Tricking My Cold Lover

Whose Side?

Whose Side?

0While Anton and Yanmei were on vacation back in the Maldives, he received a call for help from Chun-Ho. This was before they lost their mobiles altogether.      

"Yeong, I never thought I would have problems after reconnecting with Byeol's father, but right now, he is at it again. Just like when he wanted Byeol to marry into another rich heir, he also wants Ara to marry into the Shim family, a rising hotelier in Busan," revealed Chun-Ho.     

"To think Ara is still in college! He even wants Ara to meet the Shim's only heir before this month ends! What do I do with this?" Chun-Ho said. "Yeong, you have to help me. This is my princess we are talking about."     

While holding his phone up, Anton cleared his throat and said, "Well, hello Chun-Ho. It's nice of you to greet me. How about asking me first how is my vacation?"     

Chun-Ho ended up coughing. He awkwardly answered, "Oh, right. How are you, Yeong? How is your vacation?"     

"Everything good? Good to hear! As expected of a well-planned vacation of Anton Yeong," Chun-Hi answered for Anton.      

"Why the hell are you answering for me? Are you in a hurry to get right into a business? You are forgetting that you should also check on your boss?" Anton immediately responded with touches of sarcasm.      

He waited for Chun-Ho to repeat the same line of questioning before he finally answered, "Well, Chun-Ho. You did not really have to check on me. But if you insist on knowing, we are having the time of our lives."     

"You should bring Byeol here again for a vacation now that Ara is old enough. You can leave her in our care," added Anton.      

"Yesterday, we had a barbecue at the beachfront. It was amazing. Sometimes, we just watch as the sun would set," narrated Anton. He went to the marvel at the sight of the Indian Ocean, resuming his tale to Chun-Ho. He practically spent half an hour, consuming Chun-Ho's long-distance call, just to brag about his honeymoon with Yanmei.      

At the end of his tale, he sighed and said, "Anyway, about your concern. I'll call your father-in-law and tell him that Ara is also my goddaughter. Don't worry, he won't rush into marrying Ara to anyone."     

He could hear Chun-Ho sigh from the other line. "Thank you, Yeong. I knew I could count on you."     

"You are welcome, Chun-Ho, and don't forget, you have the Yeongs on your side. I understand how the Chais hold more power than you, but remember that you are part of us. You must not be afraid to use my name. I will always back you up," told Anton. "Goodbye, now. Don't forget to check on me again,"     

"Ah, okay, Yeong," answered Chun-Ho.      


Back to Present.      

Geun had never been so grumpy in his life. The weather in Italy turned bad that even their private plane could not fly back to Korea. The weather forecast also suggested that all flights would have to be cancelled in the next five days.      

When he returned to the hotel the other day, right after sending Luiz off. He immediately called Ara. No matter how late in the evening it was, he pestered her with many calls.      

They only wound up in an argument, for Ara wanted to sleep.      

It was only in the morning when Ara gave him a proper explanation. She told Geun that she never knew of her grandfather's plan, and she did not care much about it. It was a suggestion that her father, Chun-Ho, did not intend to accept.      

Still, out of respect for her grandfather, she agreed to meet the heir of the Shims.      

Since Salvi was already getting out of the hospital, the Yeongs accepted the hospitality of the Bianchi's. They relocated to their mansion right after lunch.      

Anton concluded it was also a good way to assess the Bianchi's wealth as well as find the opportunity to meet Spinello's relatives.      

From the second level balcony of the Bianchi's home, Geun had been walking back and forth, seemingly on the phone.      

"Are you calling Ara again, Geun? Because, if I were here, I'd find you incredibly irritating by now," Nari teased while sipping on hot coffee.      

"I need to tell her that our flight got cancelled!" Geun said, snapping at Nari.      

"Do you even know what time is it in Korea? Ara sleeps really early. She is probably in dreamland!" Told Nari.      

"Finally! My goodness, sentinel, don't you ever remember to set my ringtone to another one?" Geun said, raising his hand up in the air.      

"Listen to me and listen to me carefully," said Geun, not giving Ara a chance to speak. "Tell your grandfather that I do not allow you to meet that heir of the Shims!"     

"Why?" That was all that Ara said while yawning. "Do you know what time is it here? Geun? It's time to sleep."     

"Just!" He nearly lost his temper, raising his voice. "Just wait until I get back, okay?"     

"Well, grandpa wants me to meet the dude this weekend, and I already agreed so, duh! It's just a meeting anyway," told Ara. "Goodnight Geun. I'm turning my phone off and will you please have a life? You are on vacation for crying out loud!"     

"Ara, don't you dare put the phone down - " It was too late. Ara dropped the call on Geun and when he tried to call again, her phone was switched off.      

"Dammit, Ara! She is so hardheaded!" Declared Geun.      

"Oooohh! Aron Shim, the heir to the new Shims Holiday resorts in Busan!" Nari said while checking the man on her phone. "Twenty-four years old and one of the most eligible bachelors in the city!"     

Nari gave Geun a wink and an "Okay" sign before telling, "He is... hot!"     

"Of course, not any hotter than Luiz!" She immediately took back her word, in comparison to Luiz. She acted to shift windows from her phone and said, "Check this out, Ara your future husband is a hottie!"     

"What the fuck, Nari!" Geun wound up kicking her phone, and it flew across the room. "Whose side are you on, Nari?!"     

Utterly frowning, Nari asked, "Is there a... side? Whose side?"      

Nari ended up laughing hysterically at her brother's predicament. She announced, "The iceberg has melted!"     

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