Tricking My Cold Lover

Oh, My. Wow.

Oh, My. Wow.

0Early in the morning, from inside one bedroom of the Yeongs' estate, a woman's heaving could be heard from the bathroom.      

Nari looked up at the mirror, fluttering her eyes nervously. She panted as she covered her mouth. She sighed, "Oh, my goodness. I'm - I'm done for."     

She puffed her cheeks, blowing air against the mirror of her bathroom wall. She asked herself, "What should I do? Hide in France or tell my parents the truth?"     

It was still six in the morning and nighttime in France. The first thing she did was call Luiz.      

"Nari, I'm heading back to my apartment," said Luiz on the other line. "Can I call you when I reach home? I'm about to walk down the subway - "     

"Luiz, I think I am pregnant," said Nari. "I've been vomiting these past few days and... I've been having some strange cravings and... I told you right? I did not get my monthly visitor."     

There was silence for a moment before Luiz resumed his words. He said, "Well, if that is the case, I badly need to work hard, Nari. I don't ever want your father to look down on me."     

"Please have yourself checked. I wish I could be there with you, but I can ask my mother to help," suggested Luiz.      

"Okay. I'll do that. I'll - I'll buy a pregnancy test first before calling Aunt Bin," said Nari. "I'll call you later."     

"Nari, I love you. I want you to know that I want nothing else but to be with you. We'll get through this," said Luiz.      

From inside her room, Nari nodded, and she said, "I love you too, Luiz."     

Nari wound up leaving early that day for work, dropping by the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy kit. It was from her office that she confirmed her suspicion. She was pregnant and while she swore to bear the consequences; she did not know where or how to tell her parents.      

She asked Luiz's mother to accompany her for a check-up a day after and it was from the medical clinic that she found out about the status of her pregnancy.      

Rae Bin was utterly worried about what Yanmei might think of her son, but at the same time, she knew how much Luiz loved Nari so. She was unsure of how Nari's pregnancy will be received, but all she could think about is giving her son her full support.      

As Nari was lying on the hospital bed, Rae Bin held her hand and said, "Luiz being my only son, I've always wanted a grandchild."     

Nari smiled and said, "Thanks, Aunt. I wish my Dad could say the same, but Mom might be accepting of this. Crossing my fingers!"     

Rae Bin smiled and said, "She might be. She has been talking about being excited to have a grandchild. By the way, Nari, call me Mom. It's - It's bound to happen."     

"Okay, Mom. Thank you," said Nari.      

"Okay, let's check the baby now," said the doctor who walked into the ultrasound room.      

"When was your last ministration?" The doctor asked.      

"Um, about three months ago," admitted Nari.      

"Dear, you should have come sooner because gestational age-wise, you are three months pregnant, but the size of the babies seem to suggest they are a little over two months old - "     

"B - babies?" Nari asked with a frown.      

"Yes, I could tell. I remember my scans with Luiz and his twin." Rae Bin looked at Nari and said, "My dear, it looks like our genes got passed on to you... you have twins!"     

"That means we need to take care of your babies more," said the doctor. "Surprisingly, despite having not taken any vitamins, the pregnancy seems healthy - "     

"I - I eat healthily," said Nari. "And we are a vitamins buff. I eat a lot of vegetables too."     

"That's good, but we can't take the risk. You need to have more vitamins for the care of your baby and you need to have a lot of rest and sleep to help them grow," suggested the doctor.     

"Nari, we can't have them come out prematurely. You know the consequences, right?" Rae Bin reminded. After all, Luiz was always a speaker of her preemie foundation. She was constantly reminded of their struggles as they grew old.      

"Yes - yes, Mom. I understand," said Nari. She glanced at the scans as saw two small shapes of babies floating in separate sacs. While she was nervous, she found herself smiling and a tear easily fell down her cheek.      

Turning to Rae Bin, she said, "It feels weird, Mom."     

"It's natural love, dear," said Rae Bin. "I also cried during my first scan."     

Right after Nari's check-up, Rae Bin invited Nari to their home, and it was there that Luiz's father, Carlos Moreno, learned of Nari's pregnancy.      

From the dining table, he sighed and said, "I did not see that coming. I've always thought Luiz was a saint."     

Carlos looked at Nari before asking, "When are we going to tell your parents?"     

Nari pursed her lips. She took a deep breath before saying, "I - I don't know, Uncle. I'm still thinking about the right time. Chan-Mi is getting preparing for her wedding - "     

"We can't hide it for long, Nari," said Rae Bin. "Moreover, your parents will be more disappointed not only with you but with us if we keep it a secret."     

"Okay, I'll - I'll schedule it for this weekend," said Nari.      

Despite the plans of telling her parents about her pregnancy, something always came up. Both Anton and Yanmei failed to grant the time to Rae Bin and Carlos.      

Everyone was busy with their own routine that it was only after another two weeks that Nari, at least found the courage to speak to her Mom.      

She once again invited her to cuddle with her on her bed.      

"Nari, why am I here?" Yanmei asked, turning to face Nari's small face.      

"Mom, I love you," said Nari.      

"You are scaring me," said Yanmei.     

"Mom, remember you said how giving birth to noona was the most beautiful day of your life?" Nari reminded Yanmei.      

A frown formed on Yanmei's face. She pursed her lips, and she said, "O-k-a-y? Sure, it was true for all of you, but the circumstances were different."     

"Well, I - will be... experiencing the same thing soon," Nari said before sneering.      

Yanmei was silent for seconds before she took a deep breath. She said, "Oh... boy."     

"I have twins," Nari revealed.      

"Oh... my," said Yanmei before she lay on her back. She took a deep breath and added, "Wow."     

"I have been wanting to have grandkids," admitted Yanmei after a minute of turning mute.      

"So I've heard," said Nari shyly.      

"Your grandma will be ecstatic," told Yanmei.      

"Exactly, Mom. This is all for you and grandma," Nari said before pouting her lips.      

"Oh, so I'm supposed to thank you, now?" Yanmei asked, rolling her eyes at her daughter.     

"Please help me with Dad, Mom," said Nari.      

Yanmei gazed up to the ceiling for some time and after massaging her temples, she said, "Well, this kind of thing needs women's power. You are going to have to ask your grandma to take your side too, Nari. Mommy Soon and I, are going to have to join our forces."     

"Thanks, Mom," said Nari. "And I'm sorry again."     

"How far along are you?" Yanmei softly asked.      

"The doctor said, gestational age is three months... two weeks ago," told Nari.      

"Oh, my... Wow. Six months and I'm going to be a grandma," said Yanmei.      

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