Tricking My Cold Lover

God Job, Ara!

God Job, Ara!

0"Awww! Look at that! She is yawning! Her lips are so cute!" Exclaimed Yanmei while looking at Amelia.      

"Oh, they are both awake," said Anton. "Look at their eyes, mine. They are both looking at me."     

"You know what they are saying? That's a fine granddad and grandmom we have there," suggested Anton.      

Both of them wound up laughing at Anton's suggestion.      

"Mine, you realize they are just almost a month old. I'm not even sure if they can see already considering they are born a little premature," said mine before giggling.      

With a frown, he objected, "Well, they have my genes. Their development should be fast. The next thing you know, they are talking!"     

On one fine weekend, on a bright and sunny day at the Yeongs' mansion, Anton and Yanmei took the twins out for their daily sun exposure by the garden at seven in the morning. While they were at it, they took the chance to adore Amelia's and Ava's cute little faces and their expressions.      

The grandparents were engulfed in their own world, appreciating the little wonders in their arms. They barely noticed how their own kids were gawking at them.      

Behind them, resting on the patio, were Geun, Nari, and Chan-Mi. They have been observing Anton and Yanmei, all of them giving varied reactions, stunned at how their parents' were affected by the twins' every expression. Even when Amelia and Ava would simply raise their hands, one of them would wind up sighing in cheer.      

"It's because Dad retired and they both are only taking care of the foundations now," reasoned Geun with a frown. "They don't know where else to point their attention to."     

"Yeah and... we haven't been begging for any either. We are also busy with our lives... How - how long has it been since they brought the babies to their room? A week?" Chan-Mi asked after gulping down her own coffee.      

"One week and three days, to be exact. I've been a co-sleeper in their room. It's crazy!" Remarked Nari. "And to think I worried how Dad would react when my babies would come out!"     

Turning her attention to her siblings, Nari said, "Well, at least I'll have time to work out! I need to get rid of my pregnancy belly." She glanced at Geun and asked, "Practice with me, Geun?"     

"No, I'll practice with Ara later," Geun said, making Nari frown. "We'll do hardcore stuff. There's always the gym, Noona."     

"I'll practice with you, Nari - actually, Uncle Iseul will take us to practice shoot with pellets in a newly opened shooting park range. Do you want to come? There will definitely be running involved!" Chan-Mi offered. "Plus, we both badly need to brush up on our aim."     

One last time, Nari glanced and her parents and said, "Yeah, I - I don't think they are complaining about having the twins with them."     

"Complaining?! They are loving it! Who would have thought, Dad would? Makes me wonder if he was like that with all of us," said Chan-Mi before smiling at their father.      

"It's strange looking," said Geun.      

Nari did not like how Geun said it. If anything, she was happy about how her father was loving her babies. She countered, "Its parental instincts, Geun! Just you wait and see! When Ara falls - "     

"Shhhh! I haven't told them yet!" Geun reminded.      

"Well, you need to tell them soon, Geun. My wedding is coming up." With Chan-Mi patting at Geun's back, she reminded, "The clock is ticking and Uncle Chun-Ho and Dad is bound to talk."     

Scratching his head, Geun said, "Mom is easy, but Dad? I still haven't figured that part yet."     

"Let Mom figure it!" Suggested Chan-Mi.      

"No one knows Dad better than Mom," said Nari before giving a thumbs up. "Leave it to Mom to set up the plan."     

After everyone had breakfast, the girls left with Salvi to practice their marksmanship, heading their way to meet their Uncle Iseul and his family.      

Ara came by soon after lunch, driving her own car to the mansion. It was their scheduled practice for martial arts. Both Geun and Ara lingered at the practice area.      

The afternoon came and Yanmei woke up from a quick nap. She did not find her husband.      

Apparently, he had taken the twins to Yeong Soon's room, this time for them to appreciate.      

"Oh, the babies are so busy! They are like superstars!" Remarked Yanmei after finding where the twins had disappeared to. "Getting love from their great-grandmas and the grandparents too!"     

"See, son? It wasn't so bad that Nari had babies," told Shiwoo.      

"Soon enough! They will be running around!" Exclaimed Yeong Soon before kissing on Ava's feet!     

"Mine?" Said Anton while turning to his wife. "I'm going to leave Amelia and Ava here. Let's have some afternoon snacks ready. Ara and Geun should be tired from their practice. Have the maids prepare their protein shakes."     

"Bring up some of those snacks after," said Yeong Soon while letting Ava hold her hand from the bed. "Ah, thank goodness I'm still alive to see this."     

"And I too," added Shiwoo.     

"Okay, mine! I'll call you when I'm done," said Yanmei before heading down.      

With the help of the maids, Yanmei had pancakes prepared for their afternoon refreshments. She set them up at the patio where they can have juice or coffee to pair with it and sent some to Yeong Soon and Jae-won.      

"Mine, you get started. I'll just call Geun and Ara," said Yanmei with a smile after seeing Anton arrive. She then walked in the direction of the practice area behind the mansion.      

It took only a few minutes for Yanmei to make her way, but just peeking through the door she did not find Geun and Ara. She wondered where they were and searched from the cramped locker area on one side of the space.      

It was there where she found them!     

"Oh, my goodness! You startled me!" With one hand covering her eyes, Yanmei had a hand up. She caught Geun and Ara making out at the end of the corner, hiding by the lockers. "I did not see anything. I swear!"     

"But just so you know, it's already time for snacks. So when you are done, come over to the patio. Your protein shakes are ready too." Only then did Yanmei remove her hands and smiled at them. She said, "Carry on. Go ahead!"     

Ara ended up burying her face at Geun's sweaty shirt. She silently complained, "I told you so!"     

"Oh, and... Good job, Ara!" Yanmei said before leaving the two behind.      

"Mom?" Geun reacted.      

"I'm going!" Said Yanmei. "I saw nothing. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."     

Just when they thought Yanmei had left, she came retraced her steps to say, "I just wanted to say that I am so happy! My son won't be as stern as his father after all!"     

Waving at Ara, she added, "Let's have a girl talk later, Ara."     

"Oh, by the way, how long have you two been together?" Yanmei followed another interview.      

"Mom," Geun reminded his mother.      

"Oh, right. Right. Bye!" Yanmei waved at them again before signaling Ara, reminding her of their supposed girl talk.      

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