Tricking My Cold Lover

Chan-Mi Is Finally Married!

Chan-Mi Is Finally Married!

0It was a very long embrace that Chan-Mi received from her Dad. They both tried to hold back their tears, especially since they were in front of an enormous crowd. Chan-Mi told, softly whispering to his ears, "Dad, remember. You don't want to let the media see how Anton Yeong cried at his daughter's wedding."     

"That might be a little too late," suggested Yanmei as she also joined the hug. Caressing her husband's back, she said, "Mine. Come on. Salvi is waiting."     

"Let him wait. He was able to wait for years... he can wait another hour," proposed Anton.      

His words prompted Chan-Mi to push her father away. She chuckled and said, "Dad, we have been over this a thousand times. Let's get this over with."     

Taking a deep breath, he said, "Fine."     

They once again slowly made their walk in front of Salvi. As they marched, Anton did not miss the mockery of his siblings, signaling him how they got his video, shedding a tear for his daughter.      

If it was years back, he would have activated Plan B, but no. Somehow, a weeping Anton Yeong was already somewhat acceptable for him. After all, he had cried for his wife and for her pain, especially when Geun was taken.      

As his family grew, he had come to realize how crying can sometimes be a sign of humanity. Still, he tried his best not to let it show.      

The solemn ceremony resumed, and everyone could see the entire flow from the big screen in front.      

They saw the happiness in the couple's eyes, how they often smiled at each other, and how they sometimes gawked at each other's faces.      

Salvi and Chan-Mi also shared the most promising vow, swearing to never leave each other side till the very end. They especially stressed how the wait... was finally over.     

In front of the crowd, they made everyone see the sincerity of their promise and the love they shared for one another. It granted them and resounding applause right at the end of both their vows.      

When the time finally came to put a close on the ceremony, the officiant said, "By virtue of the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife - "     

"Wait - wait!" Anton suddenly called. He walked in the direction of the bride and groom, as well as the officiant.      

The panicking Yanmei quickly walked toward her husband. There was no telling what was on his mind. She called, "Mine? What are you doing?"     

Whispering to the officiant, Anton asked, "Isn't there supposed to be a part where you say if anyone wishes to object to this wedding, let them speak now or forever hold their peace?"     

His suggestion warranted a glare from his daughter, who was standing less than a meter from him. Chan-Mi said, "Dad, please. What were you planning?"     

"I wasn't planning on objecting or anything, it's just that... that part is missing in the program," Anton pointed out. "Who knows, there may be some objections - of course, I would put them in their place, Chan-Mi."     

The crowd wondered what were the bride and groom talking about in front of the stage together with Anton and Yanmei.      

Thankfully, the videographers did not film their conversation.      

Salvi just grinned and patted on his father-in-law's back and said, "We had it omitted, Dad." He clearly saw the narrowing eyes of Anton, but that did not stop him from saying, "Not even a war will stop me from marrying Chan-Mi."     

"Mine, let's go back to our seat. That part is not necessary to ask anymore. We did not even have that at our wedding!" Yanmei reminded.      

Walking back with his wife, Anton asked, "We did not? I could have sworn we had it."     

"No? Do you want your daughter's wedding to turn comedic?" Yanmei pointed out before practically pulling down her husband back to their seat. She fished inside her bag and when she found what she was looking for, she cuffed her husband to her.      

Yes, Anton Yeong got cuffed into Yanmei's wrist. She smirked and said, "You aren't going to ruin my daughter's wedding!"     

A scoff left Anton's lips, and he said, "I wasn't going to ruin her wedding. I was just pointing out that the program should be complete."     

"Whatever, mine." Yanmei sighed.     

It was only after seeing Yanmei and Anton got settled that the officiant returned to resume his words. He smiled at the bride's parents before turning to the chuckling couple. He said, "Some father you have there. He must love you very much."     

Chan-Mi smiled back and said, "Yes, he does. He does. I think of it that way rather than getting upset."     

"Good girl," said the officiant. "It's good that you also love your father."     

Clearing his throat, the officiant finally said, "By virtue of the authority vested in me, I now pronounce your husband and wife." He turned to Salvi and said, "You may now... kiss your bride."     

All the esteemed guests of Salvi and Chan-Mi urged for them to kiss, giving suggestions now and then for how long they would lock lips.      

"A minute kiss!"     

"Two-minutes!" Suggested Ara!     

"Whatever your heart desires, sweetheart!" Said Yanmei.      

"I'm for two-minutes!" Spinello voted.      

"A peck!" Said Anton.     

A few of Salvi's cousin suggested the same.      

Andrea, Anton's sibling, had kissed her husband so long during their wedding anniversary and she suggested, "Ten-minute kiss! Break my record, baby girl!"     

"Ten minute - what? Andy? You and your suggestion!" Anton retorted easily.      

Chan-Mi's aunt was not one to shy away with her proposals. She chuckled before turning to her now, husband. She sneered and said, "Mi Amore, sorry for my Dad, but you are mine now."     

The smile on Salvi's face had never worn off. He reached for Chan-Mi's hand and caressed, taking a second to see the wedding ring on both their hands. He said, "Mi Amore, we are finally one now. You are mine and I am yours."     

"Can I kiss you until you are out of breath?" Salvi proposed, making Chan-Mi's eyes widened. She pursed her lips and said, "Of course - Ahh!"     

Salvi abruptly pulled Chan-Mi over to him and swung her body across, holding her by his arms. In a split second, he covered her lips. The two began a savoring kiss in front of their guests.      

A minute passed, and they were still at it, barely taking a breather. The crowd roared in excitement, clapping, and encouraging another minute more!     

Gasping for air, they finally broke off the kiss, closing it at two minutes.      

While they did not break their Aunt Andrea's kiss record, they were praised for their passionate kiss on their wedding day.      

The entire time, Anton forced his eyes shut! He could not take it, watching his daughter make out in front of him. He never imagined that day would come!     

Hearing the cheers die down, he asked, "Is it over now?"     

"Yes, mine! It's over," said Yanmei before she hugged her husband in the arm. "Chan-Mi is finally married."     

"She is finally married?" Anton repeated as if having an awakening.      

"Yes, mine, five minutes ago," reminded Yanmei.      

Shaking his head, Anton said, "Chan-Mi is finally married. I - I will really miss our daughter."     

"She lives across the street, mine," Yanmei pointed out.      

"It won't be the same," said Anton.     

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