Tricking My Cold Lover

The ChapStick Challenge

The ChapStick Challenge

0Sitting in front of the table, Ara, Chun-Ho, Byeol, and Geun were silent. Only Geun seemed to be unaffected by the recent amount of kissing he and Ara had been doing from the Statue Kiss Game.     

The penalty for disqualifying only lightened after five rounds of the said activity. Only then did Ara chose to be penalized, telling the crowd about the things that she liked about Geun.      

It wasn't really very hard for her. Back then, she just said, "Geun is handsome and God damn sexy!"     

Little did she know, Geun took pride in her words.      

To clear the surrounding air, Byeol invited her husband to meet some of her friends back in the day.      

While Ara remained to think hard about her recent predicament with Geun, she was starting to feel strange, but just as she was contemplating on these thoughts, her grandfather approached them.      

"Ara, this is a family friend of ours - our neighbors. This is Chul. This is Chung-Ae," said Chai Min, referring to two young girls who came with him. "They wanted to invite you to have a small gathering. Young adult fun, as they say. Just inside my library."     

"Please, Ara, come," urged Chul.      

"It will be fun!" Added Chung-Ae.     

"Sure," Geun immediately answered, which surprised Ara so much!     

Seeing Ara was still in her seat, doubting to come along, Chai Min said, "Please, Ara. They are good friends and they mean well. I'll take care of telling your parents."     

"Mmmm. Okay, grandpa," said Ara.      

Geun and Ara followed the two ladies and noticed how others came with them, include Hae-won and Aron Shim. Many of them were part of the earlier statue kiss game.      

Ara started to feel edgy, but with Geun holding her hand, she just went along with the gathering and followed the two ladies inside her grandfather's study.      

To her surprise, the study had been converted into a lounge area with bean bags and a wide array of ChapSticks on display!     

"ChapSticks! I like ChapSticks," remarked Ara. She was not fond of wearing lipsticks. Her best lip cover was only different flavors of lip balms.      

"Great!" Said Chul. "It's part of our games later on."     

"Games?" Ara asked with eyes widening.      

"Yeah, we are going to have fun playing games!" Told Chung-Ae.     

"I'm not comfortable with playing games." Ara pointed to the door, saying, "We just had one outside. Haha!"     

"Relax, Ara. What have you got to lose! We are just here to have fun!" Told Hae-won. She and Aron Shim settled opposite Ara and Geun before she asked, "Where are the others?"     

Soon, three more young adults came to join their gathering.      

They were severed with canapes and chips. Wines were then brought in by the maids for their enjoyment.      

They all started with introductions and played charades.      

When Chul and Chun-Ae thought everyone had gotten comfortable, they suggested another game. Chul asked, "So who knows Chapsticks?"     

"I do! I know them all," revealed Ara.      

"I don't," said Geun.      

"I know ChapSticks well too," revealed Hae-won.      

Their small group ended up laughing before Chun-Ae said, "That's interesting, so maybe we can have Hae-won and Ara and - "     

"I know ChapSticks too," said another girl named Bo.      

"Okay, Bo can pair with her boyfriend for the game," suggested Chul. "Then Hae-won with Aron and Ara with Geun! Let's see who wins the game! The rest of us can be judges!"     

"So it's like a guessing game?" Ara probed.     

"Yes! It's called ChapStick challenge!" Said Chul before taking out some blindfolds. She passed it on to four couples in the room before she covered the mechanics of the game, "So each blindfolded partner will guess the flavor of the ChapStick. For every right answer is a point!"     

"Okay! I'm game!" Ara said. She knew so many flavors of the brand, she was confident she could win the game.      

Ara was the first to be blindfolded between her and Geun. She eagerly waited to taste the ChapStick when she heard Chul say, "Oh, Geun, Aron, and Bo, here is the first flavor... You need to put it on your lips and your blindfolded partner will have to taste it from your lips as well! Then the guessing kiss begins!"     

"What?" Ara asked in shock while Geun put on the first ChapStick flavor on his lips.      

"Timer starts now!" Told Chun-Ae, not even giving Ara the time to react.      

Seeing Ara in panic, Geun caressed her cheek and whispered to her ear. He said, "Ara, you need to win the game. Don't be too obvious."     

"Chocolate!" Hae-won announced. She got the first point, making Ara feel the competition.      

Geun had to quickly wipe his mouth and put on the second ChapStick flavor.      

"Second round starts now!" Told Chun-Ae.      

"Cherry!" Yet again Hae-won got the next point. Ara still had not kissed Geun.      

As they prepared for the next round of ChapSticks, Hae-won said, "What's wrong, Ara? Something wrong with Geun? Do you want to switch partners?"     

Ara could see the smirk on Hae-won and the awkward grin of Aron Shim. She knew they were just both arranged for a future marriage. It did not surprise her how the two did not care about the possibility of switching kiss partners!     

"No way! Geun is mine!" Ara announced, returning her blindfold back to her eyes. She was suddenly pumped up and ready.      

"Third round starts now!"     

Ara did not waste time. She had kissed Geun several times that evening anyway. She might as well get used to his taste!      

To get the sweetness of the lip balm, she had to properly part her mouth, and not just peck, tasting the flavor on Geun's mouth.      

Nibbling on Geun's lips, she mumbled, "What is this? What is this?" She practically smothered her lips to Geun's before finally arriving at an answer, "Vanilla Lotte!"     

"One point for Ara!" Said Chul.      

The next round started and Ara did the same, eagerly tasting Geun's lips, figuring out the flavor of the ChapStick. She was so into the task that she did not notice how they were making smacking sounds as they went on with the game.      

"This is so familiar," she said before diving back to Geun's mouth. The entire time, she had her hands on his face, keeping him steady. "Holiday Cinnamon!"     

The game went on for minutes longer, finishing twenty flavors of ChapSticks and Ara won by identifying all fifteen of them.      

On the very last guess, Ara was already feeling hot! She could not understand what was going on with her body, but she felt a strange sensation in her stomach.      

Taking off her blindfold, she turned to Geun with dreamy eyes. The game was already over, but he leaned for another kiss and she took it.      

"You did great, Ara," Geun softly said. His eyes were looking intensely into Ara's.      

"Tha - thank you," barely a whisper, Ara responded, and once again, she received another kiss from Geun.      

"Guys! The game is over!" Said Chul with a chuckle.      

"Let them be, they are a couple!" Added Bo.      

The jealous Hae-won left the scene after seeing how Ara and Geun remained affectionate with each other after the game.     

While the rest of the group were keeping things in order, Geun and Ara remained to stare into each other's eyes, their lips having numbed from all the nibbling they did.      

Geun moved closer, breathing against the side of Ara's face. He said, "Let's go outside."     

Sensing Geun's hot breath, Ara felt chills down her spine. Yet again, she received a kiss from Geun, and only then did she say, "Okay... let's go... outside."     

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