Tricking My Cold Lover

Screaming For More

Screaming For More

0Geun had his eyes on Ara the whole time. He watched as her small and elegant face tried to find him, with her eyes blindfolded. He delighted at how she touched his face and leaned over for a taste of his lips.      

Ara required to somehow taste the flavor of the lip balm with her tongue, and he could feel it moistening mostly his lower lip.      

He recognized how soft her lips were and how kissable they were.      

"This is so familiar," he heard Ara say. He gazed at her succulent lips as she bit them while trying to figure out the taste.      

Geun casually added more lip balm and suggested, "Try it again, Ara."     

She dived right back into his lips, nibbling not just ones but for as long as she needed to name the flavor of the ChapStick. Snapping her fingers, she said, "Holiday Cinnamon!"     

"That is right, Ara! Another point!" Said Chul before urging Ara to prepare for the next flavor.      

Each time that Ara returned to kissing him, he swore something inside his chest was throbbing. He absolutely thought her lips were soft and just... right for his own.      

A few times, he swore, they would both wind up, just wanting to kiss each other rather than guessing the flavor of the lip balm. However, Geun wasn't sure about his guesses.      

He meant to find out, and he wasn't planning on waiting any longer.      

After Ara won the challenge, Geun maintained to study Ara. He could sense her reluctance and her eyes spoke of it. Her beautiful orbs were well hooded and her eyelids fluttered repeatedly as she looked back at him.      

Geun determined, if Ara was feeling the same strange yearning, she would kiss him back even if the game was already done. Without waiting any longer, he leaned over for a gentle kiss.     

His heart pounded louder when Ara received his kiss. He muttered in silence, 'Fuck. I'm screwed.'     

After pulling away, he said, "You did great, Ara."     

When she nervously expressed her thanks, he gave her another kiss, and it granted their eyes to close for a second as if they meant to cherish it so.      

They swore they heard the Chul and Bo, reminding them the game was over, but their eyes were still glued to each other.      

Geun leaned over again, but this time, he felt the softness of her cheeks, breathed against her skin, and suggested, "Let's go outside."     


It was around nine in the evening in Busan. Ara and Geun found themselves on the opposite side of the mansion where another garden rested.     

The other guests have no entry to the place as it was accessible from inside the mansion. It granted privacy for their upcoming romantic rendezvous.     

From Chai Min's study to the patio exit, they were both silent and just holding their hands, slowly taking their time.      

Ara would occasionally look down at their hands and thought how especially strange this was to her. She had held Geun's hand many times, but she was sensing unfamiliar electricity, giving her goosebumps.      

The feeling of his strong palms made Ara's hand sweat.      

It was the first time that Geun felt Ara's hands were cold. He assumed she was nervous, but then again, how could she not be? He was feeling uneasy himself. Clearly, they were moving in a significant direction in their relationship, one that they used to fear and deny.     

They both amused at the bright sky above them as they moved to the bench by a small fish pond. Ara saw it as an excuse to avert her gaze, but just as Geun sat on the bench, he said, "Ara, sit here. I want to kiss you more."     

She gulped, watching him refer to his lap. She took a deep breath and silently scolded herself, 'I'm so dead. Why has Geun suddenly become so irresistible? Sorry, Dad.'     

Ara felt she had both her angel and devil speak to her. Her mind was telling her no, but obviously, her heart was screaming for more!     

Geun reached back for her hand and called her name, "Ara."     

Ara was a strong girl, but that evening, her knees were incredibly weak. She easily found herself sitting on Geun's lap.     

As soon as she got settled, she herself... dived in for another kiss.      

Geun breathed in heavily while putting his hand around her waist. The other rested on the back of her neck, ensuring the intensity of their kiss.      

While in the outdoors, everything seemed to have turned mute. What was only apparent to them was the smacking sound of their lips, crashing together.      

After a minute of making out, Ara pulled away to say, "Geun, I'm going to kill you if you end up kissing another girl! I swear!"     

He pulled her back down, smothering his lips to hers. He relished her taste for some time before he let go to say, "Why - why would I... kiss another girl?"     

"That's pretty close enough," said Ara. She grabbed the collar of his shirt and plunge right in.      

They returned to making out again, pouring their hearts out.      

When they were barely out of the air, they both let go to take a breather. Geun found the chance to tease, "You seem so eager."     

Ara tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. She asked, "We should stop - "     

"Who says - " Geun cleared his throat and said, "Who says anything about stopping."     

Nibbling on Geun's lips for seconds, Ara let go to say, "I'm not ready to tell, Dad."     

"I'll figure it out," he said before covering her lips once more.      

While the party was about to end on the other side of the mansion, Geun and Ara lingered in on the other side. They remained sitting on the bench, making out like there was no tomorrow.      

Everything was a strange feeling for Geun, but one thing he was sure of that night, he wanted to be with Ara so badly and he wasn't planning on letting her go.     

He never had so much desire in his life, more than the books that he had been wanting to read! He understood that being with Ara was far more gratifying.      

Ara and Geun were so busy locking lips that they failed to notice two figures come out from the Patio. The same figures eventually found the two, still engrossed with their passionate kisses.      

They suddenly heard someone clear his throat, and both Ara and Geun frantically got up from the bench.      

It was Chai Min, Ara's grandfather, standing with a maid who might have aided him.      

"Grandpa, Um - Um. Geun and I are - are just," Ara was stuttering as she was explaining herself.      

"Grandpa, good evening." After fixing his clothes, Geun told, "As a normal couple, Ara, and I was just having... an... affectionate moment. Your garden set the mood."     

Chai Min wound up laughing as he turned to dismiss the maid. He then turned back his attention to the two.     

Chun-Ho and Byeol were earlier looking for Geun and Ara. Chai Min determined to locate them before their parents could.      

"It's fine. It's understandable. I'm glad to see that you both are so impatient for each other's attention," said Chai Min. "Your parents are looking for you. Why don't you go ahead, Ara? Drop by the restroom to fix yourself."     

Grinning at Geun, Chai Min added, "I'll have a talk with Geun. He'll be the one to accompany me back."     

"Okay, grandpa," said Ara. She received a grip on her hand before she left them in the garden.      

Chai Min and Geun were silent, just looking at the pound for some time. Only after making sure that Ara had left did the old man say, "I think your plan worked."     

"Yes, grandpa. Thank you very much for your help," said Geun before extending his hand, expecting a handshake.      

Chai Min chucked as he shook Geun's hand and he said, "I am happy... it's real this time. I was really worried that you were just pretending - well, yes, you did, but I suppose, this time.... it's real."     

"Ah. I... I supposed, but matters need to be clarified, but we'll talk about it," said Geun while nodding his head.      

"How in the world did you come up with those games, by the way?" Chai Min probed, frowning as he leaned to the side and glanced at Geun.      

"I just looked it up online," said Geun with a smirk. "The games would not have been successful, it not for your help, Grandpa."     

Earlier that day, Geun admitted to Chai Min how both he and have yet to realize their feelings for each other. His honesty granted the held of Chai Min, also eager to make it happen for his granddaughter and Geun.      

Instructions were given to the host, and the event organizers, as well as to the two young girls who set up the Chapstick challenge.     

Thankfully, it was a success.     

"Now, the easy part. Telling Chun-Ho," said Chai Min.      

Geun faked a laughed and said, "It's really... not that easy, but I'm going to work on it, grandpa."     

Author's Notes:     

So sorry, everyone, but I may only publish one chapter until the new year. It's really hectic lately.      

For those who would like to read fantasy, please check out Put Out My Fire. It's already completed.      

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