Tricking My Cold Lover

Seduce Ara

Seduce Ara

0"Dad, I think I am a lesbian," Ara told Chun-Ho while they were having breakfast one day at their home.      

It was the most ridiculous plan Geun thought of, but Ara wound up using it either way.      

A crisp sound of the shattered glass followed Ara's revelation. Chun-Ho practically dropped the glass which he was earlier holding as he was getting up from his seat.      

"Hubby! Be careful!" Byeol acted fast, keeping the broken pieces of glass.      

"Say - say that again," Chun-Ho instructed his daughter.      

"I don't find myself liking men in general, Dad," said Ara. She sneered before telling, "They all disgust me... I think... I am a lesbian!"     

"Well, you sure spend a lot of time with Geun - can even take a kiss from him," retorted Chun-Ho while putting his hands in his waist. "You don't seem to be disgusted by Geun."     

"Yes, I - I even thought something would spark between the two of you," Byeol suddenly came into the picture, right after she cleaned off the broken glass on the floor.      

"Dad, Mom. Geun is different. We've known each other for so long!" Ara was still on her chair finishing her toast when she broke the news to her parents. She leaned back and exhaled before adding, "I think... it's because I'm too comfortable with Geun that I don't mind his touch and... and that we act like a couple."     

"And spark? I'm not even sure what that is," remarked Ara, trying to sound disinterested in the idea. "I am now considering, maybe I like girls instead."     

"No!" Both Chun-Ho and Byeol said at the same time.      

Byeol smacked Chun-Ho's arm repeatedly and scolded him, "This is your fault! You had exposed Ara too early in your secret army - making her Geun's aid that she considers herself as a lesbian now!"     

"Wife, please. That was never my intention. I just wanted her to be stronger so she can help Geun run the business of the Yeongs," Chun-Ho pointed out.      

They both were in an argument until Ara got up from her seat. She told, "I'm heading off to school now, Dad, Mom. See you later."     

Chun-Ho and Byeol nearly had a heart attack. They looked at each other and wondered how serious Ara was about her confession.      

A week past and Ara brought home a girl. She mentioned they were working on a project, but after her classmate left their home, Ara revealed to them during dinner, "What do you think of Mimi, Dad, Mom? I think I like her. I'm thinking about asking her out on a date!"     

A dispute broke off between Chun-Ho and Ara, but like a stubborn girl that she was, she insisted that a girl's love will not interfere with her duties to the Yeongs, especially since... she isn't going to get pregnant!     

That same evening, Byeol and Chun-Ho had a decent conversation from their bedroom.      

"I thought that Ara might have actually liked Geun? I'm pretty sure Geun likes Ara, more than just a friend - I mean, why go through so much length on this pretend relationship!" Byeol suggested while resting her hand on her chin.      

Turning to Chun-Ho, Byeol added, "You just did not want them to realize this themselves - always being strict with Ara. What in the world are you afraid of, anyway?"     

A hiss left Chun-Ho's lips. He answered, "Ara is still young - "     

"She is about the turn twenty-one," Byeol pointed out. "Girls her age already date if not have crushes."     

As if she had an awakening, Byeol revealed, "Oh, my goodness, Chun-Ho. She has not mentioned about admiring a guy before!"     

"She talks about Geun a lot!" Chun-Ho pointed out.      

"But you always instill in her head how there is nothing between the two of them!" Byeol acted to cry before saying, "Now what do we do? This is a serious matter! What if I will never have a grandchild!"     

Chun-Ho and Byeol did not have any sleep that night. It was in the morning when Chun-Ho came to a conclusion, revealing to Byoel, "I will speak to Geun."     

"What will you tell him?" Byoel asked while getting up on the bed.      

"That if he wishes to, he can freely date Ara," said Chun-Ho. "Surely, my godson, as good looking as him can turn a lesbian straight!"     

That afternoon, Chun-Ho went straight to the underground base. He knew that Geun was training with some new recruits that day, and he meant to speak to him about Ara.      

It was from the base's lounge that the two spoke, sitting in front of each other, man to man.      

"What is it, Uncle? You said it was important?" Geun asked while wiping the sweat from his forehead with a towel.      

"Geun, do you like Ara?" Chun-Ho asked outright.      

Geun acted to scoff. He said, "What? No! We are just friends!"     

Thankfully, his uncle Ha-joon never told on him and Ara. Their relationship remained to be a secret.      

"Really, now?" Chun-Ho asked with a frown. "Because... if you do like Ara, I will allow you to date her - Provided! Listen to me carefully before you react! Provided that you promise to never break my daughter's heart!"     

"Uh, Uncle. Where is this all coming from?" Geun probed, leaning forward with his brows drawn together. He pretended to be utterly confused.      

"Do you like Ara or not! And you better be honest with me, this time, Geun!" Demanded Chun-Ho.      

Geun took a deep breath. He massaged the back of his neck before answering, "Uncle, you've always warned me against pursuing Ara, so... So I held myself back and just stuck around her - "     

"Geun for the last time, do you like my daughter or not?!" Chun-Ho repeated.      

"I - I do." He cleared his throat before adding, "I would not have offered myself on a pretend relationship if I did not. It's just that you told me to finish my PhDs first during her 18th birthday so - "     

"I changed my mind!" Announced Chun-Ho. "You can now... pursue her, given that you will take care of my daughter and let me tell you... this is a lifetime contract - even if you are not yet married."     

"You are not allowed to hurt Ara. Is that understood?" Chun-Ho suggested.      

"Uncle, I value Ara. You know this for a fact," told Geun. "Wait - wait. This is all so surprising to me. What is going on, Uncle? Why are you suddenly allowing this?"     

With a heavy sigh, Chun-Ho revealed, "Geun, Ara thinks that she may be a lesbian."     

"What? No!" Geun massaged his jaws before adding, "Come to think of it, Uncle, she acts like one of the guys a lot of times."     

"I know. I know, but we can't have that." Pointing a finger at Geun, Chun-Ho said, "You are the only man Ara would care for. You are the only man I can trust."     

"If anyone, you are the best person to make Ara realize her true preference!" Declared Chun-Ho before he asked, "Geun... you have to seduce Ara! Make her your girlfriend!"     

"Seduce Ara?" Geun repeated, raising a brow.     

"Yes! That is the only way!" Chun-Ho rested back on his seat and sighed. He added, "Are you going to do it, or not?"     

With a serious nod, Geun answered, "Yes, Uncle. I am going to seduce Ara and make her my girlfriend."     

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