Tricking My Cold Lover

Two More Years?

Two More Years?

0The day finally came when Luiz would leave Nari's side again. The Two were standing at the airport, right before Luiz was bound to check-in for his flight.      

It was deja vu for Nari all over again that she cried over the idea of missing Luiz for another year.      

With arms around each other, both Nari and Luiz stole kisses from each other's cheeks before sharing a long and lasting kiss.      

"Luiz, I'll - I'll try to convince Dad that I would come after you, okay? Hopefully, he- he would allow me," she softly said, pressing her lips in the side of his face.      

"It's okay, Nari. I'd really rather work my ass off while I am away from you," he said in response.      

His words granted a frown from Nari and she responded, "Why would you not want me to visit?"     

"Because I want to have enough for both of us when I return, Nari." Luiz pulled away from the embrace. He held both her arms and said, "You understand, Nari. Right?"     

"One year will fly by so fast, you won't even notice it," said Luiz. "We will always talk and we will always call each other."     

Seeing Nari's puffed eyes, he pulled her closer to his embrace, and he said, "Come here. You are spoiled as always, wanting everything."     

Burying her face into Luiz's chest, she said, "What's wrong with that? Maybe you did spoil me? I'm just want to be with you. What's wrong with that?"     

Nari and Luiz maintained to hug each other for minutes more while under the observing eyes of Chan-Mi, Geun, Anton, and Yanmei. They all stood five feet away from them.      

Salvi was still at the hospital and while his recent laboratories came back with positive results of his recuperation, he still had to linger for another two days just for observation.      

Luiz had had a proper goodbye with Salvi, however, dropping by the hospital before heading to the airport with everyone from the Yeongs.      

While Yanmei and Chan-Mi were equally sentimental for the parting of Luiz and Nari, Geun kept shaking his head. He was ashamed of the public display of affection.      

Anton, on the other hand, forced himself to look elsewhere. He timed their moment to another ten minutes, recalling his wife's regular scolding about being too nosy.      

"Ten, nine, eight, seven, six," Anton was doing a countdown for when he would turn around. To his dismay, he caught Nari and Luiz kissing!     

He just could not take it any longer and he walked in to separate the two. He said, "Enough. People are staring."     

"I don't care about other people, Dad," said Nari while catching her breath.      

"Haven't you both had a proper goodbye? We practically left you alone for two days! Surely, you have had everything covered," said Anton.      

"Goodbye, Uncle. Take care of Nari," said Luiz.      

"Boy, you don't tell me how to take care of my daughter," said Anton. "Go now, Luiz, and make reach your dreams."     

He urged Nari to go to Yanmei's side before he turned to Luiz.      

Anton never really had his one on one with Luiz. For some reason, his wife was so horny over the past two days. It was surprising yet; he delighted in the situation. He determined it was him before Luiz!     

In that few minutes of time with him, he gestured Luiz to the one corner, and it was there that he said, "Luiz. While I accept you as the ideal man for my daughter, there is one thing you need to be before you marry my daughter."     

He pointed a finger at him and with narrowing eyes, he said, "You need to at least be a millionaire. Make it happen."     

Luiz gulped at the idea. He wondered how many years will he become a millionaire? He cleared his throat and said, "I - I will do my best, uncle."     

"And don't worry, about Nari. I will keep her safe from other boys out there. You don't even need to hurry, returning to Korea," said Anton with a mischievous grin. "Say, about two more years?"     

'Two years?' He thought to himself.      

"Mine? Mine? What are you talking to Luiz about?" Yanmei immediately rushed to Anton's side, afraid of what her husband was about to ask Luiz.      

"It's nothing. I just had some last-minute reminders for Luiz," said Anton. He patted Luiz's back and said, "reach your dreams."     

They all watched as Luiz walked to the check-in counter and before he disappeared to the gates, he waved at everyone goodbye.      

The family lingered around the airport, having coffee at the nearby cafe for some time. They only left after Luiz called Nari, telling her that he was boarding his flight.      

From inside a six-door Audi, a driver drove the entire family back to the hospital. They meant to have dinner with Salvi together with Spinello.      

It was there that Anton brought up their return to Korea, "So Nari, you don't have to stay longer in Italy. Luiz has already left. Since we are here, you can return with us."     

"Great! I want to go home too!" Announced Geun. "I miss - "     

"We know. We know. You miss Ara," teased Chan-Mi.      

"What? I never said anything about Ara. I miss grandma and grandma and Korea! Dad? Will you please tell them? Ara is my aid!" Geun asked for help from his father.      

"Girls, girls. What are you trying to put into your brother's head? Geun, will be the CEO of JKW and Yeongs Guns and Ammos," said Anton. "He is not interested in women!"     

"And Ara is the same. She is definitely NOT! Not interested in Geun in that way," said Anton, shaking his head. "Trust me on this. Besides, her grandfather is already planning to set her for marriage when she turns twenty-five. It's a young hotel heir in Busan."     

Anton had a smile from ear to ear as he announced this, but everyone else fell silent. To Geun, he only heard the anxiety in his chest. He asked, "What did you say, Dad?"     

"Arranged marriage. Her grandfather wanted to arrange her for marriage," told Anton. "Didn't Ara tell you?"     

"I'm not staying here. I want to go back to Korea," said Geun with a bitter tone.      

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