Tricking My Cold Lover

Can't Let Go

Can't Let Go

0What really made Chan-Mi more upset was how her father brought it up, testing Salvi in the middle of their dinner with the Bianchis. She would have probably just ignored his actions if it were just in front of Salvi and her uncle Spinello. At least, the two were used to her father's tendencies.      

Considering the plans to get married was not an easy one, the truth was, she and Salvi would probably tie the knot when she turns twenty-seven. After all, they did not have a date yet, nor have they decided on a single detail of their wedding.      

Of course, anytime before her birthday would be much more gratifying.      

She had always followed her father's advice and requests. Rarely did she break the rules, but to Chan-Mi's point of view, it was getting tiring. She felt like her Dad was rubbing it in their faces how he had full control, making conditions, changing his mind, and coming up with new excuses.      

Chan-Mi had to admit, her Dad was cunning in many ways.      

Rolling to lie on her back, she muttered, "Well, except for no sex before marriage." She sneered while wiping her tears. "But if it were for me to decide, I would have married my Amore this year!"     

Just as she was thinking this, she cried again. She never wanted to hurt her dad either, but she was starting to feel deprived of her happiness.      

She wound up howling in tears, gasping for air as she returned to cover her face with a pillow.      

Eventually, she heard her father call out from outside her door. "Chan-Mi? Sweetheart, are you angry at me?"     

Of course, she knew he could come for her, but she wasn't ready to face him yet. She tried her best to stop the streaming on her face, but it took a while for her to compose herself.      

When she opened the door, she immediately said, "What do you want, Dad? I get it, you win. I'll wait for next year, but after Salvi and I get married, I want to live in Italy, not in Korea."     

"Chan-Mi, please," said Anton.     

"Dad, please. I don't want to talk about it," she said with her eyes watering again.     

Anton stopped her from shutting the door. He said, "Let's talk about this, baby. Please. I'm sorry."     

"Dad, you say sorry now and you'll trick me into believing you somewhat agree and then you'll change your mind again," said Chan-Mi.      

"I won't. I promise. Please, let's talk," said Anton while forcing his way in.      

Anton put both his hands on her cheeks and repeated, "I'm sorry. I really am." He suddenly felt wistful and his eyes became watery. "It's just that every day I see my baby growing up. It just seems like I haven't had all the time with you yet."     

"But seeing you cry and be hurt, I realize how wrong I was," he finally admitted. He embraced his daughter and asked, "Please forgive me, Chan-Mi. I promise I will never stand in your way any longer."     

Chan-Mi scoffed and said, "Yeah, right. Dad."     

"I promise, Chan-Mi. Come what may. I had already told your Mom this. Come what may," he said. "Just don't... Just stay in Korea with me and your Mom."      

"Right... across the street," he made it clear. "Not too far. You know when we could still have breakfast together."     

Chan-Mi was supposed to be angry, but she wound up chuckling while letting go of his hold. She said, "Gosh, Daddy. You'll never change, but at least you'll agree now if we officially announce our engagement?"     

Anton did not recall how many times he cleared his throat, but soon enough, he closed his eyes for a second and he said, "Yes. That's fine, but Salvi needs to give you a proper proposal."     

"He will, Dad. He is just waiting for the ring to finish," said Chan-Mi.      

"What? That man has no element of surprise," said Anton. "Not thrilling at all."     

"Baby, I swear. If you really want to then you can start... planning for the wedding," he suggested. "I'll give you an entire book of things you need to plan for the event."     

"An entire book?" Chan-Mi asked.      

"Yes, baby. You see, you have to plan out the venue, the colors - whatever, chose the right officiant, chose the cake, make a guest list." Anton sighed and said, "Sometimes, it takes a year to finalize everything."     

"So your suggestion still leaves me to get married next year?" She said, this time putting her hands on her waist.     

"Ummm." He gulped down his own spew and then sighed. "Come what may, sweetheart, but I must insist that you brush up on your self-defense. Both you and Salvi had been to focus on your businesses lately. You haven't even gone to the gun factory for months."     

"Okay, dad," said Chan-Mi. She hugged him again and said, "And I'm sorry too."     

She gasped and shed another tear before revealing, "You just made me really angry earlier."     

"So you swear not to get in our way? You won't make excuses anymore?" She repeated, leaning back and looking at her father's expression. She wanted to see the sincerity in his eyes.      

Anton gave a nod and said, "yes, Chan-Mi, I won't anymore. I don't ever want to see you cry because of me. Come what may, but don't too it too abruptly." He shrugged and added, "As long as you give me time to adjust."     

"But what if I want to get married tomorrow?!" Chan-Mi revealed.      

Anton chuckled and said, "Tomorrow? Don't you think that is such a rush? Sweetheart, give me one very good reason why you would abruptly marry tomorrow."     

Chan-Mi was in deep thought, trying to find the best answer. She wasn't really sure if she was doing the right thing, but she had to test the waters.      

"Ummm." She said with her brows furrowed. "Salvi and I made love, and he needs to take responsibility? I might be pregnant?"     

Yes, it was a risk, but regardless of her father would get angry, nothing will make her change her mind. She only wanted to be with Salvi. By hook or by crook, she will marry Salvi. It was just a matter of time.      

At first, Anton was silent. His mouth fell agape and his brows knitted together. He scoffed and studied Chan-Mi's face. He noticed how serious she looked.     

Out of nowhere, he laughed and said, "Haha! That was a good one." He pointed a finger at Chan-Mi and said, "You almost got me there. Haha! Pregnant to get married right away!"     

A sigh escaped Chan-Mi's lips. She told the truth, but her father was in denial. She said, "Clearly, you can't let go."     

"Tell you what, Chan-Mi, if a miracle - an obvious sign would reveal to us, then I would completely let go," teased Anton.      

"A sign? What about the fact that we have been together for two years and have known each other for long?" She asked.      

"Yeah, and that too," said Anton. "Let's wait for the sign."     

He pecked on Chan-Mi's forehead and said, "In the meantime, let me keep you by my side for as long as... when come what may would happen."     

Chan-Mi sighed again.      

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