, he told, "The menu is on your left."     

"Oh, okay. Sure," she said before smiling.     

Scanning through the menu, Nari smiled, seeing so many familiar dishes. She looked up to Justin and said, "he sure likes spicy food. Some of these are Brazilian."     

"You know what. It's funny you should mention that because he is supposed to be Italian, but he does seem to like making Brazilian food. In fact, many of his dishes are a combination of Brazilian and Italian!" Justin agreed.      

Pointing to the menu, Nari said, "Wow... Coxinha with cheese fillings!" She chuckled and said, "It really is a combination of Brazilian and Italian!"     

"What did I tell you?" Said Justin.     

"I'd really like to try this," said Nari before she moved on to check the other menus.      

In the end, she ordered three more dishes, on top of what Justin ordered. She reckoned it may have been too much, but she could take them to the hotel and she was sure her little girls would love them too.     

When their food finally arrived, Justin and Nari dug in while getting to know each other, but in some of the dishes, Nari just could not help but be emotional. Especially with the Coxinhas, the same snack that Luiz and her sold during their college days.     

She said, "You know... Luiz - he is the father of Amelia and Ava. He used to make these a lot! He was a chef too." Another tear fell down her cheek and from that moment on, they seemed uncontrollable.      

Nari stood up and said, "I'm sorry. I need to go to the restroom."     

Justin just nodded and said, "Let me take - "     

"No. I'd like to go there alone," said Nari before making her way to the ladies' room.     

Watching Nari leave, it was clear to Justin that he and Nari would only be friends. He realized the pain that she was suffering was just too great. He finally understood when she said that she wasn't ready.     

As he was thinking this, he started with his wine.      

Just as he was in deep thought, his friend came out of the kitchen to join them. His tall frame and well-built body came out of nowhere while he was still in his chef attire. He merely took off his hat and his apron to meet Justin.     

"Justin!" called his friend named Ramon.      

"Ramon! It's nice of you to come out for us," said Justin with a smile. "So where is your date? Can I join you guys for a few minutes? I need to take a break!"      

Stretching his arms, Ramon sighed and said, "It's so tiring to teach new chefs."     

"Of course, Ramon. Sit down! Eat! Drink!" Suggested Justin, gesturing him to take the seat in between Nari and him.      

"My date? She - she went to the restroom, but really. It's just a friendly date," said Justin before smiling. "So how long will you be staying here in China?"     

"Maybe for a month. It depends. So far this branch is doing well, but I want consistency and dedication from the chefs! They are the heart of this restaurant!" Revealed Ramon.      

The two talked more about their future plans when Nari finally returned. She came from the direction of the ladies' room and saw someone's tall frame and well-shaped back sitting next to Justin.      

Seeing how the two were comfortably chatting and how the unknown man was in a chef's uniform, she assumed it was Ramon, Justin's friend.     

"Look, man. I really thank you for introducing me to your friends here in Beijing! Their family was a good help in getting me connected. I would not have made this restaurant possible in such a short amount of time!" Nari heard Ramon say.      

From his words, she easily frowned at the familiarity of the voice.      

"Of course! Anytime! Alfred and Chev can help you in anything you need," suggested Justin. After he said those words, he realized that Nari was standing a meter from them, seemingly studying his friend.      

"Oh, Nari! There you are!" Justin got up and introduced his friend. "Meet Ramon Russo. "He is my friend from the US, the owner of this restaurant."     

Nari slowly walked over to face Ramon, but the second she looked at the man's face, blood easily drained out of her.      

Her brows furrowed, and she gulped down her own spew. Suddenly, everything around her turned silent.      

She watched, dropping her jaws as the man before her, stood up and extended his hand to her.      

Feeling her throat dry up, she said, "Lu - Luiz? Luiz!"     

Without hold, she hugged Ramon tight and began to cry. "Luiz, it's you! It's you! Where have you been?"     

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