Tricking My Cold Lover

Father And Daughter Dance

Father And Daughter Dance

0"Mi Amore, are you ready?" Salvi asked as they were having the couple's dance.      

Salvi and Chan-Mi danced to a special song that Salvi collaborated in arranging together with Alexis' husband. It was a special song that he dedicated to Chan-Mi.      

The celebration had slowly progressed for them, and it was about time that Chan-Mi dance with her father.      

She puffed her cheeks and said, "It's so hard not to cry. I can't hold myself back - to think I will still be living in front of our house!"     

After caressing Chan-Mi's cheek, he said, "It's understandable, Chan-Mi. You love your father."     

From the table of the Yeongs, Jae-won and Yeong Soon also anticipated the crying of their son. They were all gathered together at the same long table, together with Shiwoo and his wife.      

The table next to them was Anton's siblings, Andrea and Li Wen, along with their husbands.      

The younger generations gathered up together to form to catch up with their love life, if not married lives.      

Andrea and Li Wen both stood up to approach their brother.      

"Yeong, don't overdo the crying, okay," said Andrea as moved her seat next to her brother.      

Li Wen inserted herself in between Yanmei and Anton. She said, "It's okay to cry, Yeong. It's always hard to let go of our first child to marriage."     

"Cut it out!" Warned Anton. "Keep your voices down. I'm not going to cry! I already did a little during the ceremony. That was enough."     

"Oh, okay," said Andrea. "You sure are strong, Yeong."     

"Good luck with the dance, Yeong!" Said Li Wen.      

The host eventually invited Anton onto the dance floor. It was time to have the father and daughter dance.      

As soon as he stood up, the lights turned dimmer than before.      

When Anton reached the dance floor, Salvi hugged him and said, "Dad, thank you for Chan-Mi, and thank you for welcoming me into your family."     

"Hmmm," said Anton. "Should I thank you for taking my daughter?"     

Salvi only chuckled at his words.      

While Chan-Mi giggled with him, Salvi patted on Anton's back. He said, "Take your time, Dad."     

When Anton took his daughter's hand, the orchestra began to play. The sweet melodies of various instruments, starting with the violin, once again filled the air.      

Everyone's attention turned to the father and daughter.     

Taking the microphone from the stage before them was Alexis' husband, Jae-hyun. Singing the song of Chan-Mi's request for her and Anton.     

Chan-Mi immediately embraced Anton, resting her cheek on his chest as they slowly move to the tune of I Loved Her First.     

~"Look at the two of you dancin' that way     

Lost in the moment and each other's face     

So much in love, you're alone in this place     

Like there's nobody else in the world." ~     

At that point, hearing Jae-hyun's beautiful voice and relating to the song, Chan-Mi could not help but felt her eyes nearly water.      

~"I was enough for her not long ago     

I was her number one, she told me so     

And she still means the world to me, just so you know     

So be careful when you hold my girl     

Time changes everything, life must go on     

And I'm not gonna stand in your way"~!     

Both father and daughter tried to hold back their tears, but it was inevitable, especially knowing the upcoming lyrics. Anton eventually, felt a tear drop down his cheek. He tightened his embrace to her daughter, listening to the music alone.      

"But I loved her first, I held her first     

And a place in my heart will always be hers     

From the first breath she breathed     

When she first smiled at me     

I knew the love of a father runs deep     

And I prayed that she'd find you someday     

But it's still hard to give her away     

I loved her first"~     

Both Chan-Mi and Anton felt both of their emotions that they both halted their dancing. They just remained to hug each other for the rest of the song.      

Unfortunately for Anton, the videographers perfectly captured how affected they both were. The father and daughter easily touched the hearts of the guests.      

The entire female Yeongs were in tears. Andrea and Li Wen were also crying, seeing how their brother gave in to his emotions.      

"I never imagined, I'd see this side of Yeong," remarked Lu Fang.      

"Truly, a father's love is so great," Xia Ting muttered, turning to Anton's siblings.      

The sweet moment between Chan-Mi and Anton was so contagious, it encouraged emotions to fill the hearts of many families attending the celebration.      

It warranted more tears, kisses between couples, and embraces between parents and their children. The weeping only stopped when the song had shifted to a more jolly one.      

The orchestra seemed to have understood. They gave Anton and Chan-Mi ample time to recover and wipe the wetness on their faces. After seeing them taking their breaths, they started playing another song.      

~"Isn't she lovely     

Isn't she wonderful     

Isn't she precious     

Less than one minute old     

I never thought through love we'd be     

Making one as lovely as she     

But isn't she lovely made from love"~     

Jae-hyun continued to sing the song for the father and daughter as they talked about their future plans now that Chan-Mi was already married.      

"My princess, you have to promise Daddy that you'll visit me often," suggested Anton.      

Chan-Mi chuckled and said, "Of course, Dad. Even if you did not say."     

"We can perhaps have breakfast together, lunch and dinner," suggested Anton.      

"So, the only difference is... I'll sleep in Salvi's home?" Chan-Mi panned her eyes from left to right, following her father's suggestion. She tried her best not to sound sarcastic at all.      

"Yeah, and if you'd like, you can sleep in your room too in our mansion. Since you are married, Salvi can of course join you," Anton added seriously.      

Chan-Mi wound up laughing foolishly. It would seem as though, the only thing that changed in her father's views was the legality of Salvi to sleep in her own room.      

"Oh, Dad. I will miss this side of you," said Chan-Mi. "I'm going to be away on a long honeymoon."     

With a canny grin on her face, she suggested, "Don't worry about missing me so much. When I come back! I will have triplets! Something to keep you busy!"     

"Where are you going again? Just outside the city right?" Anton asked, granting another hysterical laugh from Chan-Mi.      

"I'm worried you might come after us," told Chan-Mi. "It's a secret, Dad."     

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