Tricking My Cold Lover

Baby Names?

Baby Names?

0Three months passed since her initial check-up with Dr. Yang, Chan-Mi came back to have another scan.      

Salvi accompanied his fiance during the assessment, and it was later found out that her cyst did not reduce in size at all.     

Dr. Yang ultimately proposed for Chan-Mi to have surgery, otherwise, she would not fall pregnant, considering the position of where the cyst had developed.      

They scheduled it in two days, resulting in Chan-Mi staying in the hospital for a total of four days. It was a mere laparoscopic surgery and while Dr. Yang could allow Chan-Mi to go home after a day, Anton wanted all assessments for Chan-Mi's cyst done before she would leave.      

The findings came back that her cyst was benign; it was a simple cyst that was not at all harmful to her body. It was just unfortunate that the same sac did not reduce in size. It would have meant that Chan-Mi's chances of fertility would greatly be affected if it were not removed.      

After hospitalization, Chan-Mi was expected to return to her usual activity after four to six weeks. In the next few days, she was required to rest her body completely at the Yeongs' mansion and she meant to do so, hoping she could get back into action in no time and make her own set of twins!     

Her surgery ultimately moved their wedding date to a much later month. Everyone would all wind up attending Alexis' wedding first.      

While all this was happening, a storm suddenly struck France, flooding the cities of Paris. The airport runway had debris, leaving it useless for more than a week. It halted Luiz from returning to Korea as he had originally planned. The weather conditions were so bad that even Anton himself advised against traveling.      

Luiz remained in France, suspending his internship in Italy altogether. By the time that skies cleared, Luiz already felt obligated to start his work in Italy outright. It was because another renowned Italian Chef was waiting for him to start promptly or he would be replaced. He meant to request leave in the middle of his second practicum.      

It reached a point where Anton concluded, it was pointless to have Luiz return in the middle of his internship now. Especially since Nari's pregnancy was already at seven months. He started to see the light of waiting another five months for Luiz to return.      

Still, Luiz promised he would ask permission from his new boss, who happened to be Massimo Russo, one of the best chefs in Italy and crowned the king of Italian chefs.      

Anton and Yanmei knew Nari was disappointed with the whole plight. She fell depressed at some point and they knew she wound up arguing with Luiz about it.     

On one occasion, after accompanying Nari from her regular check-up with the doctor, they decided to bring her to the Moreno's home.      

At least, she could find comfort in seeing Luiz's mother. Since Carlos was working, only Rae Bin was home to accommodate the Yeongs.      

While Rae Bin was fixing them a good Brazilian snack, Nari made her way to Luiz's room, and it was there that she cuddled in his bed, wrapping her arms against his pillow.      

Rae Bin kept everything the way it was before, ever since Luiz left, merely washing the sheets of his bed.      

To Nari, it felt like Luiz was there and she did not have to feel so sad about carrying his babies while he was oceans away.      

Nari checked the time and realize Luiz was still probably sleeping. She sighed, thinking of how busy he was. She muttered, "Why did he even have to be assigned to a famous restaurant?"     

On the morning of that day, when Luiz called her, they only spoke for a few minutes. Luiz fell asleep as they were on the phone. That was how tired Luiz was.      

Nari felt sorry for Luiz, but at the same time, because of her growing hormones, she wanted more time and attention from him.      

"Nari?" Rae Bin came inside the room and smile. She found herself on the other side of the bed and sat next to Nari. She said, "So finally the ultrasound is clear this time? You'll have two girls?"     

Pouting her lips, Nari got up with the help of Rae Bin. She sighed and said, "Yes, finally, the doctor confirmed they are both girls."     

Over the past two check-ups, the twins were always curling into a ball that it was difficult for the doctor to confirm their gender. That day, after falling seven months pregnant, they eventually discovered there will be more princesses for Anton to look after.      

Nari was very lucky with her pregnancy. She only had nausea and vomiting to take care of. Overall, her pregnancy was doing well, but still, the doctors advised her to take more rest, now that she was turning eight months.      

"I know that you miss Luiz so much, but please take care of yourself and the babies, Nari," reminded Rae Bin while she pushed back a lock of hair behind Nari's ear. "Remember, you can't have premature babies."     

"I understand, Aunt - I mean, Mom," said Nari.      

"It's okay. You'll get used to calling me that soon enough," assured Rae Bin.      

"Nari, you know, right? If it were not for his internship, Luiz would return to you in a heartbeat," Rae Bin said. "It's just that he had already sacrificed so much, having been away for almost three years. He also feels he just can't stop right when he is so close to being finished."     

"He has to... strike while the iron is hot. Famous chefs are impressed by his performance. He also needed to grab the chance while it was open for him to snag."     

"I know, Mom." A tear fell down Nari's cheeks, and she said, "It's just so sad."     

"Shhhh." Rae Bin embraced Nari and caressed her back. She said, "I, Luiz's mother, swear on my life, my son only loves you and always thinks about you. Everything he is doing is for you."     

"Don't worry. He will return to your side very soon," said Rae Bin. Pulling away and wiping the wetness on her face, Rae Bin suggested, "Why don't you, in the meantime, bet busy and choose baby names!"     

She laughed and said, "Grandma already gave me a book of names!"     

They wound up laughing before Rae Bin also said, "I have already prepared a list of both girls' and boys' names myself. I'll give it to you later for you to choose from."     

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